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Thread: Problema complicata cu Intel Raid 5

  1. #1 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar

    Problema complicata cu Intel Raid 5

    Well, i'm kinda screwed... Am avut ceva probleme cu controller-ul RAID Intel RS2BL080 acum o saptamana si ceva. A ajuns la service, s-a schimbat... iar cea "noua" mi-a facut o figura de am innebunit. Mai exact, imi spune ca nu mai am niciun fel de RAID iar toate cele 6 drive-uri sunt "Unconfigured Good". Am expuse problema pe larg pe forumul Intel, dar se pare ca acolo nu se agita nimeni (am mai postat ceva acum aproximativ 2 ani, si desi a primit mii de vizualizari, n-am avut niciun raspuns)... asa ca am spus sa incerc si la noi, poate exista vreun expert ascuns ce ar putea da o mana de ajutor.

    Dau un copy paste la problema pe larg... expusa dupa o noapte lunga de nesomn si crize:
    My Raid Controller Intel RS2BL080 died on me about a week ago. It was simply refusing to boot saying there is no HDD detected and wanted me to power off each time (with no option to enter the configuration utility). I have sent the card to RMA and in a week or so i received another one (after looking at serial numbers and codes, the one i received seems like an older board, maybe even a refurbished one).

    Anyway, i have installed the controller i just received, and after booting for the first time, it detected my Virtual Drive (i had 6 x 2TB drives in RAID 5). I booted into the OS, checked my files and i was really happy to see my 10TB of data are still there and OK. But then... my Intel Raid Controller proved me how wrong i was!

    I powered down the system and closed the computer case (considering it was a job well done). Powering on the system though... i get this message: "All of the disks from your previous configuration are gone. If this is an unexpected message, then please power off your system and check your cables to ensure all disks are present. Press any key to continue, or press "C" to load the configuration utility."

    I have checked and rechecked all the cables. I even moved the RS2BL080 card into another PCI Express slot (just to be sure). It detects all my drives correctly, but there is no RAID 5 (or virtual drive).

    I have tried to enter the configuration utility (and then RAID Web Console 2) but there is no Virtual Drive and all my 6 drives are seen as Unconfigured Good. I have also tried to import a Foreign Configuration (as stated in Intel manual), but all i received was "No foreign configuration is found". I can also see in logs the only warning beeing "Controller ID: 0 Previous configuration completely missing at boot".

    I have decided to update the firmware, hoping that the updated one will work better and detect my old configuration. It didn't help at all...

    What else can i do now? I am afraid the "new" Intel RAID card just made me lose all my data... and that would definitely kill me and my job.
    Orice idee constructiva e binevenita... Daca pierd datele respective, nu mai auziti de mine...

  2. #2 SP
    You're PARROTS Dudel's Avatar
    Nu pot ajuta dar pune intrebarea si pe stackoverflow. Acolo sunt chiar saritori oamenii
    Also, pe Google zicea:
    Did you upgrade from one controller to another? If so, you need to import the configuration.

  3. #3 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Dap, dupa cum am si scris, controllerul a fost schimbat in garantie. Cel "nou" este exact acelasi model. Stiu ca in mod normal, atunci cand schimbi controller-ul, chiar daca este acelasi model, array-ul fiind pe disk-uri si nu in controller, acesta ar fi trebuit sa detecteze "Foreign configuration" si sa o import manual.

    Din pacate, la mine nu a detectat niciun fel de foreign configuration.... a mers totul ok, pana la reboot. Ba chiar a facut un patrol read (care a durat aproximativ 7 ore) dupa care mi-a spus ca totul e OK. Dupa reboot insa, array-ul a disparut complet, si nu mai am nicio configuratie.

    Am stat azi aproximativ 3 ore cu cei de la Intel pe chat-ul de support... fara nicio solutie. Singurul lucru pe care mi-au zis ca-l pot face, este sa incerc sa creez eu o noua configuratie, identica cu cea veche, doar ca la sfarsit sa nu dau Initialize.

    Problema este ca la aceasta solutie, mi-au zis "There is a chance to lose all your data by doing this!". Asa ca i-am zis PASS.

    Imi pare al naibii de rau, ca daca stiam ca dupa reboot dispare, apucam sa-mi fac backup macar la ce era mai important. Insa cine Dzeu sa creada ca un astfel de controller scump va pierde array-ul...

  4. #4 SP
    Member Hitman's Avatar
    backup backup backup, dupa care mai faci un backup la backup Am patit-o la o firma cu un server micut cu 2 hdd-uri puse in raid. Au crapat amandoua din senin, serverul fiind pe UPS si nefiind nici o cadere de tensiune sau chestii de genul. Asa ca....backup backup... in continuare stii povestea

  5. #5 SP
    Senior Member RaverX's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by hitmandmc View Post
    backup backup backup, dupa care mai faci un backup la backup Am patit-o la o firma cu un server micut cu 2 hdd-uri puse in raid. Au crapat amandoua din senin, serverul fiind pe UPS si nefiind nici o cadere de tensiune sau chestii de genul. Asa ca....backup backup... in continuare stii povestea
    Si cu ce ajuta sfatul tau acum?

    MonkY, nu-s expert, dar am patit ceva similar cu un controller SAS (culmea, tot de la Intel) si 3 harduri Fujitsu in RAID5. La mine rezolvarea a fost simpla, mai aveam inca 6 harduri identice, am luat 3 din ele si le-am conectat la controller, am facut o matrice RAID5, dupa care am conectat hardurile vechi inapoi si totul a fost ok.

    La tine s-ar putea sa fie o problema ca sa faci rost de 6 harduri de 2 TB, plus ca nu ai garantie ca o sa fie pastrate datele dupa ce conectezi hardurile vechi.

  6. #6 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Pana la urma mi-am calcat pe suflet si am incercat solutia cu "ori la bal, ori la spital". Adicatalea, ori pierdeam tot, ori se rezolva. Si din fericire s-a rezolvat. Mai exact, am recreat array-ul (noroc ca mai stiam exact cu ce marime de sector si ce setari era pt. acel RAID5) fara sa fac initializare. Acum i-am dat drumul la un backup dupa partitia respectiva... si mai departe om vedea ce o fi.

  7. #7 SP
    Senior Member AlanPoe's Avatar
    Bravo Maestre! Am tot vazut ca ai recuperat, apoi ca de fapt n-ai recuperat si nici nu stii daca poti. In sfarsit...

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