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Thread: Intrebari sau probleme care nu necesita deschiderea unui thread

  1. #661 SP
    Member chesterb's Avatar
    la ce ar trebuie să mă uit când îmi cumpăr un ps3 sh?

  2. #662 SP
    Vires Intus eagle-eye's Avatar
    La TV.

  3. #663 SP
    Member chesterb's Avatar
    tu ia sictir cu linguriţa.

  4. #664 SP
    Senior Member Espiritus's Avatar
    Slim sau super slim, versiunea grasa in niciun caz. Daca e slim, cu atat mai bine. Nici super slim nu e rau, dar plasticul pare ieftin si, desi eu nu am avut probleme cu consola mea, unii se plang de "serious framerate/stutter/lag issues in offline gaming". Conteaza unde si cum a fost tinuta, ceea ce nu poti sa stii decat daca il cunosti pe cel de la care o cumperi.

  5. #665 SP
    Member chesterb's Avatar
    am înţeles, mulţumesc.

  6. #666 SP
    Senior Member tudomih's Avatar
    Exista diferente intre jocurile free to play de pe PSN UK si de pe PSN US ?

  7. #667 SP
    Member rascalov's Avatar
    Am o nelamurire.
    Daca ma poate ajuta cineva, ii multumesc anticipat.
    Care este diferenta intre 3G si 4G?
    Daca am la tableta 4G, pot folosi internet de pe SIM Digi 3G?

  8. #668 SP
    Senior Member adibose's Avatar
    diferenta consta in viteza. daca ai tableta cu 4G o poti folosi in sistem 3G fara nicio problema. invers nu merge.

  9. #669 SP
    Member svg's Avatar
    De ce nu pot sa deschid linkurile spre youtube postate pe forum din tapatalk?

  10. #670 SP
    Senior Member iry's Avatar
    Alea care au 'https'' si nu 'http'' nu merg deschise, cel putin la mine.

  11. #671 SP
    Senior Member Zero's Avatar
    A comandat cineva vreun produs din SUA prin intermediul acestui site : ?
    Niste pareri, daca se poate ?


  12. #672 SP
    Vires Intus eagle-eye's Avatar
    Stie cineva vreo sala de forta/fitness prin centru in Bucuresti sau pe langa vreo statie de metrou care sa indeplineasca urmatoarele conditii:
    - sa coste pana in 150 lunar (chiar si cu reducere de student)
    - sa nu fie prea mica
    - sa nu fie foarte aglomerata, gen sa stai la coada la vreun aparat (mai ales seara, de obicei atunci se aglomereaza, dar atunci ies de la facultate)

  13. #673 SP
    Member chesterb's Avatar
    tu sala?

    vezi Gym Style Fitness de la Brâncoveanu. E la 2 minute de la metrou.

  14. #674 SP
    Senior Member FishyBon3's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Zero View Post
    A comandat cineva vreun produs din SUA prin intermediul acestui site : ?
    Niste pareri, daca se poate ?

    Uite aici, a mai intrebat un coleg forumist de el.Si eu sunt curios daca merge, as vrea sa fac o precomanda...

  15. #675 SP
    Member MihneaWii's Avatar
    Salutare, sunt curios de ceva. Am tot vazut ca la jocurile de PS3 se specifica zona 2 sau ma rog... Wth is that ?

  16. #676 SP
    Senior Member Csander's Avatar
    Este vorba despre ceea ce se numeste "regional lockout", mai multe detalii gasesti aici:
    The PlayStation and PlayStation 2 consoles are region-locked.

    All PlayStation 3 games except for one are region free. Even though publishers could choose to region-lock specific games based on a mechanism that allows for the game to query the model of the PS3, none did so during the first six years after the launch of PS3. The first game to be region-locked on PS3 is Persona 4 Arena; publisher Atlus declined to reverse its decision despite substantial outcry by some of their fanbase. The decision was made to avoid excessive importing, because all versions of the game share the same features and language support, but have differing price points and release dates in each region. Way of the Samurai 3 is also region-locked but only on Slim models. There is region locking for backwards-compatible PlayStation and PlayStation 2 games, as well as DVD and Blu-ray Disc movies. Additionally, some games separate online players per region, such as Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. PlayStation Store only contains content for its own country, for example the EU store will not supply usable map packs for an imported US copy of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. In addition, downloadable content for the PlayStation 3 systems is region-matched with the game, so you need to buy DLC from US PlayStation Store to use it in a US game. More specifically, the PS3's file system includes region-of-origin, so DLC cannot be shared between different region games much like save files cannot. Also, the PSN Store is tied down on a per-account basis to each user's PSN account, and payment methods for PSN is also region-locked. For example, A user with a Japanese PSN account will only be able to access the Japanese PSN store despite owning on a US PS3, and can only pay for a game with a Japanese PSN gift card or Japanese credit card. However, with a few rare exceptions, notably Joysound Dive, downloaded content from each PSN store are also region free, as are PSOne and PS2 classics offered on the store.

    PlayStation Portable has no region locking for UMD games; however UMD movies are locked by region. However, Sony has confirmed that it is possible to implement Region-Locking on the PSP, and the firmware will disable features based on region. For example, Asian region PSPs will not display the "Extras" option on the XMB despite having been upgraded to the US version of Firmware 6.20, preventing owners of such PSPs from installing the Comic Book Viewer and the TV Streaming applications. Sony's states that the "Extras" function will remain disabled on Asian PSPs until the features are officially launched in the region and gives no reason for the option being disabled aside from that it is not yet launched. Nevertheless, this prevents Asian PSP owners from using the above-mentioned applications on Asian PSPs, as the applications are installed through a PC; and users from the region are not blocked from downloading the application, allowing installation on non-Asian PSPs that have been imported into the region.

    The PlayStation Vita and PlayStation Vita TV have no region-locked games thus far. Sony has confirmed however that it is possible for developers to do so.

    As per its predecessor, PlayStation 4 will not be region-locked, although it is still possible to develop region-locked games. However Sony's official stand is that they discourage developers from region-locking and will only relent on special cases (as with the PS3 Persona 4 Arena exception mentioned above).

  17. #677 SP
    Senior Member Danny's Avatar
    Stie cineva cat sta un pachet comandat de pe ebay in tara?

    A venit la ora 12 postasul la mine si mi-a spus sa merg repede in Resita (20km de mine), pana la ora 1 sa imi ridic coletul. Pe foaie scrie ca trebuie sa merg miercuri si vineri intre orele 10-12. Ok, am plecat grabit, ajung acolo si ma ia la misto postarita. Ca eu nu stiu sa citesc, scrie clar pe bilet ca pana la ora 12, vamesu nu sta dupa toti.... Am asteptat o luna dupa un pachet si mai o saptamana sta in Romania, vineri e sarbatoare. + inca unul care sunt convins ca tot asa o sa se intample.

  18. #678 SP
    Senior Member cashonly's Avatar
    salutare, isi mai aminteste cineva de acum cativa ani? a fost o campanie de vaccinare la nivel national. mai stiti pentru ce era vaccinul si de ce nu se mai aude nimic despre el acum? oare ce o sa se petreaca cu cei vaccinati, dar cu cei nevaccinati?

  19. #679 SP
    Member chesterb's Avatar
    gripa aviară? NH1N1?

  20. #680 SP
    Vires Intus eagle-eye's Avatar
    Stie cineva cum sa compresezi un video de ~18 Gb incat sa-l poti urca lejer pe YT, dar fara sa-i taie foarte mult din calitate?

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