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Thread: Life is Strange 2

  1. #1 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar

    Life is Strange 2

    Avem thread si review pentru primul joc din serie si review pentru primul episod din 2. Ar fi cazul sa avem thread separat unde sa discutam despre aventurile fratilor Sean si Daniel.

    Daca aveti Xbox One, Life is Strange (complet), Life is Strange: Before the Storm (complet) si Life is Strange 2 (episoadele 1, 2, 3) sunt disponibile cu Xbox Game Pass.

    Episodul 4 s-a lansat pe 22 august, episodul 5 se lanseaza pe 3 decembrie.

    Quote Originally Posted by Square Enix
    The moment many of you have been waiting for. Life is Strange 2 is getting a physical release on Xbox One, PS4 and PC!
    It’s a fantastic way to begin and remember your journey forever - in tangible form sitting very attractively on your shelf, as all good mementos do! It’s also a great way to introduce your friends and family to the long, emotive road to Puerto Lobos. How will your journeys compare?
    The physical release will be available December 3rd, 2019 in Europe, and February 4th, 2020 in the Americas. It will come in two flavours – the Life is Strange 2 Standard Edition and the Life is Strange 2 Collector’s Edition.

    The Standard Edition is priced at £34.99/€39.99/$39.99 and will contain:
    · The Complete Season - Episodes 1-5 of Life is Strange 2
    · Bonus Game - The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit
    · Arcadia Bay Patches - These items let you customize Sean’s in-game backpack!

    The Collector’s Edition is priced at £64.99/€69.99/$69.99, and will contain:
    · The Complete Season - Episodes 1-5 of Life is Strange 2
    · Bonus Game: The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit
    · Arcadia Bay Patches
    · Jonathan Morali’s official score - 4x 7 inch Vinyl Box Set featuring the game’s amazing original music
    · 32-page hardcover artbook - featuring concept art from Life is Strange 2
    · 4 inch/10cm Sean and 3 inch/8cm Daniel vinyl figurines
    · Collector’s Edition presentation box

    The Collector’s Edition will be exclusive to the Square Enix Store, and available to the UK, Europe and the Americas on the dates mentioned previously.
    And to address the Mantroid in the room – the different release dates. It’s nothing personal, we love you all equally.
    Different countries have different requirements when it comes to rating the content on the discs, and in some cases, this means that a game (or Episode) can’t be rated until it’s complete and submitted, even if it’s not on the disc, which is why the game will be releasing later in the Americas.
    We wanted the physical edition to be available on the same date as the digital release of Episode 5 on December 3rd – so Episodes 1 to 4 are on the disc, and Episode 5 will be supplied as a download on all platforms. The complete game clocks in at around 65GB of content, and Xbox and PS4 discs top out at 50GB of capacity, which means that Episode 5 will always be a download in every territory, including the Americas.
    With Life is Strange 2 we understand that some players may have been waiting for the final episode to release before diving into the game, and that in an ideal world, those holding out for the physical release wouldn’t want to wait longer than those playing digitally.
    We wanted to give as many people as possible the opportunity to choose between a digital and physical box full season release on December 3rd, but for the reasons touched on above, we aren’t able to provide a simultaneous release in every territory.

    The only alternative was to push every release date back to February 4th, 2020. As Life is Strange fans, you’ll know that struggling with hard choices is at the core of what we do – this was one we agonised over!
    In the end, we decided a split release was the best way to give the most players the widest amount of choice. For those of you in the Americas who are already playing digitally, or who have been waiting for the game’s full release on digital platforms before diving in, have no fear: the upcoming Season Finale will launch digitally everywhere on December 3rd.

    Life is Strange 2 is available to buy digitally on Xbox One, PS4 and Steam. Physical boxed editions are available to pre-order now, from Additional retailer links will be added to this page as they go live.
    We’re approaching the end of the Life is Strange 2 road, but there’s still so much to see before your choices lead you to your grand finale!
    The Life is Strange team
    Life is Strange — Announcing the Life is Strange 2 Boxed Edition
    Attached Images Attached Images tumblr_329221bd4f279f8ee30644bde28989f1_ea7d8c64_1280.jpg tumblr_100e2c89b4ccae17dc82065277cfa1af_b0b44e13_1280.png tumblr_00426c3bdee98846b95156aeced8d3b9_de1ef9c3_1280-650x650.png

  2. #2 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Foarte interesant pretul pentru CE cu acele 4 vinyl-uri
    Sper sa-l aduca si la noi.

  3. #3 SP
    Vires Intus eagle-eye's Avatar
    Whew, chiar ca misto pretul, as fi dat banii aia doar pentru viniluri

  4. #4 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Episodul 4 acum este pe Xbox Game Pass. Episodul 5 se lanseaza pe 3 decembrie.
    Quote Originally Posted by Life is Strange
    Sean and Daniel have reached the end of the road. The border is close. One last, brutal gauntlet of challenges is all that stands between them and their goal.

    Caught between responsibility and freedom, surrounded on all sides, can Sean find a way out of an impossible situation? And more importantly, in this moment of crisis, will Daniel still follow his lead?

    Every decision Sean has made, every lesson Daniel has learned, every friend and foe they’ve met along the way: they've all been leading to this.

    Can Sean and Daniel survive together – or will the world tear them apart?

  5. #5 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Am jucat doar primul episod si mi s-a parut interesant. O sa vad cand si cum apuc sa-l joc pana la capat

  6. #6 SP
    Vires Intus eagle-eye's Avatar
    Foarte misto sfarsitul. M-am uitat si la restul de ending-uri, toate mi-au placut intr-un fel sau altul. Un joc frumos, pacat ca-l cam strica episoadele astea iesite o data la 10 ani, cam iesi din ritm si devine obositor.

  7. #7 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Da. D-aia am pus pauza pana iese complet, ca sa incerc sa ma bucur de el in ritmul si timpul meu

  8. #8 SP
    Senior Member Espiritus's Avatar
    E la fel de prost scriptat ca primul? Imi amintesc cu groaza de scenarii precum: cauta biletul ascuns; biletul era pe frigider, dar cand incerc sa verific frigiderul nu e niciun buton care sa ma lase, pentru ca mai intai trebuie sa verific in sertar ca abia apoi sa pot verifica frigiderul.

    Fazele de genul ma scot din minti. La fel a fost si jocul cu stealth printre sobolani, nu mai stiu cum se numeste.

  9. #9 SP
    Vires Intus eagle-eye's Avatar
    Nu imi aduc aminte de nicio faza in mod explicit, dar e posibil sa fie avand in vedere ca e cam acelasi joc.

  10. #10 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Am terminat si eu jocul, pana la urma am jucat ep 1 si putin din 2 in vreun an jumate, iar restul pana la final, in 2-3 zile

    Ce pot sa zic, mi-a placut...mult.
    As spera la o mini serie facuta de Netflix/HBO care sa mearga strict pe povestea asta, cu alegerile firesti

    Foarte bine scris si am apreciat lipsa oricaror quick time events in momentele mai intense, iar felul in care s-au dezvoltat personajele si unde au ajuns, mi s-a parut foarte natural.

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