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Thread: Crimson Desert

  1. #1 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar

    Crimson Desert

    Quote Originally Posted by Pearl Abyss
    Crimson Desert is set in a fantasy world on the continent of Pywel. It has been produced since 2018 by Jason Jung, former game Design Director of RYL Online, one of South Korea’s first-generation action MMORPGs. Daeil Kim, the founder of Pearl Abyss, acts as the Lead Producer and Eter Lee, former Lead Combat Designer of RYL Online, is in charge of the action combat system for the title. Crimson Desert is currently aiming for a beta test for PC & console in 2020.

    While the name “Crimson Desert” was originally a region within Black Desert, Crimson Desert is in fact not a sequel, but a whole new IP. The title started as the prequel to Black Desert, but during development Pearl Abyss began to create an entirely different storyline and a whole new set of characters.

    Crimson Desert does not focus on a group of glorious heroes attempting to rule the continent of Pywel, but instead centers on a host of mercenaries fighting for their lives to survive. As the main character within the first trailer for Crimson Desert, Macduff is the leader of a mercenary group with a tragic past. Distressed over his responsibilities, he must survive in the deadly lands of Pywel. Crimson Desert features both online multiplayer and single player content.
    Pearl Abyss - News | G-Star 2019: New Details and Trailers Emerge for PLAN 8, Crimson Desert, DokeV and Shadow Arena
    Crimson Desert | Epic Fantasy MMORPG - Pearl Abyss
    Attached Images Attached Images eiwv72juwaiobrb.jpg ej47smavaaavjul.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Pare interesant, un Witcher 3 wanna be si daca e facut bine, o sa fie bine venit

  3. #3 SP
    Member codpin's Avatar
    Arata misto, pacat ca e MMO. Ar fi fost misto o experienta de genul asta pentru single player.

  4. #4 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Crimson Desert - Official Symbol Reveal & New Announcement:

    Crimson Desert - World Premiere Gameplay Trailer | The Game Awards 2020:

  5. #5 SP
    Member morphine's Avatar
    Are niste frame drops groaznice si un motion blur excesiv pentru gustul meu DAAAAR arata foarte misto cum ii tranteste la pamant si se improasca sangele ala care pare foarte organic, sper sa nu taie la final din joc si sa fie doar o chestie de prezentare. Pare sa aiba si particule misto la nivel de efecte speciale.

  6. #6 SP
    Banned Alex Khan's Avatar
    Era bine daca era un RPG single-player cu un personaj carismatic.

  7. #7 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Exceptand cele evidente, arata foarte bine, dar sincer, nu cred ca-l vom vedea anu asta. As zice undeva 2025+ daca vor sa arate asa si sa mearga bine pe current gen (PS5/XSX).

  8. #8 SP
    Senior Member Xander RO's Avatar
    Arata impresionant, este confirmat ca nu va avea single player?

  9. #9 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Aaaa. E MMO
    Mda...hard pas...

  10. #10 SP
    Member JohnConstantine's Avatar
    E interesant dar cred ca e prea ambitios ca sa iasa ce promite prin trailer.

  11. #11 SP
    Senior Member Espiritus's Avatar
    Scarbos, MMO... Sau, cine stie, poate chiar va fi MMO-ul pe care il astept de cativa ani, unul care pune accentul pe skill si pe interactiuni sociale, fara grind si alte mecanici idioate pentru oamenii care au 12 ore pe zi de consumat in acelasi joc.

  12. #12 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Pana la urma se pare ca nu este MMO. Vazusem ceva pe facebook ieri si ziceau aia ca este full SP game

  13. #13 SP
    Senior Member Srachi's Avatar
    Arata super mișto, combat fain, locuri variate, dragoni, bestii. Sper sa fie single player!!!

  14. #14 SP
    Senior Member Xander RO's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by razvanrazy View Post
    Pana la urma se pare ca nu este MMO. Vazusem ceva pe facebook ieri si ziceau aia ca este full SP game
    Imi faci weekendul mai frumos daca poti face share la orice informatie in privinta asta.
    Arata prea bine ca sa nu aiba SP...

  15. #15 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Uite si aici sau aici. Google it, peste tot zice acelasi lucru
    Crimson Desert is a game set within the same universe as the popular MMO Black Desert. It's a big, open world action adventure with both single player and online multiplayer aspects.

  16. #16 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Siteul jocului il prezenta ca "Epic Fantasy MMORPG" cand l-au anuntat, acum e "Open World Action Adventure".
    Dar, a ramas aceeasi idee:
    Crimson Desert features both online multiplayer and single player content.
    G-Star 2019: New Details and Trailers Emerge for PLAN 8, Crimson Desert, DokeV and Shadow Arena
    Crimson Desert is a revolutionary open world action-adventure that combines elements of narrative driven single-player games with online multiplayer functionality.
    Pearl Abyss premieres new Crimson Desert gameplay trailer at The Game Awards
    Deci single-player si co-op. De PvP nu zic nimic.

  17. #17 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Gameplay trailer:

  18. #18 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Absolut impressive. Efectiv m-a dat pe spate ce am vazut. O combinatie incredibila de Assassins Creed cu Zelda, poate si cu ceva gen Witcher sau Kingdom Come.
    Grafic e absolut impecabil - nu inteleg, au Koreeni astia ceva la iluminare care lipseste la altele, nush daca o fi doar ceva efecte post processing sau chiar au un alt engine de lumini - vezi si black myth wukong - iar animatiile sunt in alta liga - vezi animatia calului cand schimba directia in alergare

    Pacat ca e atat de comprimat video, pentru ca sunt unele cadre absolut fotorealiste, fata de altele unde se vede clar ca e din joc.

    Il astept cu interes si cu siguranta il voi lua

  19. #19 SP
    Senior Member sexbobomb91's Avatar
    Arata prea bine sa fie adevarat .
    Tot ei lucreaza si la DokeV care arata super bine la un moment dat, dar din 2021 nu au mai scos niciun trailer dar cica e "in Development".
    Singurul joc lansat de ei e "Black Desert", un MMO plin de "predatory monetisation"; daca jocul asta se va lansa vreodata cu siguranta va fi monetizat intr-un fel asemanator.

    EDIT: in ultimii ani am vazut multe exemple de jocuri asemanatoare - companie relativ noua, neaparat asiatica, scoate un trailer care arata super bine, creste hype-ul jocului, dupa 1-2 ani mai scoate un trailer si oamenii-si amintesc de el, creste hype-ul din nou si ciclul continua.
    Dar pana la urma nu se lanseaza nimic si proiectele sunt probabil anulate sau in cel mai bun caz iese un joc de nota 5-6.
    Exista un exemplu ca asta care sa rezulte intr-un joc complet lansat si fara probleme? Ca eu nu am vazut niciunul pana acum.

  20. #20 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Pai asta nu e companie noua - Black Desert Online lansat in 2014 si de atunci a tot fost super actualizat cu schimbari de engine si tot.

    Asa ca asteptarile sunt mari.

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