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Thread: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim / Anniversary Edition

  1. #801 SP
    Member anes's Avatar
    Skyrim's First DLC Named Dawnguard - News -

    Bethesda has announced the official name of Skyrim's first set of DLC.
    Dawnguard is Skyrim's first DLC, according to Bethesda's Blog. It announced the name of the DLC with the image you see above, and not much else, other than a summer release window. We don't know a date, or anymore details, but Bethesda has previously announced that Skyrim DLC will head to Xbox 360 first.
    We will find out more about Dawnguard at this year's E3.

  2. #802 SP
    Senior Member muggs's Avatar

  3. #803 SP
    Vires Intus eagle-eye's Avatar
    Tocmai ce postasem acum cateva zile in News despre care ar putea fi urmatorul DLC (desi nu era inca oficial anuntat) si nu a fost aprobat threadul nici acum... presupun ca acum nu mai are niciun rost stirea aia
    Si totusi, arbalete si snow elves: Skyrim DLC to add crossbows, snow elves - Report -

  4. #804 SP
    Senior Member Clopotarul's Avatar
    June Cover Revealed: The Elder Scrolls Online - Features -

    Long rumored and much anticipated, The Elder Scrolls Online is finally being unveiled in the June issue of Game Informer. In this month's cover story we journey across the entire land of Tamriel, from Elsweyr to Skyrim and everywhere in between.
    Developed by the team at Zenimax Online Studios, The Elder Scrolls Online merges the unmatched exploration of rich worlds that the franchise is known for with the scale and social aspects of a massively multiplayer online role-playing game. Players will discover an entirely new chapter of Elder Scrolls history in this ambitious world, set a millennium before the events of Skyrim as the daedric prince Molag Bal tries to pull all of Tamriel into his demonic realm.
    Fus - On - Line
    Attached Images Attached Images front.jpg

  5. #805 SP
    Ω Pira's Avatar
    Prieteni, s-a rezolvat pana la urma problema lag-ului si celelalte bug-uri pe PS3? Citisem in urma cu 1 luna sau 2, nu mai stiu exact, cum ca un patch care s-a scos pt PS3, a afectat drastic grafica jocului pt a rula fluent. Asa ca vreau sa ma incred in vorbele voastre, a celor ce detin jocul pe PS3.

  6. #806 SP
    Senior Member Strike105X's Avatar
    Mai multe informatii despre TES Online in niste scanari ale unui articol din gameinformer: Photo Album - Imgur

    Eram sceptic, dar avand in vedere ca nu se ocupa bethesda plus ca stilul si grafica sunt diferite pare promitator.

  7. #807 SP
    Member drac_baltat's Avatar
    @PiraSword: mie mi-a mers foarte bine jocul, am luat si platina la el intr-un singur run.
    Jocul l-am inceput pe 11 martie si platina a fost luata pe 22 aprilie, jucar mereu cu toate update-urile la zi.
    Singurul mic bug pe care l-am intalnit a fost ca m-am blocat intr-un morman de pietre, noroc ca aveam o salvare recenta.

  8. #808 SP
    Senior Member Strike105X's Avatar
    Vad ca au aceasi abordare ca si cu Skyrim in cea ce priveste primul trailer:

  9. #809 SP
    VIP Member OEE's Avatar

  10. #810 SP
    Senior Member Razzosinni's Avatar
    Am nevoie de putin ajutor. Acum fac quest-ul Revealing The Unseen. Inainte de fiecare quest,merg in Whiterun si cumpar de la Arcadia potiuni de viata. Sunt lvl 9. In Mzulft e foarte dificil si pana in acest punct le-am consumat pe toate. Am batut mai multi Falmer-i si acum iarasi sunt intr-o parte cu o gramada de scorpioni oribili,Chaurus. De cand am inceput sa joc Skyrim,am folosit intotdeauna armele cu cel mai mare damage,si totusi,am impresia ca unii dintre enemies sunt foarte puternici.

    Nu reusesc sa trec de aceasta parte.

  11. #811 SP
    Member drac_baltat's Avatar
    Sneak + arc cu sageti...
    Sau fa alte chestii si intoarce-te cand ai cele 2 skill-uri de nivel mai mare

  12. #812 SP
    Vires Intus eagle-eye's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Firezu View Post
    Am nevoie de putin ajutor. Acum fac quest-ul Revealing The Unseen. Inainte de fiecare quest,merg in Whiterun si cumpar de la Arcadia potiuni de viata. Sunt lvl 9. In Mzulft e foarte dificil si pana in acest punct le-am consumat pe toate. Am batut mai multi Falmer-i si acum iarasi sunt intr-o parte cu o gramada de scorpioni oribili,Chaurus. De cand am inceput sa joc Skyrim,am folosit intotdeauna armele cu cel mai mare damage,si totusi,am impresia ca unii dintre enemies sunt foarte puternici.

    Nu reusesc sa trec de aceasta parte.
    Probabil ca ti-ai dat seama pana acum ca nu tine de damage cat mai mare ca sa treci peste astfel de situatii. Trebuie doar sa abordezi alta strategie, ori sa folosesti magie, ori sneak + sageti cum a zis si drac_baltat, ori summoning ca sa-i atragi intr-o parte si tu sa te poti furisa, potiune de invizibilitate, etc.. Sunt foarte multe abordari, trebuie in schimb sa-ti planifici din timp miscarile si directia de parcurs.

  13. #813 SP
    Senior Member Razzosinni's Avatar
    Deocamdata nu am folosit niciun Perk,pentru ca nu stiu pe ce sa o fac. Sagetile fac damage foarte mic,iar magii nu am cumparat,am doar Flames si Lesser Ward,ce am primit de la College Of Winterhold in perioada initierii.

    In fine... Tnx guys.

  14. #814 SP
    Senior Member FPS Marius's Avatar
    Cred ca te-ai dus prea devreme acolo. Eu abia la level 30 am intrat pentru prima oara intr-o ruina Dwemer si, chiar si atunci a fost umpic dificil. La level 9 nici nu parasisem zona Whiterun. Ia mereu un follower cu tine, nu sunt prea buni la omorat inamici dar ca momeala sunt perfecti.
    Ai o vraja healing, foloseste-o cat mai mult in loc de potiuni. Fiecare caracter are o putere specifica, de exemplu Orcul poate, pentru 60 de secunde sa dea damage dublu si sa ia jumatate de damage, Imperialul poate calma inamici pe o raza de 10 metri si asa mai departe. La inceput cel mai bine este sa faci questuri de la Companions din Whiterun.

  15. #815 SP
    Senior Member Strike105X's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Firezu View Post
    Deocamdata nu am folosit niciun Perk,pentru ca nu stiu pe ce sa o fac. Sagetile fac damage foarte mic,iar magii nu am cumparat,am doar Flames si Lesser Ward,ce am primit de la College Of Winterhold in perioada initierii.

    In fine... Tnx guys.
    Si perk-urile sunt esentiale, un bow bun+ perks + diferite tipuri de sageti (adica nu doar steel si iron) = win, omoram fara probleme la lvl 25+ si nici macar nu foloseam daedric (nightingale), desigur nu doar la archery se simte diferenta si in armele one handed sau two handed in functie de ce preferi.

  16. #816 SP
    Senior Member Razzosinni's Avatar
    Am inteles.
    Exista vreun fel de ordine care e recomandata in efectuarea quest-urilor pe orase? Am ajuns in Winterhold datorita unui Quest Misc,Jarl-ul din oras
    imi spunea sa stau departe de College,asa ca am mers direct acolo si am intalnit-o pe Faralda.
    Am inceput sa folosesc din Perk-uri,am folosit pentru Teo-Handed,Archery si Sneak (rasa Khajiit).

  17. #817 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Next Skyrim update adds mounted combat | Joystiq

    ---------- Post added 25-05-2012 at 03:40 PM ----------

    The team at Bethesda Game Studios is excited to announce another new feature making its way into Skyrim… Mounted Combat! Like the recently added Kinect support (360) and new kill cameras, this highly-requested feature that was seen in the Skyrim Game Jam video is arriving for free. In fact, by opting into the latest Steam Beta Update, PC users can check out the feature today. As far as release on other platforms, we’ll let you know when we have more information.

    Thanks again to all our fans, we remain committed to supporting the game through our free updates, mod tools, and more. And yes, we’re still working on our first add-on, Dawnguard – some great stuff to show you soon, stay tuned!

    Read the current 1.6 release notes below…

    1.6 Update (all platforms unless specified)


    Mounted Combat - Skyrim now allows you to do melee and ranged combat while riding a horse

    General stability and memory optimizations
    General AI pathfinding optimizations and bug fixes
    Optimizations and crash fixes for data leaks
    Fixed rare crash with lighting
    Fixed crashes related to loading and saving games
    Fixed crash with summoned creatures/NPCs
    Fixed rare issue where saves would be corrupted
    Improved logic for when ranged kill cams are played
    Fixed issue with ranged kill cams while killing a dragon
    Fixed rare issue with certain ranged kill cams not playing properly
    Fixed issue with nirnroot lighting not properly cleaning up
    Fixed issue where bow damage was being calculated incorrectly
    Fixed rare problem with werewolf kill moves would not finish animating properly
    In “The Break of Dawn” fixed rare issue where Meridia’s Beacon would disappear from player’s inventory
    Fixed occasional issue where followers would disappear after player pays off a bounty after committing a crime
    Fixed issue where certain creatures and NPCs would fail to respawn properly
    Fixed rare issue with dialogue subtitles not displaying properly
    Fixed issue with water appearing blurry when loading a saved game after creating a save underwater
    Fixed issue where map cursor would occasionally disappear after closing a message box with Kinect enabled (Xbox 360)
    Fixed rare issue with shouts only performing the first level and not other unlocked levels with Kinect enabled (Xbox 360)
    Fixed issue where the shout buttons would stop working properly if users mashed LB and RB during cooldown with Kinect enabled (Xbox 360)

  18. #818 SP
    Senior Member Razzosinni's Avatar
    Am omorat-o din greseala pe Saadia in The Bannered Mare. Pot sa imi iau adio de la In My Time Of Need,presupun?

  19. #819 SP
    Senior Member Strike105X's Avatar
    ^Din pacate da...


    M-am reapucat de Skyrim acuma ca am o placa video mai buna XD. Configurarea lui cu mod-uri a fost o lupta apriga dar am castigat XD.

    Un lucru ce-mi place mult la Skyrim este ca desi ofera multe povesti deasemenea te face sa-ti creezi si ale tale, cel putin eu asa cred... asa ca pentru integrarea mai buna a personajului meu am conceput o poveste (scuze ca este in engleza dar nu prea mai am chef sa o scriu din nou si in romana ):

    Versiune tl;dr: char-ul este tipul demonic/clasa superioara de succubus, name: Asura Shamsiel.

    PS: oare sa fac un thread pentru screenshots sau sa postez aici voi ce spuneti ?

    Cateva imagini si vorbe intelepte de la unchiul Sheogorath (gotta love modding XD):
    Attached Images Attached Images tesv-2012-05-27-17-57-09-35.jpg tesv-2012-05-27-18-33-34-68.jpg tesv-2012-05-27-20-08-47-18.jpg tesv-2012-05-27-20-14-32-28.jpg tesv-2012-05-27-21-53-57-53.jpg tesv-2012-05-27-23-10-23-04.jpg tesv-2012-05-27-23-10-35-78.jpg tesv-2012-05-27-23-40-36-60.jpg tesv-2012-05-27-23-41-43-77.jpg tesv-2012-05-27-23-41-56-75.jpg tesv-2012-05-27-23-46-29-65.jpg tesv-2012-05-27-17-03-22-17.jpg tesv-2012-05-27-22-34-12-84.jpg tesv-2012-05-28-00-20-03-68.jpg

  20. #820 SP
    VIP Member OEE's Avatar
    @Strike105x, da moddingul intradevar rulz la aceste jocuri, la versiune de PC deja sunt o groaza iesite si care au rezultate cu adevarat spectaculoase (dupa cum se poate vedea si in pozele tale).

    Eh, intre timp astept E3 sa anunte ceva de DLC si cu ocazia asta sa mai bag o tura pe PS3.

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