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Thread: Microsoft restaureaza consolele banate accidental

  1. #1 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar

    Microsoft restaureaza consolele banate accidental

    Daca ati intrat pe Xbox Live in perioada 29 august 2011-9 septembrie 2011, puteati sa va alegeti cu draga dvs. consola banata din cauza unei erori de software.Daca se numara printre voi cativa ghinionisti ei bine totul se va rezolva foarte curand cu un update de soft se pare.Persoanele in cauza nu vor primi doar scuze, ci un cadou care consta in 3 luni de abonament gratuit si 1600 de puncte MS.Mai jos aveti cuvintele lui Stephen Toulouse:

    "Customers who were affected don't have to do anything -- the company is in the process of reversing the bans and updating appropriate accounts.

    "In this case, it was one of those very, very rare circumstances where we were using software on the Xbox 360 to assist [in policy enforcement]," Xbox Live Director of Policy and Enforcement Stephen Toulouse told Joystiq this afternoon. He noted that his team regularly looks at a variety of information and bans are done conservatively with human oversight. "An issue came up that we felt the right thing to do after we determined some [consoles] weren't tampered with was to undo the suspension."

    "We know exactly who was impacted," Toulouse stated. "This is a tiny fraction of the overall user base. This is not some widespread problem. If your console was suspended between the dates, the quickest way to find out if you were impacted by the software issue is to simply reconnect your console. If you can log in, you were impacted by the issue and we've unsuspended the console."

    Asked about what specifically went wrong with the unduly banned Xbox consoles, Toulouse couldn't provide details, "This is sometimes the toughest part of my role. I really can't go into that, but I'll tell you why: There are entire internet forums dedicated to parsing every word we say about what the console is doing when it is looking for modifications, so that they can figure out a way around it. We have to be careful about sharing to that level of specificity, because that's what they're looking for. So, I can't go into what it was looking for, or how it was looking for it, I can only state that due to a software issue it drew up some machines that were not tampered."
    Attached Images Attached Images unbanlive.jpg

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