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Thread: Vand Laptop Acer Aspire F5-571g-579p

  1. #1 SP
    Junior Member bruudi's Avatar

    Vand Laptop Acer Aspire F5-571g-579p

    NU SCHIMB! Pret fix! 1300 ron

    Vand laptop Acer Aspire F5-571g-579p ca nou, folosit foarte putin. Laptopul se vinde cu incarcatorul original, manualele si CD-ul cu drivere. Nu mai am cutia la el dar am foliile protectoare cum se vede in poza.


    Procesor: Intel i5-4210u, 2.7 Ghz
    Placa video: Nvidia GeForce 920m, 2Gb
    RAM: 4GB DDR 3
    HDD: 1 TB
    Ecran: Full HD (1080p), anti-reflexie
    Dvd-RW: Da
    Cititor de carduri: Da
    OS: Windows 10

    Motivul vanzarii: am desktop, iar acest laptop nu il folosesc deloc.

    Accept orice proba. Predarea se face in zona Lacul Tei, Bucuresti.

    Attached Images Attached Images 26233571_1776836619013491_641976968206659455_o.jpg 26240823_1776836979013455_6434775384488992270_o.jpg 26233323_1776836802346806_2290360077712794796_o.jpg 26198645_1776836549013498_4282691515364230865_o.jpg 26220878_1776837152346771_5246550858944161914_o.jpg

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