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Thread: Sony vinde divizia PC Vaio

  1. #1 SP
    Cons. Mercedes-Benz djleo666's Avatar

    Sony vinde divizia PC Vaio

    Dupa mai multe speculatii conform carora compania Sony urma sa se alieze cu gigantul Lenovo intr-un parteneriat pentru a revitaliza divizia de PC-uri, decizia de astazi este mult mai drastica: va vinde divizia PC-uri si laptop-uri catre Japan Industrial Partners (JIP) urmand sa se concentreze doar pe productia de TV-uri pentru a incerca sa o revitalizeze si sa o aduca pe profit, dar si catre divizia smartphones si tablete. Intreg anuntul este citat mai jos:
    Sony said it was "addressing various options" as recently as yesterday when it came to its VAIO PC and laptop arm, and while announcing its financial results for Q3 2013, it's apparently come to a decision. Amid reforming its TV arm (and splitting it into a standalone entity by June 2014), it's going to sell its PC business and VAIO brand to Japan Industrial Partners (JIP), with the final deal set to be done by the end of March 2014. The company has reported a drop in demand for its PCs in prior financial statements, and (barring the VAIO Flip 11A), Sony didn't really have much to show from its VAIO range at this year's CES.

    The company says it's no longer designing and developing PC products, while manufacturing and sales will wrap up after the company's final VAIO range goes on sale globally. It has decided to focus on those post-PC products (yep, smartphones and tablets), meaning that it had to make some big decisions with less successful parts of the business. During Q3 2013, Sony saw year-on-year sales increases from its mobile arm, but still forecasts an annual loss of around $1.1 billion (110 billion yen) for the full year: it had previously projected a 30 billion yen profit. The blame is leveled at the businesses its now looking to change. Other highlights include the PS4, which sold 4.2 million units and 9.7 million games in its first six weeks. The games arm also saw a "dramatic increase" in PlayStation Plus subscriptions -- something that's mandatory for multiplayer on the company's new console.

    Sony will cut a total of 5,000 jobs worldwide (1,500 in Japan) by the end of the 2014 fiscal year, while the new PC company has stated that it will hire around 250 to 300 Sony employees, encompassing design, development manufacturing and sales, and will be based in Nagano -- where Sony's current VAIO HQ resides. The company is promising to fulfill all its aftercare warranties. Sony is signed up to invest 5 percent of the new company's capital to support its launch and smooth over the transition. Restructuring costs across both the TV and PC segments are now set to cost an extra 20 billion yen. Sony is now set to focus on its high-end sets and 4K screens, and hopes that changes will ensure the TV business returns to profitability within the next financial year.
    Intrebare: zilele acestea am avut stiri doar despre vanzarea unor giganti: Motorola catre Lenovo, divizia servere a IBM catre Lenovo, Sony Vaio catre JIP, nu surpinde pe nimeni ce se intampla? Oare toti marii producatori de electronice / electrocasnice cauta sa se reorganizeze?
    Attached Images Attached Images sony_vaio.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Daca acum ceva ani buni cand spuneai Vaio spuneai super calitate si inovatie (produsele din seria Vaio fiind poate printre putinele care puteau concura cu cele de la Apple), in ultima vreme Sony a preferat sa se alinieze celorlalti si sa scoata pe banda rulanta produse mediocre, inovatie zero, dar cu preturi la fel de mari. Mi-aduc aminte ca acum vreo 5-6 ani cel mai mic laptop din lume era un Vaio. In ziua de azi pana si Asus sau Acer le dau lectii la Ultrabook-uri & Co... la jumatate de pret. Deci da, mi se pare normal sa incerce sa scape de o divizie care nu mai evolueaza si care vinde din ce in ce mai putin.

    Pe de alta parte, in contextul in care tabletele si smartphone-urile au devenit din ce in ce mai puternice si mai ieftine, o sa vedem mai multe firme care vor incepe sa renunte la productia de PC-uri si laptop-uri, si nu doar Sony. Deja sunt zvonuri ca Dell si HP vor face lucrul acesta... dar ramane de vazut.

  3. #3 SP
    Cons. Mercedes-Benz djleo666's Avatar
    La fel simt si eu cand spui ca in ultima perioada au scazut calitatea materialelor si a constructiei in general. Mi-au trecut prin mana laptopuri Sony Vaio si Lenevo fabricate inainte de 2005 - 2006 si erau "tancuri'. Le puteai scapa pe jos, din greseala bineinteles, si nu iti era frica ca se imprastie pe podea. Un Lenovo mi-a sosit crapat (SH) din ANglia, crapat in toata partea superioara pe langa tastatura si nu flexa in mana, merge struna si nu se simtea fragil de nici o culoare.
    Ideea ca au fost partial obligati de concurenta acerba sa scada preturile si calitatea materialelor, dar au incetinit pana la a stagna complet si inovarea. Iar cumparatorii s-au sesizat si s-au indreptat spre Apple, Asus, Acer, etc...

  4. #4 SP
    Member Cristache07's Avatar
    Deci am vazut poza atasata de djleo666 si nu pot sa ma abtin sa nu dau un comment. Detin un model de Vaio care arata identic cu cel din poza, gama FW ( multimedia) din septembrie 2009. Dotari pe vremea aia de varf ( blu-ray writer, iesire hdmi, rezolutie display 1600 x 900, procesor core 2 duo eficient energetic) si aprob ce a spus Monky, mai ales ca am lucrat in vanzarile de it va pot spune ca nu am ramas surprins de vanzarea Vaio. Faptul ca au incercat si le-a reusit sa produca si sa vanda netbook-uri si laptop-uri cu configuratii low end la preturi pe care ceilalti competitori vindeau configuratii mainstream era dezamagitor. Clientii cumparau doar brand-ul, calitatea lasa de dorit. Revind inapoi la laptop-ul din poza pe care il detin, va pot spune ca functioneaza exemplar, tavalit, plimbat international si scapat pe jos de cateva ori ( nu are nimic spart si crapat, bateria rezista in continuare 70-80 de min.) pot spune cu mana pe inima ca Sony Vaio fac produse de calitate de la un anumit pret insa la ce ofera competitia era inevitabila vanzarea. Sunt curios cu televizoarele in cativa ani ce se va intampla

  5. #5 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Mda, se pare ca au iesit si de pe piata ebook-urilor (cel putin in US): Sony exits the North American ebook business and gives its customers to Kobo — Tech News and Analysis.

  6. #6 SP
    Member Snake's Avatar
    Mie unul imi convine. In felul acesta se pot concentra mai mult pe partea de gaming. Din punctul meu de vedere, Sony ar trebui sa renunte la tot ce nu merita, inclusiv la TV-uri, si sa ramana strict cu partea de jocuri/entertainment.

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