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Thread: Cont Hack-uit

  1. #1 SP
    Junior Member ddalx's Avatar

    Cont Hack-uit

    Azi dimineata cand m-am trezit sa ma duc la munca, ora 6:00 AM, primesc 3 email-uri de la PSN cum ca 2 plati au fost facute cu succes pe contul meu de PSN, asta in conditiile in care eu am deschis Ps4 in ultima luna, doar ca sa ii fac update si cam atat
    Una de 400 ron, si cealalta 250 ron...asta in conditiile in care eu optam de obicei pt pass-ul de 3 luni cu 79 ron
    Ma spal pe ochi, am crezut ca nu vad bine!
    Intru pe internet banking, suma de 400 si 250 blocata intradevar cum aparea in emai
    Incerc sa intru pe contul PSN, schimbat...
    Sun la banca, ii informez despre situatia si momentan blochez contul
    Deci 2 plati facute fara autorizatia mea, defapt fara ca eu sa stiu, eu dormeam linistit la ora aceea, si cont inexistent pt ca cineva a schimbat emailul contului de la PSN
    A mai patit cineva asa ceva?
    Imi cer scz daca postez in sectiunea gresita!

  2. #2 SP
    \ tudyniuz's Avatar
    In primul rand, mai are cineva acces la contul tau de PSN? Daca da, cine si cand are acces?

    Apoi, verifica mail-ul atasat contului de PSN incat sa vezi exact pe ce s-a cheltuit suma respectiva. In caz ca au fost facute din contul tau de PSN, poti vedea si ce s-a cumparat si poate informatia asta te ajuta si ea.

  3. #3 SP
    Senior Member poiuyt's Avatar
    daca e cont de ROmania .. ma bucur ca n-am facut trecerea de la contul de UK.. in ultimul timp cat mai multe plangeri vis a vis de conturile de Romania, oricum cardurile valorice sunt sfinte.

  4. #4 SP
    Senior Member Mihail's Avatar
    Cand a fost schimbat contul de email nu ai primit informatia asta pe email? Eu stiu ca orice activitate legata de contul PSN este transmisa automat pe mail.

  5. #5 SP
    Senior Member Espiritus's Avatar
    Pentru a-ti putea cineva schimba emailul trebuie sa aiba acces si la contul tau de mail. Eu zic sa formatezi tot HDD-ul, poate ai vreun keylogger.

  6. #6 SP
    Junior Member ddalx's Avatar
    Da este cont de Romania
    Eu am intrat doar sa fac updateul vietii, si atat, numai sunt activ pe cont de 1luna+, nu am mai jucat nimic
    Eu sunt singurul cu acces la cont, doar de pe ps4 care l-am acasa am intrat pe acest contul de PSN
    Persoana care mi-a hackuit, ca sa zic asa contul a facut-o la ora 23:03 si 23:06 ora Romaniei, eu la aceea ora dormeam pt ca trebea sa fiu treaz la ora 6
    Am ambele 'facturi' in mail, cea de 400 ron si 250 ron
    la 23:03 au fost bagati banii, iar la 23:06 a fost schimbat emailul pe care era contul
    am sunat la PSN Romania, si le-am trimis absolut tot ce mi-au cerut, acum astept raspunsul lor
    eu as vrea sa ma duc la banca sa incerc sa ii recuperez asa, la care persoana cu care am vb din partea PSN Romania, m-a informat ca daca fac asa, primesc BAN pe viata, pe numele meu de la Sony...asa ca sunt prins intre ciocan si nicovala...

  7. #7 SP
    Senior Member GabiCutlac's Avatar
    Ceva copii pe acasă care poate au folosit consola?

  8. #8 SP
    Junior Member ddalx's Avatar
    nu man, sunt singura persoana cu acces la cont

  9. #9 SP
    Senior Member poiuyt's Avatar
    bun , deci evitati conturile de Romania..

    treaba cu banul pe viata suna cel putin dubios..

  10. #10 SP
    Senior Member Espiritus's Avatar
    Din nou, atunci cand ceri schimbarea emailului atasat contului PSN ti se trimite un mail de confirmare. Daca persoana respectiva a reusit sa faca asta, inseamna ca are acces la Emailul tau, care deja depășește responsabilitatea Sony. Problema ta vine probabil din partea calculatorului tau. Ce antivirus folosesti? Ai instalat ceva dubios recent? Ai intrat vreodata de pe android?

    Daca mai ai si alte siteuri pe care obisnuiesti sa faci tranzactii schimba repede datele de acolo. Ai grija cu blocarea tranzacției ca iti poti lua ban pe consola, macar șterge-o din baza de date a contului inainte de a face asta.

  11. #11 SP
    Cons. Mercedes-Benz djleo666's Avatar
    Sunt multi in aceasi situatie in ultimul timp...
    My PSN account got hacked this morning. Sony support has given me only two options: eat $450 in fraudulent charges and be unable to use my account for 6 months, or dispute the charges with my bank and have my account banned forever. (self.gaming)
    submitted 1 year ago * by kadjarx2
    Update 5 - RESOLVED:
    I received a call from an Escalation Analyst at Sony today! He let me know that they had performed an investigation regarding my account, and concluded that my credentials had become compromised. The IP was traced to somewhere in Europe (he didn't specify). He let me know that Sony would make sure that my account was taken care of. He also assured me that the Sony HQ had been made aware of my situation, and that they'll be examining the details to see if there ought to be a change to their policies.
    I'm glad to have my situation resolved, but I'm more glad to see the positive outcomes that have come as a result of this blowing up. I've received many messages from Redditors who have become aware of and/or donated to the charities listed below, and many more from users taking extra precautions to protect their accounts. I think all gamers benefit when the game company giants are competing, and while my situation was unfortunate, I don't think Sony is malicious or evil. They're a big company with millions of customers and employees, and sometimes things fall through the cracks.
    I've been made aware of a feature request for two-factor authentication in Sony's ideas board. If you have a PSN account, throw it an upvote!
    Update 4:
    I received some messages from (I presume) customer service reps at Sony, telling me to message a particular member of Sony's support team on their forums. I've done so, and s/he is looking into the situation.
    Wow... I never anticipated this would blow up as big as it has! I appreciate all of the messages of support. If this moves Sony to reconsider their policies and invest in better account security, it'll all be worth it.
    Update 3:
    I've received several offers from Redditors willing to gift me copies of the Last of Us and other games / credits, and I can't express enough how much I appreciate it. It's nice to remember how many good people there are out there. I make a decent living, though, and I'll be able to take care of this either way. My goal here is bring attention to a few of Sony's bad customer service policies in the hopes that they'll change them, and to encourage them to add more security measures to PSN (such as multi-factor authorization, which is supported by both MS and Steam).
    If you feel the desire to give, I'd be thrilled to see donations to a worthy charity instead, such as Child's Play or Able Gamers.
    Update 2:
    This post was briefly taken off of /r/gaming. I have no idea why. Now it's back!
    Update: I was advised to contact @AskPlaystation over Twitter (with this thread in the tweet). I did so, and they directed me to chat. I wasn't terribly optimistic that it would help, but I gave it a shot. Here's the transcript. Nothing has changed, and they won't do anything about it. If you have a minute and a Twitter account, I'd love it if any / all of you could tweet @AskPlaystation with a link to this thread! Some folks are adding the hashtag #PlayersBeforePolicy - that sounds like a good idea to me.
    TL;DR: My account got hacked, running up over $600 in charges. Here's the conclusion after running through the Sony support gauntlet.
    They can only refund up to $150.
    I can dispute the charges with my bank, but that will result in my account being banned.
    I cannot unban my account, and will thus lose my purchases ("but you only have the Last of Us and some of our free games, so it's not a big deal")
    Whomever hacked my account deactivated my PS4, and activated their own. Customer support will only permit one activation every 6 months. I'm locked out of logging into my own account on my PS4 for six months.
    Chat transcript:
    This morning, I started receiving emails indicating a number of purchases on my PSN account.
    As the transactions came in, one-by-one, it became immediately clear that my account had been hacked. I immediately logged into PSN and removed my card from the account, changed my email and password, and simultaneously launched support chats with both Sony and my bank.
    The Sony representative told me that they are only permitted to refund transactions of up to $150. He also informed me that I could dispute the charges with my bank, but by doing so, my account would be banned from PSN. As a result, I would permanently lose all of my purchases, including the Last of Us Remastered.
    He also informed me that my existing PS4 had been deactivated from the network this morning, and that a new one had been activated. When I asked him to deactivate that new, mystery PS4, he said he could not. I then turned on my PS4, logged in with my new credentials, and attempted to activate my PS4 with my account, but it informed me that I could not activate it as long as there was another PS4 bound to my account.
    I called customer support, hoping for some clarification. The agent informed me that there is indeed a refund investigation underway, but that it will be limited to $150, and that it would be credited to my PSN wallet, not my bank account. Furthermore, my account will not be able to activate a new system for 6 months, per Sony policy. I'm completely locked out of my own account until that date. I then asked about what would happen if I got my bank to reverse the charges, and he informed me that it would result in a banned account. I asked if there would be any way to restore my purchases, and he told me that there would not be, but I "only have the Last of Us and a couple of the monthly free deal games," so it's not a big deal.
    Absolutely furious. Change your passwords, everyone. Better yet, don't have your credit card on file with Sony - if something were to happen, you won't be taken care of.
    Clarification edits:
    - If you read the transcript, 'Malcom' seems to indicate that the full amount could be refunded upon completion of the investigation. I called to confirm this, and the supervisor I spoke to informed me that there was a maximum of $150 even after investigation.
    - Apparently, this has been happening to others too, lately.
    - Another one!
    - And another one!

  12. #12 SP
    Senior Member poiuyt's Avatar
    in concluzie carduri valorice, fara carduri bancare atasate contului !

  13. #13 SP
    manfurismojive kobayashi's Avatar
    As baga si eu carduri valorice...daca as gasi in RON pt contul de RO
    Nasoala treaba oricum, si eu am card atasat la contul de ro si sper sa nu am probleme, oricum pt orice eventualitate eu am pus limita de transfer zilnica la banca, asa ca daca pierd o sa pierd o suma fixa maxima fixata de mine cu care sa nu ma supar asa tare. Mai nasol ar fi sa-mi fie schimbate datele de logare a contului de PSN

  14. #14 SP
    Senior Member Mihail's Avatar
    Dubioasa rau treaba asta cu schimbarea datelor de logare fara o confirmare/atentionare pe mail-ul inregistrat desi tranzactiile au fost trimise pe mail...

  15. #15 SP
    \ tudyniuz's Avatar
    Dar pana la urma, ce s-a cumparat de banii aia? Banuiesc ca niste jocuri, altceva ce poti cumpara de pe PSN? Care sunt jocurile cumparate, apar in contul de PSN?

  16. #16 SP
    Senior Member poiuyt's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by kobayashi View Post
    As baga si eu carduri valorice...daca as gasi in RON pt contul de RO
    cont UK / US , paypal (iti pui cardul de pe care platesti prin contul paypal pe care ti-l faci gratuit) si iei carduri valorice , un exemplu ar fi allromedia

    PSN Credit, Cont Plus+, Xbox Credit, Xbox Subscriptii

    dar parca sunt si pe forum niste baieti care vand carduri valorice la preturi ok, eu unul cu allromedia imi platesc tranzactiile de pe psn.

  17. #17 SP
    Senior Member Mihail's Avatar
    Kobayashi cred ca zicea de carduri valorice pentru contul RO, nu pentru UK/US... Eu nu am reusit sa introduc contul paypal pe niciun cont (RO/UK/US). Mereu da eroarea: unable to add paypal account. Pana la urma am renuntat si imi fac achizitiile pentru contul RO prin card bancar si pentru US prin card valoric.

  18. #18 SP
    Banned asperas's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by tudyniuz View Post
    Dar pana la urma, ce s-a cumparat de banii aia? Banuiesc ca niste jocuri, altceva ce poti cumpara de pe PSN? Care sunt jocurile cumparate, apar in contul de PSN?
    +1 Cam greu de crezut ca ai de platit acele sume fara a se specifica si pentru am efectuat ''N'' tranzactii pe psn cu cardul atasat contului si totdeauna am primit in mail desfasuratorul tranzactiilor (ex Borderlands Collection 19.99 lire sterline 17.02.2015, ora 23.02) deci..?

    400 pt ce?
    250 ...?

  19. #19 SP
    Teraflops Graft's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by kobayashi View Post
    As baga si eu carduri valorice...daca as gasi in RON pt contul de RO
    Hai că l-am sunat pe Kazuo Hirai și s-a rezolvat. Momentan doar abonamente, dar pe viitor livrează și carduri valorice.
    Attached Images Attached Images 13256127_238311363193347_7570740190487136389_n.jpg

  20. #20 SP
    \ tudyniuz's Avatar
    Eu nu cred ca e pe bune. Graft asta le cam are cu Photoshop-ul

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