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Thread: Clubul PlayStation 4

  1. #11401 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Eu va las intai pe voi

  2. #11402 SP
    \ tudyniuz's Avatar
    Eu l-am facut, are doar 250MB. O sa-l faci si tu MonkY, altfel vei ramane offline

  3. #11403 SP
    Senior Member ReNeGaDe124's Avatar
    Firmwareul a fost in beta de la inceputul lunii. Nu s-au semnalat probleme cu el. Eu tocmai am incercat functia de suspend in Bloodborne, merge perfect.

  4. #11404 SP
    Member ovydik's Avatar
    si al meu si-a facut update acum doua incercat functia suspend in AC:Unity si nu merge.Wtf?trebuie updatat si jocul?

  5. #11405 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by tudyniuz View Post
    Eu l-am facut, are doar 250MB. O sa-l faci si tu MonkY, altfel vei ramane offline
    Il fac mai... glumeam... sa ajung acasa intai. Intre timp, raportati si voi daca s-a busit ceva

  6. #11406 SP
    Senior Member ReNeGaDe124's Avatar
    Trebuie activata functia, nu este din start. Mergi la Settings - Power Saving Settings - Set Functions Available in Rest Mode si bifezi Keep Application Suspended.

  7. #11407 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Suspend asta e un fel de always on de la Xbox One ?

    Daca da, aveti grija, cei care verificati numarul de ore petrecute in joc, ca cel putin pe Xbox, ia in calcul si perioada cand consola e stinsa dar jocu ramane deschis.

    Sau poate aici e facuta cu cap.

  8. #11408 SP
    Senior Member apbaciu's Avatar
    Nu inteleg de ce este asa promovata aceasta functie suspend/resume, nu sunt incantat absolut deloc de ea si nici nu cred ca o voi folosi. Intrebarea mea este , de ce sa pun in "resume mode" cand pot foarte frumos sa inchid consola si sa o deschid cand vreau sa ma joc? Din comoditate pentru a numai astepta acele cateva secunde pana la pornirea consolei si a jocului?

    Eu unul cred ca aceasta functie este , chiar si putin , nociva pentru consola , consuma curent fara a face absolut nimic si dupa cum am spus este si inutila. Ori pierd eu esenta, ori s-a facut atata reclama pentru nimic.

  9. #11409 SP
    Senior Member Einherjar793AD's Avatar
    Poate nu poți să salvezi și trebuie să faci altceva urgent și pentru mai mult timp.

    ---------- Post added 26-03-2015 at 12:38 ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by ovydik View Post
    si al meu si-a facut update acum doua incercat functia suspend in AC:Unity si nu merge.Wtf?trebuie updatat si jocul?
    Multe jocuri vor avea nevoie de patch.

  10. #11410 SP
    Senior Member apbaciu's Avatar
    Prea putine jocuri nu mai dispun de functia auto-save, cel putin eu nu imi pot aminti un joc fara aceasta functie.

  11. #11411 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by apbaciu View Post
    Nu inteleg de ce este asa promovata aceasta functie suspend/resume, nu sunt incantat absolut deloc de ea si nici nu cred ca o voi folosi. Intrebarea mea este , de ce sa pun in "resume mode" cand pot foarte frumos sa inchid consola si sa o deschid cand vreau sa ma joc? Din comoditate pentru a numai astepta acele cateva secunde pana la pornirea consolei si a jocului?

    Eu unul cred ca aceasta functie este , chiar si putin , nociva pentru consola , consuma curent fara a face absolut nimic si dupa cum am spus este si inutila. Ori pierd eu esenta, ori s-a facut atata reclama pentru nimic.
    Nu e deloc nociva si da... cred ca pierzi un pic esenta (aceea ca la o consola nu trebuie sa stai sa incarci OS and stuff sa te plictisesti). Hai sa incerc sa-ti dau cateva exemple in care am injurat consola. Un exemplu: atunci cand ma joc si apare o problema legata de munca... ma apuc de treaba si cand m-am intors consola a iesit din joc, a intrat in standby. Poate am jucat cateva ore si n-am salvat, iar jocul nu stie de auto-save.

    Un alt exemplu: joc ceva si vreau sa plec de-acasa. Las jocul pornit si cand ma intorc il reiau fix din acelasi loc. Fara loading, fara starting screens, fara alte prostii. Imi ajunge cat downloadeaza patch-uri de zeci de giga...

    O alta chestie: consola consuma oricum in standby... nu consuma nimic decat daca ii dai power off. Ori nu cred ca la PS4 mai sta cineva cu consola oprita, pentru ca asa nu se mai downloadeaza in background update-uri, nu se mai face preload la jocurile achizitionate, nu mai poti sa cumperi de pe telefon si cand ajungi acasa sa ai jocul, si tot asa...

    Mai mult de atat, e posibil ca acel suspend/resume sa fie echivalentul lui Hibernate (si sincer asa cred ca se intampla - sa-mi confirme cineva care a testat deja). Caz in care nu consuma absolut nimic, tot ce a fost in RAM este salvat intr-un fisier pe disk. Consola porneste, incarca fisierul si voila... porneste jocul (sau ce faceai cand ai dat suspend).

  12. #11412 SP
    Senior Member Rasko's Avatar
    Ganditi-va ca e o modalitate de a avea saveuri in Bloodborne!!

  13. #11413 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    LOL Rasko!

    Btw, High Contrast acela din Accesibility, mareste contrastul doar in Dashboard (XMB sau cum s-o mai numi acum) sau mareste contrastul si in jocuri?

    ---------- Post added 26-03-2015 at 13:38 ----------

    Pacat ca n-au adaugat o optiune sa pot dezactiva "Real Name Requests"... sau cel putin eu n-am gasit-o. Pot doar sa dezactivez Friends Requests si atat...

  14. #11414 SP
    Senior Member Rasko's Avatar
    Ce High Contrast?? E la setarile video?

  15. #11415 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Nu Rasko... e noul meniu de Accesibility (in Settings, dar ai optiune sa ti-l puna si pe PS Menu ala).

  16. #11416 SP
    \ tudyniuz's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by MonkY View Post
    Pacat ca n-au adaugat o optiune sa pot dezactiva "Real Name Requests"... sau cel putin eu n-am gasit-o. Pot doar sa dezactivez Friends Requests si atat...
    Aia da, primesc 5 pe zi si ma scoate din minti. Sunt diversi care au nume gen "The Gamer" pe forum si imi dau real name request si ii cheama Ionica Costel Popescu Alexandru de Gaucho. Pai cum pisici sa mai stiu cine e el?

  17. #11417 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by ReNeGaDe124 View Post
    Eu tocmai am incercat functia de suspend in Bloodborne, merge perfect.
    if you suspend the game in online mode and come back to it later to resume gameplay, it will have disconnected from the servers and will kick you back to the menu.

    LE: se poate scoate tâmpenia aia cu screenshot automat?

  18. #11418 SP
    FIFA Fan gvingi76's Avatar

    PS4 Beta Trial

    Am primit mail ca am fost selectat pentru PS4 Beta Trial. Sa vad ce o fi...
    Beta Trial Agreement

    Public Beta Agreement
    These Terms apply to any public (non-confidential) beta operated by Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Limited of 10 Great Marlborough Street, London, W1F 7LP, UK ("beta"). Your participation in any Beta and use of the beta software is subject to these Terms which form a binding agreement between you and us.
    1. The beta will be conducted in English. The game code, in-game news and updates, and any communication from us will be in English and your feedback (where feedback is requested) must be provided in English.
    2. You must be over 18 years of age and a SEN Master Account holder to take part in this beta.
    3. You must keep the beta software secure and in good condition. You are licensed to use the beta software on a non-exclusive, revocable, non-transferable, limited basis and only for the beta. You must not copy the beta software, give or sell it to anyone, try to reverse engineer it, nor use it to create derivative works.
    4. At all times during the beta you must act lawfully, with respect towards other beta users. The SEN Terms of Service and User Agreement apply to your participation in the beta (see PlayStation Romania).
    5. From time to time during the beta we may modify the beta software and related content and services automatically and without notice. Modifications may cause loss of data or content and loss of function or utility. You hereby authorise us to make all such modifications and agree that, to the extent permitted by applicable law, we are not liable for any loss of data, content, function or utility.
    6. We will use any personal information you give us when you register or in the course of the beta to operate the beta and for research and analysis, in particular to improve the beta software and our other products and services, and in accordance with the SEN Privacy Policy (see ). You agree that we may contact you in connection with the beta and to collect your feedback on the beta software.
    7. You agree that your suggestions for improvements, enhancements and other changes to the beta software, and our other products and services, and any material which you provide to us during the beta, will belong to us and may be implemented by us, in whole or in part, without any payment or other compensation to you or anyone else. If your suggestions are not your own original ideas, please do not submit them.
    8. We reserve the right to suspend or cancel any beta or your access to any beta at any time in our absolute discretion. If we believe that you are in breach of any of these Terms or any other relevant terms, we may terminate your participation in the beta or suspend or ban your SEN account.
    9. To the extent permitted by applicable law, these Terms shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of England and the contract between you and us shall be deemed to have been formed and performed in England. We may assign our rights and obligations under these Terms to any of our affiliates and sub-contractors without your consent provided that such assignment does not adversely affect your rights under these Terms.
    Public Beta Agreement Version 2.1: June 2012
    Attached Images Attached Images playstation-beta.jpg playstation-beta-agreement.jpg

  19. #11419 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Felicitari! Happy crashing testing!

  20. #11420 SP
    Teraflops Graft's Avatar
    Am primit și eu ieri email pentru acest beta, din păcate după login îmi apare o eroare

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    Am aruncat o privire în setările contului, n-am observat nimic suspect. Any idea?

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