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Thread: Totul despre accesoriile consolei Sony PlayStation 4

  1. #1 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar

    Post Totul despre accesoriile consolei Sony PlayStation 4

    Well, intrucat tocmai a fost anuntat azi noapte noua consola PS4, ma gandesc sa deschid un thread dedicat accesoriilor pentru noua consola a celor de la Sony. Mai exact, discutati aici despre gamepad-uri, telecomenzi, stand-uri, coolere (sa speram ca nu vor fi necesare), casti, Move, PSEye... Voi incepe eu cu imaginile noului gamepad anuntat odata cu PS4: DualShock 4 precum si noua camera PlayStation 4 Eye. Totodata, voi posta mai jos comunicatul de presa complet al celor de la Sony, impreuna cu specificatiile. Momentan nu se cunosc preturile sau cand vor fi disponibile, insa va rog sa postati daca aflati ceva.

    Postati va rog despre orice alt accesoriu anuntat ca fiind compatibil sau dedicat PlayStation 4.
    New York City, New York, February 20, 2013 –Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCEI) today announced Wireless Controller for PlayStation®4 (DUALSHOCK®4) and PlayStation®4 Eye, a new camera, along with PlayStation®4 (PS4™), its next generation computer entertainment system.

    Wireless Controller for PlayStation®4 (DUALSHOCK®4)
    Utilizing a similar design as the popular Wireless Controller for PlayStation®3(DUALSHOCK®3), DUALSHOCK®4 features new innovations to deliver
    better gaming experiences. DUALSHOCK®4 incorporates a new highly sensitive six-axis sensor, as well as a touch pad located on the front of the controller, which offers gamers completely new ways to play and interact with games.

    DUALSHOCK®4 features a light bar on the top with three color LEDs that illuminate in various colors. The light bar illuminates to match the color of characters in a game to offer a simpler, more friendly way to identify players, even when playing side by side. The light bar also changes patterns during gameplay to provide useful information to gamers, such as when a character is critically low on health or has taken major damage.

    In addition, DUALSHOCK®4 will come with a built-in speaker and stereo headset jack, enabling PS4 users to enjoy high-fidelity sound effects of games from both the TV and also from the controller. Combined with the Mono Headset that will be bundled with PS4, gamers will also be able to chat with friends playing online, while hearing sound effects from the controller in hand.

    While integrating “SELECT” and “START” buttons on DUALSHOCK®3 Wireless controller into a new “OPTIONS button”, DUALSHOCK®4 is newly equipped with a “SHARE button” to further enhance PS4’s social capabilities. The “SHARE button” allows gamers to easily broadcast their gameplay in real-time to friends through internet streaming services such as Ustream. Users can also share their triumphs and accomplishments by uploading video gameplay to Facebook with the “SHARE button”. Unlike streaming content via PC, users no longer have to convert data formats of their recorded gameplay, but can share it with ease. Additionally, gamers can charge DUALSHOCK®4 while PS4 is on standby or through a dedicated charging station. For convenience, DUALSHOCK®4 can also be charged with smartphone chargers via USB.

    During the creation of DUALSHOCK®4, Sony Computer Entertainment worked with key partners in the development community to improve the feel of the left / right sticks and the trigger buttons, the result is a much tighter sense of control over in-game actions.

    External Dimensions Approx. 162mm x 52mm x 98mm (width x height x depth)
    (tentative, excludes largest projection)
    Weight Approx. 210g (tentative)
    Keys / Switches PS button, SHARE button, OPTIONS button, Directional buttons (Up/Down/Left/Right), Action buttons (Triangle, Circle, Cross, Square), R1/L1/R2/L2 button, Left stick / L3 button, Right stick / R3 button, Pad Button
    Touch Pad 2 Point Touch Pad, Click Mechanism, Capacitive Type
    Motion Sensor Six-axis motion sensing system (three-axis gyroscope, threeaxis accelerometer)
    Other Features Light Bar, Vibration, Built-in Mono Speaker
    Ports USB (Micro B), Extention Port, Stereo Headset Jack
    Wireless Communication Bluetooth® Ver2.1+EDR
    Battery Type Built-in Lithium-ion Rechargeable Battery
    Voltage DC3.7V (tentative)
    Capacity 1000mAh (tentative)

    PlayStation®4 Eye
    PlayStation®4 Eye, a newly developed camera for PS4 incorporates two high-sensitive cameras that have wide-angle lenses with 85-degree diagonal angle views which can recognize the depth of space precisely. This enables PlayStation®4 Eye to cut out the image of player from background, or to grasp players’ position in front and behind, further broadening the ways to enjoy games. Incorporated four microphones are also capable of accurate sound detection and source origination. In addition, users will be able to login to their PS4 with face recognition and are capable of using their own body movements or voices to enjoy games more intuitively. Furthermore, PlayStation®4 Eye senses the color of DUALSHOCK®4’s light bar to judge the positions of multiple players, and set characters in the same positions or let a character talk to a particular player, enabling players to enjoy games in new way.

    PlayStation®4 Eye also supports PlayStation®Move motion controller. It detects the motion of PS Move more precisely, and reflects players’ in-game motion more accurately than ever. SCE will announce new details of PS4 and its robust lineup of games from 3rd party developers and publishers, the independent gaming community and SCE Worldwide Studios, as well as further enhancements to the entire PlayStation ecosystem between now and the holiday 2013 launch.

    External Dimension Approx. 186mm x 27mm x 27mm (width x height x depth)
    Weight Approx. 183g (tentative)
    Video Pixel (Maximum) 1280 x 800 pixel x 2
    Video Frame Rate 1280x800 pixel @ 60fps
    640x400 pixel @ 120fps
    320x192 pixel @ 240fps
    Video Format RAW, YUV (uncompressed)
    Lens Dual Lenses, F value/F2.0 fixed focus
    Capture Range 30cm~∞
    Field-of-View 85°
    Microphone 4 Channel Microphone Array
    Connection Type PS4 dedicated connector (AUX connector)
    Cable Length Approx. 2m (tentative)
    *Specifications are subject to change without notice.-
    Attached Images Attached Images dualshock_4_ps4_1.jpg dualshock_4_ps4_2.jpg dualshock_4_ps4_3.jpg dualshock_4_ps4_4.jpg dualshock_4_ps4_5.jpg dualshock_4_ps4_6.jpg playstation4_eye_1.jpg playstation4_eye_2.jpg playstation4_eye_3.jpg playstation4_eye_4.jpg playstation4_eye_5.jpg playstation4_eye_6.jpg playstation4_eye_7.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Senior Member x2z's Avatar
    Sunt tare curios cum va sta in mana.

  3. #3 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Care-i faza cu lumina aia oribila pe controller ? De ce e nevoie de o lumina atat de puternica ? Nici nu vreau sa-mi imaginez cum o sa lumineze intr-o camera unde exista doar TV-ul deschis...

  4. #4 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Intre timp, cei de la IGN au facut o comparatie intre "vechiul" DualShock 3 si noul DualShock 4. Full story aici: What's New With Sony's DualShock 4? - IGN
    Attached Images Attached Images dualshockcompare_2.jpg dualshockcompare_1.jpg dualshockcompare_3.jpg

  5. #5 SP
    Senior Member paunstefan's Avatar
    Presimt ca vor schimba design-ul controller-ului. Am un controller de PC care seamana foarte mult cu ala la forma si e foarte incomod.

  6. #6 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by razvanrazy View Post
    Care-i faza cu lumina aia oribila pe controller ? De ce e nevoie de o lumina atat de puternica ? Nici nu vreau sa-mi imaginez cum o sa lumineze intr-o camera unde exista doar TV-ul deschis...
    Ei au spus la conferinta ca este pentru a ajuta userul sa-si recunoasca mai repede controllerul. De exp. in multiplayer, imagineaza-ti ca ai 4 gamepad-uri. Jocul va spune: Player 1: Blue, Player 2: Red, Player 3: Green, Player 4: White. Sa speram ca va exista optiunea sa poti opri lumina (sau macar diminua).

    P.S. Exista posibilitatea ca acea lumina sa lucreze in tandem cu PlayStation 4 Eye... Cum, inca nu se stie

  7. #7 SP
    Senior Member FishyBon3's Avatar
    La ce ajuta speaker-ul ala?Sau e microfon

  8. #8 SP
    Senior Member ShpioOn's Avatar
    Am fost cam reticent in ceea ce priveste acest controller, la cat de ergonomic pare a fi sau nu insa cu cat ma uit mai mult la poze, incepe sa imi placa design-ul. Abia astept sa il "simt" in mana!

  9. #9 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by MonkY View Post
    Ei au spus la conferinta ca este pentru a ajuta userul sa-si recunoasca mai repede controllerul. De exp. in multiplayer, imagineaza-ti ca ai 4 gamepad-uri. Jocul va spune: Player 1: Blue, Player 2: Red, Player 3: Green, Player 4: White. Sa speram ca va exista optiunea sa poti opri lumina (sau macar diminua).

    P.S. Exista posibilitatea ca acea lumina sa lucreze in tandem cu PlayStation 4 Eye... Cum, inca nu se stie
    Si nu puteau sa puna un led mic, in alta parte ? Nu vreau sa-mi vad picioarele albastre/rosii/verzi/albe in timp ce joc. Vreau sa vad ecranul.

  10. #10 SP
    Senior Member Malach HaMavet's Avatar
    sunt singurul? care pare entuziasmat de el? si de PS4??

  11. #11 SP
    Banned SWTFU's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by FishyBon3 View Post
    La ce ajuta speaker-ul ala?Sau e microfon
    Poate la voice chat.

  12. #12 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by FishyBon3 View Post
    La ce ajuta speaker-ul ala?Sau e microfon
    Scrie clar "Built-in Mono Speaker". Ajuta cam la acelasi lucru cu cel din Wiimote-uri. Scoate sunete
    Serios acum, pentru anumite jocuri, ajuta. De exp. cand primesti un mesaj, poate sa faca un beep controllerul. Sau, ajutat fiind si de vibratii, poate imbunatati experienta unor jocuri.

  13. #13 SP
    manfurismojive kobayashi's Avatar
    Nu stiu ce nu va place la controler atat de tare, eu zic ca e perfect, iaca am zis-o da e perfect. Atata timp cat isi face treaba ce mai conteaza. Daca va veni ziua cand o sa ma uit mai mult la controler decat la ce voi juca cu el, at. mai bine ma las de gaming.

  14. #14 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by kobayashi View Post
    Nu stiu ce nu va place la controler atat de tare, eu zic ca e perfect, iaca am zis-o da e perfect. Atata timp cat isi face treaba ce mai conteaza. Daca va veni ziua cand o sa ma uit mai mult la controler decat la ce voi juca cu el, at. mai bine ma las de gaming.
    Spune-mi si mie te rog, cum Dzeu vei folosi touchpad-ul, tinand gamepad-ul in mod normal?
    Ai folosit vreodata un gamepad de DS3 (pun o poza mai jos)? Era incredibil de "peste mana", fata de tastatura de la Xbox 360. Well, cam asa vad touchpad-ul acela.
    Attached Images Attached Images ps3-keypad.jpg

  15. #15 SP
    Member MSlv's Avatar
    oare spatele e cauciucat? Pare sa aibe o textura ciudata.

  16. #16 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by MSlv View Post
    oare spatele e cauciucat? Pare sa aibe o textura ciudata.
    Da, spatele are o textura diferita pentru un grip mai bun si care sa ajute la circulatia aerului (sweating much?)
    N-as putea sa spun insa daca este "cauciucat"...

  17. #17 SP
    manfurismojive kobayashi's Avatar
    @Monky: touchpadul nu este in pozitia unde e tastatura aia in poza pusa de tine ci mai degraba unde se regasesc butoanele "Select+Start" in prezent pe Dualshock, butoane pe care le folosesc frecvent la anumite jocuri in care accesez meniul si chiar nu mi se pare deloc incomod. De ex la Kingdom's of Amalur:Reckoning accesez meniul cu echipamente,arme,armuri etc de pe "Select" din 5 in 5 minute si nu ma deranjeaza deloc.

  18. #18 SP
    Senior Member h0stile's Avatar
    nici mie nu mi se pare chiar asa o problema sa accesezi acel touchpad cand ai nevoie. bineinteles ca intr-un MP cand tragi de zor nu vei putea fi cu degetele in acelasi timp si pe sticks si pe touchpad, insa comutarea mi se pare rapida. ca arata naspa (mie personal nu imi place) asta e partea a doua. din descriere inteleg ca e 2 point touchpad (capacitive) dar ce pana mea e click mechanism?

  19. #19 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Ganditi-va ca touchpad-ul nu este un buton, asa cum era Start-ul. Si probabil va implica gestures (swipe, pinch to zoom)... lucru care mi se pare, repet, peste mana. Dar, vom trai si vom vedea.

  20. #20 SP
    Senior Member Enthroll's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by paunstefan View Post
    Presimt ca vor schimba design-ul controller-ului. Am un controller de PC care seamana foarte mult cu ala la forma si e foarte incomod.
    Ce model e controller-ul pe care-l ai la pc? Poti pune un link te rog?

    Again: mie imi place foarte mult cum arata DS4 si Koba a pus punctul pe i: suntem consolisti, e in natura noastra sa ne adaptam la controllere noi. In plus nu e o schimbare radicala, so chill.

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