Share Play lets PS4 users host a game session that they can invite a friend to watch, take control of, or (if they're playing a local, single-screen multiplayer game) join them to play, even if their friend doesn't own the game.
In order to use Share Play, the host must be a PS Plus subscriber. The guest does not need to be a PS Plus subscriber to watch the host's Share Play session or take control of the host's game. However, playing multiplayer games together requires that both the guest and host have a PS Plus subscription.
You can host a Share Play session by pushing the Share button and selecting the Share Play option. A private party will automatically be created from which you can invite a friend to join.
Share Play sessions are limited to 60 minutes. However, Sony states that there are no limits on how many times the same user can join a Share Play session for the same title. In theory, there is nothing to stop the guest playing through the entirety of a game they don't own, provided the host is willing to continue inviting the guest to take control of their game after each 60 minute session.
Sony has not fully explained the reason for the 60 minute restriction, but it appears to be a speed bump put in place to reduce exploitation and encourage the guest to purchase the game themselves. Sony says that the 60 minute restriction proved to be the "sweet spot" when discussing the feature with game creators, but that it will listen to user feedback to see "whether it's right".
While Sony is aiming for Share Play to be a standard feature across the platform, publishers/developers can place restrictions on content that can be shared. For example, publishers may choose to prevent playable alphas and betas from being shared with guests.
There may also be scenarios where spoiler content is blocked from Share Play. "Generally it's a standard platform feature," SCEE's VP of Product Planning Murray Hume explained. "We do know that there are situations where if the game contains a spoiler or if it requires a peripheral for a certain stage, then we have a facility we provide that allows that portion of the game to be stopped and not shown... because there are certain contexts in which it doesn't work." It isn't clear what will be displayed on the guest's screen during these moments or how frequently they may occur.
Share Play is only compatible with games. You cannot broadcast Netflix to a guest's display, for example.
While Share Play is in operation, the guest can only control the game and cannot perform other functions on the host's PS4. The guest cannot access the host's personal information.
The host can take back control of their PS4 at any point by pressing the Share button on their DualShock 4 and ending the session.
The guest cannot remotely turn off the PS4 once they are done playing the game. System functionality remains the responsibility of the host.
Notifications intended for the host (such as messages and friend requests) will not be displayed on the guest's screen.
Trophies cannot be unlocked on the guest's account.
Game progress cannot be saved on the guest's account.
Once a guest has played a game owned by a host, that game's icon will appear in the recently played section of the guest's PS4 Home screen directing them towards the PlayStation Store. "This will encourage additional game title sales for game publishers," Yanase says.
Share Play is currently only compatible with PS4. A PS4 user, for example, cannot invite a PS Vita user to watch or take control of their game.
You cannot livestream directly through PS4 at the same time as using Share Play.
Resolution is capped at 720p on the guest's display during Share Play. Much like a live broadcast, resolution will scale up and down depending on the quality of both parties' internet connection.
There is a similar cap on frame rate, although Sony has not specified exactly what it is. Based on our early demonstration, the cap appears to be 30fps.
While latency did not appear to be an issue during our demonstration, both the host and guest PS4s were connected to a wired network at Sony's London offices. As of this writing we have been unable to test Share Play in a typical 'real world' environment, but Sony stresses that it does not require super-fast broadband.