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Konami a dezvăluit data de lansare pentru Pro Evolution Soccer 2017, alternativa japoneză la FIFA 17 urmând să fie lansată, din nou, înaintea principalului concurent de la EA Sports. Astfel, PES 2017 va fi disponibil începând cu 13 septembrie 2016 în America de Nord şi 15 septembrie în Europa.
in continuare o sa postez noile imbunatatiri anuntate pentru jocul de anul acesta:
Konami a publicat un set de poze saptamanile trecute plus cateva detalii. Intre timp pe internet a mai scapat o poza din PES 2017, o poza din gameplan unde putem vedea ca Arsenal Londra este licentiata pe langa noua grafica de care vom avea parte. Arsenal Londra nu a mai fost licentiata in PES de pe vremurile PES 6, iar pe langa Arsenal, s-ar parea si ca Manchester United va ramane licentiata in continuare in PES 2017. Nu vom avea parte de un campionat englez complet licentiat inca datorita licentelor exclusive cu FIFA.
Tot in aceasta imagine, puteti remarca noul design pentru gameplan, in care sunt afisati in sfarsit jucatorii pe teren cu fetele lor. Mai puteti observa ca pe langa Arsenal, Atletico Madrid va fi in continuare prezenta in PES alaturi de campionatul Spaniei licentiat. De altfel atat Arsenal si Atletico Madrid vor fi incluse in DEMO-ul PES 2017, alaturi de nationalele Frantei si Germaniei.
Dar haideti sa vedem impreuna noutatile implementate de Konami in PES 2017 dupa spusele celor care au apucat sa joace jocul:
- PES 2017 va avea un sistem nou de reluari, un sistem de relauri care iti vor arata si elemente cheie din joc precum salvarile portarului, ratari sau faulturi in timpul meciului atunci cand jocul o cere.
- Au fost schimbate culorile pentru sagetile care indica starea de oboseala a jucatorilor, albastru reprezentand faptul ca jucatorul este cel mai in forma urmat de culoarea verde, iar portocaliu si rosu indica faptul ca jucatorul este intr-o forma slaba;
- Pentru cei carora le plac driblingurile in PES, avem o veste buna, nu doar ca au fost adaugate driblinguri noi dar jucatorii reactioneaza si mai repede la ele;
- Loviturile libere si de colt au fost regandite;
- Viteza jocului este mult mai lenta ca in PES 2016, un lucru bun avand in vedere ca viteza jocului era mult prea rapida;
-Plasele portii arata ceva mai bine.
- Meniul jocului arata mult mai prietenos;
- Arbitrajul a fost imbunatatit si el ajutat insa si de noua tehnologie de coliziune introdusa;
- Spray-ul la lovituri libere a fost in sfarsit introdus! Nu vezi arbitrul sa dea cu spray-ul insa veti vedea linia cu spray din fata zidului si in jurul mingii. Spray-ul dureaza cam 5 minute (in joc) apoi dispare;
- Intrarile prin alunecare au fost lasate cam in urma. Totusi, in momentul cand cineva intra violent prin alunecare, controlerul vibreaza, ceea ce da o satisfactie mai realista;
- Portarii au fost imbunatatiti si ei. Au fost introduse foarte multe animatii facand ca inteventiile portarilor sa para mult mai realiste;
- Grafica arata si mai bine! Jucatorii arata incredibil de bine la fel ca si gazonul care a fost din punct de vedere grafic regandit la fel si iluminarea stadionului;
- Au fost introduse foarte multe animatii noi iar jucatorii se misca mult mai natural in joc ajutati si de elemente ca Real Touch sau pasele precise;
- Au fost introduse foarte multe fete mult mai realiste ale jucatorilor;
- Conform publicatiei Digital Spy, Konami poata sa introduca in PES 2017 pana la 4 cluburi germane de fotbal. In PES 2016 am avut parte de Bayern, Wolfsburg si Mönchengladbach, suntem curiosi daca va aparea si un al 4-lea club nemtesc;
- O serie de abilitati noi au fost introduse pentru a putea face diferenta de ex. intre jucatori tehnici ca Mesut Özil si jucatori puternici ca Olivier Giroud. Interesant!
- Arsenal este dupa multi ani licentiata in joc. Veti avea parte si de noul kit al celor de la Arsenal, PUMA 2016/17 in DEMO. Tot in DEMO veti putea juca cu Atletico Madrid, Franta sau Germania. In DEMO va fi disponibil un singur stadion, unul fictiv, Neu Sonne Arena.
Trecand de aceste noutati descoperite de cei care au avut ocazia sa joace PES 2017, Konami a mai introdus si cateva controale si tactici noi.
Instruciuni avansate:
Aici se pare ca Konami a introdus ceva nou. Veti putea sa va setati 2 jucatori pentru atac si 2 pentru aparare in gameplan care pot fi activati in timpul jocului. Veti putea adopta prin aceste setari stilul “Tiki-Taka” spre exemplu sau sa plecati rapid pe contraatac.
Setari rapide de atac si aparare:
Cu aceasta optiune puteti sa modificati nivelul de aparare sau atac al echipei in timpul meciului. Va veti putea baricada cu toti jucatorii in fata careului sau sa atacati cu toti jucatorii inclusiv portarul in ultimile minute atunci cand aveti lovituri de colt.
Cornere strategice:
O alta optiune in PES veti avea la dispozitie 4 strategii de cornere atunci cand atacati.
Real Touch:
Veti putea fenta adversarul prin miscari false inainte sa preluati mingea sau sa preluati astfel incat sa va depasiti usor adversarul. Asteptam insa cateva materiale video sa ne dam seama cam ce impact are acest element asupra jocului.
Pase precise:
Este vorba mai exact de pase precise in timpul loviturilor libere. Veti putea pasa rapid si in orice fel, scurt, la intalnire, pe sus, pentru a va surprinde adversarul.
Real Touch
In football, what dictates and separate the best from the rest is 1st touch control. In PES 2017 the 1st touch in calculated by player attributes as well as the further inclusion of real ball physics directly controlled by the input ball touch. See how different players control the ball in unique and different ways based on where and how you control them, dictating the flow of the game based on how they react to the unpredictable movement of the ball. In addition, there is more control in how you receive the pass, and depending on the pass the player can visually execute the exact play intended, from receiving a pass to sending the ball out again.
Precise Pass
Combining Real Touch and real ball physics, passing is an art form in PES 2017. Many factors determine the speed and accuracy of the ball. The base is the player rates and skills, and adding to these are the players direction and angle that links to the natural, satisfying animation to follow. The pass that is made on the best situation and timing will generate a perfect trajectory, creating a great satisfaction when a killer pass is made.
Goal Keeping
Keepers see a great jump in quality through added motions and animations, creating the most agile keepers in PES history. They instantly react to shots including a fast follow up, springing into action after landing. Further improvement have made to a variety of situations the Goalkeeper will face, including 3 significant areas. These include deflection when the shot is near their feet, instant reaction to shot to the side they are not expecting, and fingertip saves to defend shots right before it goes past the goal line. With the new intelligent keepers scoring a goal will not be a simple task. The ball physics when the keeper saves is close to real life, which can be seen in how a shot is deflected based on which part of the keeper it hits. Attacking moments will be more dramatic than ever, bringing the best feeling of achievement when that goal is scored.
Advanced Instructions
Strategies that are quite individually defined such as Tiki-taka and tight marking which is strongly based on team ideology can be now set in “Advanced Instructions”, which adds a huge variety in how you plan to win. The renowned strategy to go in for heavy pressing such as Gegenpressing , the counter target strategy to not go all-in on pressing and heavy man-mark that some teams put into practice are all in this strategy setting. This vividly adds that team identity and makes winning more rewarding, but most of all making the match more fun through tactical strategies.
Total Team Control
The series is known for incredible depth when controlling how your team plays, and with Total Team Control in PES 2017 users have new on the fly options during a match. Users can instantly change the attacking and defending mentality of the team, which can be tweaked and carefully controlled with simple controls, being able to immediately react to the unpredictability of the sport. Defend a lead or drive the team forward to score a goal, the choice is yours.
Corner Kick Control
Control the defensive and offensive strategies on a set pieces to add a new dimension to corner kicks. By tapping the d-pad on a corner, a variety of options come up allowing the user to tailor each moment to their playing style. Defensive options include choosing to marking zonal or Man to Man. Offensive options are also included, such as flooding the 6 yard box, or 'Train' which sees players attack the ball in a straight line.
Adaptive AI
For the first time in a football game, the AI will learn how you play, listen to your strategy plans, follow your Advanced Instructions, and change their tactics accordingly! Pass to a star player often? The opposition will double up on him and mark heavily. Like to constantly play down the wings? Players will cover their fullbacks to make you think twice! The AI will also adapt its attacking tactics, so if you are intercepting the opposition's long passes they will change to a short passing game! Player and team behavior has always been a staple of the PES series, and for PES 2017 Adaptive AI will change sports games forever.
Authentic Visuals
For PES 2017 the visuals have seen a major upgrade, offering Authentic Visuals thanks to the further incorporation of Fox Engine. The lighting sources have increased by double this year as well as the crowd models and pitch textures overhauled, making the visuals more realistic than ever. Details such as being able to see the players breathing in winter, the net to splash some rain off when the ball hits in rainy weather, and the debris of the pitch flying when they are kicked up. Shadows in the day matches are more recognizable, and some of the spray line for the free kick lines are seen throughout as subtle enhancements. Nothing has been left untouched, from player models, lighting, crowds, pitch and stadiums totally revamped. Never has a game looked so real.
Natural Player Movement
New features such as Real Touch and Precise Pass see huge benefit as hundreds of new animations have been added, giving a vast array of movements when trapping and passing the ball. The player interactions (collisions) are also further developed with player individuality clearly represented in detailed movement (e.g. Giroud strong in physicality, Özil strong in balance). The representation for balance in the body when being physically challenged is strongly supported through the 2 new parameters.
Haideti sa vedem asa mai pe larg si cam ce au spus marile publicatii de jocuri despre PES 2017:
Digital Spy: "Over use any player or goal route too much – out wide to the annoyingly speedy overlapping Arsenal winger Theo Walcott, for example – the computer-controlled defenders will shift to compensate, doubling up to stop you being so damn lazy."
Eurogamer: "Likenesses have been improved, more players have been uniquely modelled and it's as handsome as ever."
Games Radar: "It features the best of everything you loved about PS2 era PES – swift, almost effortless passing; a sense of variety and achievement in every goal; true player individuality; a magic you can’t quite put into words."
GameSpot: "Goalkeepers seem to have undergone several key improvements. They react much more quickly to shots, positioning themselves more intelligently before the ball is fired towards them, and get up off of the floor with more urgency if the ball is still in play after their initial save. Keeper quality, or lack thereof, was one of the major disappointments with PES 2016, so it's nice to see the problem being addressed."
GodisaGeek: "The game is still in development, but there’s a huge chance PES 17 will be the best football game for a second year on the trot."
IGN UK: "The new game feels immediately a little smarter, seemingly better at reading the power meter on passes, evaluating not just how hard I want to hit the ball, but why I’d be hitting it that hard in the first place."
International Business Times: "For PES 2017, Konami is promising a day one update that will include the most up-to-date squads and weekly updates thereafter for both offline and online play."
PESFan: "It’s all change on the condition arrow colour front. The upward arrow denoting highest form is blue, then comes green (second highest). Yellow is now the mid-point with orange (second lowest) and red (lowest) denoting poor conditions."
Red Bull: "A day one patch will be rolled out which makes sure players who've been recently transferred in real life are part of the correct roster within the game, and this is to be followed by weekly updates to a player's ability throughout the season."
Squawka: "PES 2017’s shooting has become more unpredictable, which again creates a more lifelike experience. We rapidly had to unlearn certain situations which were previously guaranteed goals, with some of those shots now skewing wide of the post. The enhanced player and ball physics eliminate such telegraphed efforts, while adding suitable venom to powerful, mid-range shots."
The Sixth Axis: "It’s more fluid, it’s more natural and it’s taking a number of steps forward from what should be considered one of the best football games around."
Trusted Reviews: "PES 2016 is an excellent game of football, so it’s fitting that PES 2017 presents a refinement rather than an overhaul. Gameplay offers more animations, adding a further layer of realism as players control, pass and move in more ways than ever before."
Videogamer: "Last year's PES was a masterclass in attacking football. This year, it's the defences which are coming out on top."
Winning Eleven Blog: "Although PES 2017 does not appear to have changed significantly compared to its older brother, the improvements deliver a more satisfying and representative sports game."
Viitorul suna destul de bine pentru PES 2017, voi ce parere aveti insa?