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Thread: Gears of War: Ultimate Edition

  1. #41 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Ciudat, in Europa pretul e de 40€, poate modifica daca-i trageti de urechi

  2. #42 SP
    Senior Member BizZare's Avatar
    Am lasat un comentariu pe pagina produsului....sunt curios daca mil aproba.

  3. #43 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar

    Today, during a jam-packed panel event at San Diego Comic-Con hosted by acclaimed voice actor John DiMaggio, the voice of beloved Delta squad leader Marcus Fenix, Xbox and The Coalition shared insights on the development of Gears of War: Ultimate Edition, the stunningly remastered and modernized version of the shooter that defined the first generation of HD gaming. The team also debuted a behind-the-scenes look at how they recreated some of the most iconic cinematics in the game.

  4. #44 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    [Update]: Microsoft has released a statement emphasising that only the Gears of War: Ultimate Edition of the Xbox One would include a free copy of the game. During the Comic-Con panel Rod Fergusson, head of Microsoft's Gear of War development studio, indicated that the game would be available for free with all Xbox Ones.
    "At yesterday's Gears of War panel at San Diego Comic-Con, Rod Fergusson stated that every Xbox One sold starting August 26 would include a copy of Gears of War: Ultimate Edition. To clarify, only the Xbox One Gears of War: Ultimate Edition bundle will include a copy of the game," reads the statement.

  5. #45 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar

    Gears of War: Ultimate Edition Goes Gold, Digital Pre-download Now Available

    Attention Gears fans, The Coalition is proud to announce that Gears of War: Ultimate Edition has officially gone gold! And to celebrate, the studio has shared a behind-the-scenes look the development of the game, digital pre-order and pre-download details, as well as the fully recreated opening cinematic to help fans get ready for the game’s release on Aug. 25.

    Pre-order and Pre-Download Starting Today

    Gears of War: Ultimate Edition is now available for pre-order and pre-download. Fans who can’t wait to jump into the action on Aug. 25 can visit the Xbox Store to pre-order and pre-download the Standard and Deluxe Editions of Gears of War: Ultimate Edition, so that it’s ready to go when the game releases. Those who pre-order will also receive exclusive bonus skins and characters including:

    Standard Edition ($39.99 USD) – The landmark original Gears of War returns, offering a full digital game download, plus pre-order bonus items including the Adam Fenix and Civilian Anya multiplayer skins and Animated Imulsion Weapon Skin for use in multiplayer matches.

    Deluxe Edition ($59.99 USD) – The ultimate Gears experience. On top of the Standard Edition items, the Deluxe Edition also includes the Deluxe Weapon Skin Pack featuring 10 different Animated Weapon Skins and 36 standard Weapon Skins, as well as the Civilian Marcus Fenix and Aaron Griffin multiplayer characters.
    Attached Images Attached Images 1437673609-gow-ue-digital-box-shot.jpg 1437673609-xbox-tile-final-logo.jpg

  6. #46 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    Besides putting all its best efforts into the development of next major Gears of War game for the eighth generation Xbox One console, The Coalition has been busy bathing Epic Games’ most critically acclaimed 2006 military science fiction third-person shooter video game in stunning next-gen visuals and graphical detail. Gears of War: Ultimate Edition allows players to relive the story of humankind’s epic battle for survival in full HD 1080p resolution with smooth 60fps, but according to the developer, it wasn’t easy to deliver all the good stuff at 60fps.

  7. #47 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Gears of War: Ultimate Edition comes with all the Gears games
    If you buy Gears of War: Ultimate Edition, or the Xbox One Gears of War: Ultimate Edition Bundle, you unlock the entire Gears collection via Xbox One Backward Compatibility.

  8. #48 SP
    Senior Member BizZare's Avatar
    Ohhh that's sick!

  9. #49 SP
    \ tudyniuz's Avatar
    Eu cred ca n-ai inteles bine, iti da jocurile pentru X360 in varianta digitala si le vei juca cu backwards compatability de pe One. Daca erau si alea refacute, includeau harti din DLC-uri si aveau multiplayer functional era o treaba, dar asa mi se pare doar un mare meh.

  10. #50 SP
    VIP Member OEE's Avatar
    Eu preferam o colecție Remastered la toate 3.

  11. #51 SP
    Completionist Boghy02's Avatar
    OEE agreed.Daca au putut sa faca la Halo , why not gears ? Welp pana nu iese gears 4 , no x1 Also nu inteleg de ce lumea plateste 20$ in plus pentru skins si caractere pff...Lameeee.Dupa ce ca este remaster bla bla , fac si editii deluxe

  12. #52 SP
    Senior Member BizZare's Avatar
    @tudyniuz, am inteles ca restul jocurilor vor fi cele de 360 valabile prin BC....insa nu inteleg de ce spui ca nu vor avea multiplayer.

  13. #53 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Boghy02 View Post
    OEE agreed.Daca au putut sa faca la Halo , why not gears ? Welp pana nu iese gears 4 , no x1 Also nu inteleg de ce lumea plateste 20$ in plus pentru skins si caractere pff...Lameeee.Dupa ce ca este remaster bla bla , fac si editii deluxe
    Pentru ca vor să ia bani pentru fiecare joc în parte, gen God of War pe PS4...

  14. #54 SP
    Senior Member Dj Mo's Avatar
    Sunt pregatit
    Attached Images Attached Images 2015-08-21-11.08.25.jpg

  15. #55 SP
    VIP Member OEE's Avatar
    Off, eu tot nu am strâns de sexboxone.

  16. #56 SP
    Member Smara's Avatar
    Bravo Mo ! Eu sper sa mi-l livreze marti cei de la Altex.....

  17. #57 SP
    Junior Member Machete's Avatar
    l-am altexat si pe asta

  18. #58 SP
    Member nire's Avatar

  19. #59 SP
    Junior Member Machete's Avatar
    Pacat ca nu au inclus pe disc restul seriei

  20. #60 SP
    Member Halo's Avatar

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