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Thread: Clubul Nintendo Switch

  1. #841 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Indie World Showcase - Nintendo Switch:

  2. #842 SP
    Senior Member sexbobomb91's Avatar
    Se zvoneste ca saptamana viitoare vom avea un Direct normal. Ar cam fi timpul ...

  3. #843 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Vad ca au început sa bage ăștia pe posturile tv românești reclame la Nintendo Switch și eshop. Mai rămâne Microsoft, poate din toamnă...

  4. #844 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Am jucat early access demo pe Xbox One, mi-a placut, singura problema e ca personajul parca e prea mic in raport cu environmentul si nu se misca bine din controller sticks care nu sunt asa sensibile.
    Insa e potrivit pentru o portabila, recomand! E Switch timed-exclusive.
    Raji: An Ancient Epic for Nintendo Switch - Nintendo Game Details

  5. #845 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Am jucat si eu demo pe Xbox si dupa cateva bug-uri enervante (gen cazut prin harta sau prins de marginea unei coloane si ramas acolo fara sa pot face nimic inafara de restart joc) am renuntat la el.

    Din trailer pare mai action focused, dar partea de platforming si controlul nu mi-au placut cum sunt implementate.

  6. #846 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar

  7. #847 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Switch 4K:
    Quote Originally Posted by Bloomberg
    Nintendo Co. plans to debut an upgraded model of its Switch console next year along with a lineup of new games, people familiar with the matter said, ceding 2020’s holiday spotlight to rival devices from Sony Corp. and Microsoft Corp.

    The specifications of the new machine have yet to be finalized, though the Kyoto-based company has looked into including more computing power and 4K high-definition graphics, people briefed on the strategy told Bloomberg News, asking not to be identified because it’s private. Nintendo faces stiff competition for gamers’ attention this fall as the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X are set to arrive in time for the shopping season.

    The release of the upgraded Switch would be coupled with, or followed by, a slew of games from Nintendo itself and related outside studios, the people said. Those games would address a wide range of players, from casual gamers seeking small doses of escapism to more devoted fans putting in marathon gaming sessions. The focus on next year’s pipeline explains Nintendo’s relatively quiet software release schedule so far this year, the people said.

    The gaming giant has seen record-breaking hit Animal Crossing: New Horizons and the protracted Covid-19 pandemic spark a rally of more than 70% in its share price since the game’s release in March.

    The company has struggled to keep up with demand for its existing Switch and Switch Lite, though it said earlier this month that its production bottleneck has largely been resolved. This has been helped by plunging smartphone demand releasing some of the pressure on suppliers. Assembly of Nintendo’s next console isn’t expected to begin until next year because production partners are busy with making the current models, according to the people informed.

    Taiwan’s Economic Daily News first reported the new console plans on Monday. A Nintendo spokesman declined to comment. [...]
    Nintendo Plans Upgraded Switch Console and Major Games for 2021 - Bloomberg

  8. #848 SP
    Member codpin's Avatar
    Eu eram bucuros si la primul zvon, cu un ecran mai fain. Dar ce zice in articol e la alt nivel...

  9. #849 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Nu sunt de acord cu ce zice acolo. Nintendo nu are competitie in ce face. Switch este o consola complementara si nu cred ca cineva alege Xbox sau PS in detrimentul Switch.

    Ar putea sa faca o alta chestie - dockingul sa aibe si ceva extra hardware, iar handheld sa duca tot doar 720p sau 1080p, iar pentru scos pe TV sa o poti face in 4K - desi cred ca asta este valabil doar pentru jocurile mai slabe dpdv grafic si nu pt jocuri gen Zelda BOTW2.
    Adica, nu inteleg de ce ar trebui 4k, cand un 1080p sau 2k dar cu mai multe detalii ar face minuni.

    Din pacate nu am putut citi tot articolul pentru ca se pare ca am atins limita de articole citite gratis la ei, desi nu am intrat pe site in ultimile saptamani (din cate-mi aduc aminte).

  10. #850 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    N-am pus tot articolul pentru ca dupa se vorbeste despre vanzari.

    Ca sa treci de restrictie, mergi pe articol, da remove la toate cookies pentru, refresh. Asa faci de fiecare data si le poti citi in intregime.

  11. #851 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Credeti ca la ei nu se simte criza? Normal ca vor scoate alta consola... more money din licente, accesorii, etc. Daca nu ar fi fost atat de rezistenti impotriva curentului, cei de la Nintendo ar fi putut binemerci sa renunte la consola in sine (sau sa o scoata asa, pentru entuziasti), si sa se axeze pe multiplatform. Ar face (si s-a dovedit deja asta) de sute de ori mai multi bani pe jocuri lansate pe iOS si Android... nici nu vreau sa ma gandesc ce vanzari ar avea jocurile lor pe Xbox, PlayStation sau PC. Cumulate, n-ar avea Nintendo ce sa faca cu banii. Dar, ei prefera sa vina cu hardware "nou" care probabil mananca bataie si de la vreun smartphone mai ieftin... Atu-ul lor sta in software. Pacat ca nu-l folosesc la maxim. Pe de alta parte, la fel face si Sony... poate cine stie, e o reteta mai buna asta a lor.

  12. #852 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Ba din contra. Se pare ca au renuntat de tot la iOS si Android dupa vanzarile slabe din ultimile luni. Nah, e de inteles, la ce jocuri de copii au lansat, mai ales Mario Kart care este doar un money grab nesimtit.

    Toata lumea a resimtit criza, fie ca e Nintendo, Apple, Google, sau magazinul lui Ionel din deal - heck, pana si salile de pacanele au fost afectate

  13. #853 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Eu nu ma refeream la mizeriile acelea de mini-games. Ci ca scoata full Switch games pe alte platforme.

    Cat despre cum au resimtit "toata lumea" criza, da-mi voie sa te contrazic. In caz ca nu stiai, cei mai mari bogati ai lumii in aceasta perioada de criza, au devenit si mai bogati. La naiba, Apple tocmai a batut orice record. Cat despre salile de pacanele, cam asa e... cand e inchis, nu faci bani. Din partea mea, sa dispara de tot.

  14. #854 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Nu ma refeream doar la partea financiara, unde ff multi au avut o crestere substantiala - ci au fost resimtit in alte feluri - fabrici inchise sau cu mai putini oameni, productie mai mica, componente mai putine, samd.
    Heck, inca se vorbeste ca din cauza epidemiei e posibil ca pana si Apple sa intarziere lanseara aifonului cu 2-3 saptamani fata de cum o fac in mod normal.

    Si da, jocurile lor full scoase si pe alte platforme, sau macar printr-un streaming service nintendo ar fi super, dar nu-mi e rusine nici cu switch-ul.
    Il am de 3+ ani si inca ma joc aproape in fiecare zi. E mic, e ultra portabil, il iau cu mine absolut peste tot, bateria e decenta si am o librarie destul de mare de jocuri cu adevarat bune.
    Da, unele sughita serios (vezi Witcher 3) dar tot sunt jucabile.

  15. #855 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Nintendo Direct mini: Partner Showcase - August 2020:

  16. #856 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Arcade Stick is a featured packed joystick designed specifically for Switch and PC.
    8BitDo Arcade Stick | 8BitDo
    Attached Images Attached Images 01-l.jpg 03-l.jpg 05-l.jpg 06-l.jpg 07-l.jpg mapping.png macros.png

  17. #857 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Super Mario Bros. 35th Anniversary Direct:
    Attached Images Attached Images eg_gheqwoaardvh.jpg

  18. #858 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Bloomberg
    Nintendo Co. has asked its assembly partners to increase production of its Switch gaming console again, raising its goal to as much as 30 million units for this fiscal year, according to people familiar with its strategy.

    The Japanese games maker has been struggling to keep up with Switch demand for most of this year, boosted by the runaway success of Animal Crossing: New Horizons and the coronavirus pandemic lifting gaming demand. It had raised production orders to 25 million units in early August, but that has proven insufficient and assemblers are now operating factories at 120%, the people said, asking to remain anonymous because the targets are private. Nintendo shares reversed losses Wednesday to gain as much as 2.3% after the report.

    Switch production was stifled by coronavirus lockdowns in China early in the year, but those issues have since been ironed out and Nintendo’s supply chain is now fully operational. Yet the surge in demand that the company has seen off the back of Animal Crossing has been uncommon, with both the game and the console sustaining elevated sales momentum six months after the island-hopping title’s release.

    The introduction of a more affordable Switch Lite variant in late 2019 helped broaden the machine’s potential audience and Nintendo is making preparations for an upgraded Switch model and a beefed-up games lineup for 2021, Bloomberg News has reported. Several outside game developers, speaking anonymously as the issue is private, said that Nintendo has asked them to make their games 4K-ready, suggesting a resolution upgrade is on its way. [...]
    Nintendo Said to Boost Switch Production by Another 20% - Bloomberg

  19. #859 SP
    Member biagyydog's Avatar
    Sper doar sa nu faca rabat de la calitate si sa ne trezim cu cine stie ce probleme pe aceste modele construite "in graba".

    Altfel chiar astept sa vad un switch 4k...

  20. #860 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Dzeule, oare vine sfarsitul lumii? Nintendo cerand developerilor sa treaca la 4K? It can't be real!

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