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Thread: Ghost of Tsushima / Director's Cut

  1. #141 SP
    Senior Member Khufu's Avatar
    Score of Tsushima: The Soundtrack of Ghost of Tsushima

    The official game soundtrack will be released by Milan Records on July 17 on all digital platforms and as a two-CD set. You can pre-order here, and all pre-orders of the digital soundtrack include an instant download of the track, “The Way of the Ghost (feat. Clare Uchima).” A vinyl edition will be coming in the future.

    Un articol foarte bun pentru pasionatii de muzica. Cred ca o sa atentez la un vinyl, daca o sa fiu pe faza cand il lanseaza.

  2. #142 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by PlayStation.Blog
    Crafting the world of Tsushima
    How Sucker Punch built Ghost of Tsushima's lush environments, from natural beauty to stunning manmade structures.

    Ghost of Tsushima is right around the corner. Very soon, we’ll finally be able to take you on this journey, time traveling back to feudal Japan. You will become Jin Sakai, a wandering samurai fighting to save his home, the island of Tsushima.

    Tsushima is a real place, a Japanese island located between the Japanese mainland and the Korean Peninsula. We visited Tsushima multiple times during the project, a beautiful place crowded with mountains and dense forests. Green covers what seems like every inch of the island, a rolling tree line from the top of the mountains all the way down to the ocean.

    However, our version of Tsushima is not a 1:1 recreation of the real-life counterpart — it’s a love letter to all of its parts. We took essential elements of the island, mixed with some inspirations from mainland Japan, and built this unique world for Ghost. During our trips, we recorded birds and nature sounds and photo-scanned leaves from Tsushima island, and used them in the actual game. This was a way for us to bring a little piece of the real island of Tsushima to you.

    Ghost of Tsushima is by far the biggest game we have ever made. The map is divided into three regions filled with more than forty diverse Biomes and hundreds of points of interest. Our goal when building an open world game is always “if you can see it, you can reach it,” with as few exceptions as possible. You will journey through lush forests, cross boggy swamp lands, and enter into frozen mountainous landscapes. We collected so many references from movies, games, paintings, and even travel posters to draw inspiration. We want to present you with an authentic, believable world, a world that would call out to you, inviting you to explore, a world that is rich and full of surprises.

    The world of Tsushima is built around two pillars: natural beauty and manmade order. While exploring the world, you may follow a string of torii gates to a forgotten shrine, assault a fortified castle, or find an abandoned fishing hut near the water. There are hundreds of locations in Tsushima to explore and hidden rewards to find. Based on the region, different locations have their own identity. For example, the healing town of Akashima is located in lowland wetlands. Moss hangs and grows on every surface, mist lingers above the ground, and incense burns near the great bell. You might even hear frogs croaking around you. It is mysterious and beautiful.

    Nature plays an important role in the world of Tsushima. It creates a rich, vibrant color palette that drives the art style and identity of our game. When we first started, nature was just part of the general background, and it wasn’t until we started working on the grasslands, and saw it as a singular element, that we realized how powerful it could be. I remember the moment we were looking at the screen, a sea of white fluffy pampas flowers dancing in the wind, rolling wave patterns flowing round after round, and white particles flying in the air. It was stunning.

    That success inspired us to look at how we could make our natural spaces more memorable and unique. We tried lots of methods to reach our goals, limiting the variety of foliage, pushing color values, increasing translucency levels, and reducing noise on textures. In the end, this bold use of color in nature became a theme for our game. By limiting the types of foliage in biomes, we were better able to bring a sense of freshness to each area and create a much more memorable world.

    You may have already heard that Ghost has a unique mechanic called the Guiding Wind. At any time, players can summon a gust of wind to help guide them to their destination. As the wind blows, players will notice everything react around them — foliage, cloth, particles helping point them in the right direction. That’s not the only role the wind plays, though.

    Imagine a classic samurai movie scene, two samurai warriors standing in a grass field, raising their swords and staring at each other, both perfectly still, holding their breath waiting for the next move. Behind that stillness is a world of motion. Grass is waving, leaves are flying through the air, cloth is blowing in the wind, and rain is coming down from the sky tapping every surface. As tension increases, we want our world to reinforce that feeling, static versus movement, and lead you to have that true cinematic moment.

    During the years it took to build our version of Tsushima, we faced a lot of challenges; the biggest one was scope. As the largest game we have ever made, can you imagine if we needed to place every single blade of grass by hand? What if we then needed to change the type or density of grass later? We would not be able to finish, so we made procedural tools that would allow us to build a massive world unbelievably fast and would still be really flexible if we changed our minds later on. These tools allowed us to be more creative and expressive in our artistic choices. Here are some examples of our tools in action:

    Foliage growing in a forest:

    Freedom of painting grass:

    Here are millions of blades of grass loaded together:

    Tsushima is rich in density and variety, and it’s also constantly changing. You might be standing on the top of a cliff and see a big storm on the horizon. You could be crossing a bridge as clouds cover the sun and rain starts to drop unexpectedly. You could be sneaking around a Mongol war camp on a misty night, but moments later end up watching a beautiful sun rise on the ocean shore with your horse… it’s dynamic.

    Exploring the world of Tsushima is a core part of our gameplay, and we treat the environment like a living character. One that’s breathing, moving, has her own personality, and is charming and plentiful.

    There are so many stories the world wants to tell and surprises to discover. We invite you to join us on that journey on July 17.

    Crafting the world of Tsushima – PlayStation.Blog

    ---------- Post added 10-07-2020 at 18:52 ----------

    E cu subtitrari:

  3. #143 SP
    Member SeCeX's Avatar
    Se arunca cineva la collector's? Nu sunt 100% convins de acea masca si eram curios daca sunt doritori.

  4. #144 SP
    Senior Member raduadelin's Avatar
    Continutul editiei nu justifica suma aia, parerea mea.

  5. #145 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Eu nu ma arunc nici macar la Special Edition. Mi se pare oribil acel Steelbook. Iar CE-ul clar nu merita pentru masca aia

  6. #146 SP
    Member SeCeX's Avatar
    Mda, nu ziceti rau, e mai mult genul ala de chestie pe care e posibil sa regret dupa ca nu am cumparat o, hype and all that, o sa ma gandesc serios.

  7. #147 SP
    Member fdkenzo's Avatar
    Este incredibil cat de bine arata jocul asta. Sper sa primească un upgrade pe PS5!
    Attached Images Attached Images a794eea5-f042-4c12-ba49-5f339c02435f.jpeg 20b377bc-b9fb-49ee-9f9d-d35f64fc163b.jpeg 2718a522-9fcc-46b6-9312-11a713a490e6.jpeg ed7601e4-3079-48aa-b0b5-d281f0233cc0.jpeg

  8. #148 SP
    Junior Member pac86's Avatar
    Pai se stie de ceva timp .
    The Last of Us 2
    Ghost of Tushima vor veni pe ps4 si ps5

  9. #149 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Eu in continuare sunt absolut neimpresionat de cum arata jocul asta, desi am incredere in SP ca sunt capabili sa faca jocuri aratoase si pline de "bling bling", adica particule shiny.

    Eu sper sa fie bun dpdv gameplay si poveste, pentru ca grafic, efectiv ma lasa rece si consider ca Days Gone (ca sa nu zic TLOU2) arata mult mai bine decat jocu asta.

    Desigur, sper sa ma insel si sa-mi placa foarte mult si grafic si sa faci sute de poze cu care sa ma mandresc

  10. #150 SP
    Member fdkenzo's Avatar
    Poate ca, si modul artistic induce in eroare, in orice caz mie imi place foarte mult cum arata jocul.

    Stiu ca PS5 va fi BC cu PS4, eu ma refeream la un upgrade vizual.

  11. #151 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Nu e modul artistic, ala-mi place, imi place paleta de culori si cum arata lumea. Nu-mi plac personajele de plastic/ceara, nu-mi place lipsa geometriei si multe altele pe care le-am precizat dupa State of Play.

  12. #152 SP
    Junior Member pac86's Avatar
    Normal , da asa trebuie sa vina ... cu detalii de ps5 . Vom vedea pe parcus .
    Si mie imi place cum arata Samuraiul ... este combinatie de Assasin Creed cu săbi
    Ca idee Days Gone arata bine dar fata de God of war 4 nu se compara .
    La days gone pe motocicleta la viteza mai agata , drop ... 1-2 sec pana se incarca mapa . Chiar aseara am fost intr-o locatie f indepartata si efectiv zona aceea nu era sinctonizata la grafica ... se vedea grafica de ps2 . Am jucat asa cat sa termini obiectivul respectiv in acea zona . In rest jocul arata bine dar nu la nivelul GoW 4 .

  13. #153 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Asta e doar parerea ta si tu stii exact ce-ti place si este ok ca ne plac lucruri diferite.
    Din punctul meu de vedere, God of War a aratat slabut rau day 1, cu foarte putine momente in care stralucea, pe langa Kratos (si personajele principale) si particulele. In rest, oriunde te uitai, vedeai geometrie putina, cu putine poligoane, texturi de rezolutie mica si intinse, samd.

    La Days Gone a fost o problema de optimizare, pentru ca pe Pro nu erau problemele alea. Dar stiam/credeam ca s-au rezolvat in mare parte, pe base PS4.

    Also, nu poti compara cum arata un joc in miscare, la 50km/h, cand totul trebuie sa fie blur si texture streaming-ul, cel putin momentan, trage totul in jos, cu un joc in care te misti cu omu, la 2-3km/h, unde texture streaming-ul n-ar trebui sa fie o problema.

    Si da, asta este un AC cu samurai. Daca era literally AC cu samurai, era mega criticat pentru multe chestii ce tin de grafica, dar nefiind vorba de un joc Ubisoft, este laudat pentru aceleasi lucruri pentru care e criticat un joc Ubisoft (vezi cazul Spider-man).

    Oricum, sper sa-mi ajunga precomanda vineri, ca sa ma pot bucura de el in weekend si sa-mi creez o parere proprie bazata pe jocul efectiv

  14. #154 SP
    Junior Member pac86's Avatar
    Corect este parerea mea . Eu am ps4 pro si asta citisem la days gone ca ar fi optimizat ... dar se pare ca Nu .
    Joc pe dvd , fiind cadou cu ps4 pro ... asta daca poate ar fi prob de incarcare mai rapida fata de jocul complet digital pe hdd .
    La detalii si geometrie ... pai stiu ce spui , dar pt perf care o are ps4 pro este ok . De multe ori arata bine fata de alte jocuri pe pc . Am pc de 3 ori mai perf fata de un ps4 pro . Am urmarit azi dimineata prezentarea de la ubisoft in leg cu AC Valhalla , si nu pare atat de wow la grafica pe cat se ast lumea . Pare la fel cu Odyssey doar cu alte personaje si poveste diferita ... curios de ce va zice si ceilati fani AC .
    Revenim la GoT nu arata rau , este interesant povestea care o va avea si cultura din aceea perioada .
    Razvan daca faci live ... lasi link sa ma uit la cateva aspecte legate de joc

  15. #155 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Cu siguranta nu voi face live, dar daca vei avea vreo intrebare si nu-l iei day one, posteaza aici vineri si voi raspunde eu sau vreunul din colegii care-l primesc day 1

  16. #156 SP
    Member SeCeX's Avatar
    Poate maine vedem si collector's ul pe viu, mai am timp pana vineri sa ma decid
    Attached Images Attached Images ecynnmzwsaabt-w.jpg

  17. #157 SP
    Member JohnConstantine's Avatar
    Maine vin review-urile.

  18. #158 SP
    Junior Member pac86's Avatar
    Sper la ceva BUN

  19. #159 SP
    Member SeCeX's Avatar
    Eu am sperante foarte mari,plus ca sunt sucker pentru samurai stuff.

  20. #160 SP
    Member JohnConstantine's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by SeCeX View Post
    Eu am sperante foarte mari,plus ca sunt sucker pentru samurai stuff.
    I see what you did there

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