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Thread: Marvel's Spider-Man 2

  1. #1 SP
    One Man Army Cristy's Avatar

    Marvel's Spider-Man 2

    A new Spider-Man 2 rumour doing the rounds on Reddit claims *link-ul contine spoilere din primul joc* that the sequel to Insomniac Games' PS4 exclusive is already well underway at the studio, and scheduled to release on PS5 next year.

    The Reddit post cites an anonymous source from within Insomniac Games, and corroborates previous rumours that the Spider-Man PS4 sequel will take place shortly after the events of the first game, set during the Winter months and expanding the open world to include the Queens and Brooklyn regions of New York City.

    A leak has surfaced on Reddit that claims a sequel to Marvel's Spider-Man is in the works and may release "Holiday 2021." Reddit user v17447377 posted the leak, which claims to be from a source "close to Insomniac games", and lists story content and features that are said to be in the game alongside the 2021 release date window.

    As with all leaks, the credibility of this information should be taken with a huge pinch of salt, but it certainly throws out some interesting directions a Spider-Man sequel could go in after the success of the web-slinging antics of the first.

    According to the leak, our reunion with Peter Parker will take place in another open-world Manhattan area that has expanded from the first game to include Queens and Brooklyn. The leak also claims that it takes place over the wintertime, and goes on to list some "sparse" story details. Oscorp is said to play a major role in the sequel, with mentions of cloning and nods towards the Marvel Universe outside of Spider-Man's web.

    The leak also suggests that
    Interestingly, it also poses the idea that a "Diablo" esque dungeon mechanic will feature in the rumoured Spider-Man 2 for randomized crimes, saying it will spawn "in different types of crimes in different situations with randomized encounters."

    The post ends with the claim that Insomniac is doing "major engine work" and "adopting more technological advances" such as photogrammetry. If the sequel is in development, the release date window would likely place it on the PS5, Sony's upcoming next-gen console slated for release at the end of this year.

    Again, there's little evidence to back up this leak and there's every chance these are a series of educated guesses. The reason we're flagging it though is that the Reddit user in question recently posted a leak that claimed the (now confirmed) Resident Evil 3 Remake was on the way ahead of Capcom's official announcement. This doesn't necessarily mean that this leak is also true, but it does suggest this leaker has form.

    Attached Images Attached Images spider-man-2-ps5-venom-1-.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    One Man Army Cristy's Avatar
    Alt zvon! (contine spoilere din primul joc spre sfarsit)

  3. #3 SP
    Member fdkenzo's Avatar

  4. #4 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Am urcat pozele din link ca sa fie mai usor de citit
    Attached Images Attached Images marvels-spider-man-2-playstation-5.jpg marvels-spider-man-2-playstation-5-1.jpg marvels-spider-man-2-playstation-5-2.jpg marvels-spider-man-2-playstation-5-3.jpg

  5. #5 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Announcement trailer, coming 2023:
    Attached Images Attached Images marvels-spider-man-2-featured-image.jpg marvels_spider-man_2_ss_01.jpg marvels_spider-man_2_ss_02.jpg

  6. #6 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    O prima comparatie:

    Despre ce au aratat...sincer, sunt putin dezamagit ca este tot in New York - speram sa vedem ce face Peter in Europa in timp ce jucam cu Miles si sa schimbe orasul, dar cat timp il modifica sau il maresc putin, should be ok.

    Arata bine overall, au cateva efecte in plus, dar sper sa nu ramana totusi la fel ci sa-l imbunatateasca.
    Daca Spider-Man initial a fost fenomenal, Miles Morales s-a simtit ca-i acelasi joc si a devenit monoton/plictisitor rapid.

    Also, daca in primul am avut 4-5 villains, aici sper ca nu este doar Venom si Electro (pare sa fie si el in trailer, dar poate ma insel).
    Au ridicat stafeta prea mult la 1 si acum cred ca va fi greu sa egaleze macar.

  7. #7 SP
    Member solaru's Avatar
    Cel care povesteste pare a fi Kraven - cel mai probabil vor fi mai multi villains.

  8. #8 SP
    Senior Member sexbobomb91's Avatar
    A aparut pe PS Store-ul din UK dar l-au dat jos intre timp.
    E posibil sa primim maine un trailer, impreuna cu filmul Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse:

  9. #9 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar

  10. #10 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Lansare Fall 2023.

    Introducing Kraven the Hunter:

    Gameplay trailer:

  11. #11 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Arata foarte ciudat...totul.

    Grafic, parca arata la fel, desi l-am vazut doar pe ecranul de laptop, asa ca astept o comparatie competenta.

    Imi place noul UI si cele cateva abilitati noi, dar avem acelasi oras, desi pare putin extins, iar Venom - sau ce este acel costum negru pe care-l poarta Peter - nu arata deloc bine...sau cum trebuie.

    Sper sa arate si altceva pana la lansare, pentru ca din ce au aratat acum, nu pare ca merita banii...

  12. #12 SP
    Member Syni's Avatar
    Nici mie nu mi-a plăcut nimic ce am văzut. Pare același rahat cu ușoare modificări pe ici colo, zici ca defapt e un DLC

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

  13. #13 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Si o comparatie grafica - nu prea inteleg unde au disparut efectele alea din primul trailer - fumul ala volumetric si iluminarea aia misto.

  14. #14 SP
    Senior Member sexbobomb91's Avatar
    La fel ca si cu Horizon: Forbidden West sau God of War: Ragnarok - jocul va arata mult mai bine decat ce vedem pe YouTube, fara compresie.
    E clar ca orasul e mult mai detaliat si viteza de miscare e mult mai mare decat oricare alta vazuta intr-un alt joc, la fel si draw-distance-ul; pare ca in 10-15 secunde poti traversa un sfert din harta.
    Insomniac nu fac demo-uri false deci e normal sa aiba unele imperfectiuni care probabil ca le vor repara pana la lansare.
    Multi se plang pe reddit sau twitter ca nu arata asa cum se asteptau dar cei care au scris macar o linie de cod in viata lor apreciaza mai mult cat de impresionant e demo-ul asta .

  15. #15 SP
    Member Syni's Avatar
    Adică sa înțeleg ca trebuie sa fi scris la viața mea ceva linii de cod sa pot sa zic ce superb este ?
    Eu zic din ce am văzut, am văzut același lucru ușor împachetat diferit, arată ca un joc apărut acum 3-4 ani. Când vezi cum arată apa aia…

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

  16. #16 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Intr-adevar, apa arata nasol rau de tot, dar nici in 1 nu excela. Focusul lor clar nu este pe apa si este firesc de ce.
    Iar loading assets pt viteza aia, e si din engine, dar mai degraba din SSD.

    Faza e ca o simpla comparatie cu trailer-ul de anunt din 2021 si deja vedem un Watch Dogs situation.

    Si nici macar despre asta nu este vorba - important e sa fie un joc bun, care sa merite cifra 2 din titlu - sa fie o evolutie a jocului - o imbunatatire pe majoritatea planurilor - iar asta presupune si grafica, tocmai pentru ca este un joc care nu va aparea si pe PS4, deci gandit din start pentru PS5.

  17. #17 SP
    Senior Member GabiCutlac's Avatar
    Mai nou e la moda sa zicem ca orice sequel e dlc? Aceeași poveste la Ragnarok, aceeași la HFW. Logic ca intr-o proporție mare e la fel cu primul joc. Nu asa a fost mereu la continuări? Nu e normal sa avem gameplay asemănător, dar cu niște schimbări, sperăm in bine, pe ici pe colo?
    Prea mult va împiedicați in grafică, gameplay-ul primează. Iar generația noua nu înseamnă doar particule si pixeli mulți...
    Si de ce comparam cu trailerul din 2021 care era cinematic CGI, iar aici avem gameplay?

  18. #18 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Nu era deloc cinematic/CGI trailer.

    Uite-l aici, in caz ca ai uitat:

    Este "Captured on PS5" si arata gameplay pieces.

    Intr-adevar, inca nu au aratat gameplay de noapte, dar ce se vede acolo e alt nivel.

    Anywho, asta ziceam si eu - important e sa fie o evolutie pe cat mai multe planuri.

  19. #19 SP
    Senior Member sexbobomb91's Avatar
    @Syni - oricine are drept la opinie, dar cineva care intelege mai bine tehnologia apreciaza mai mult unele chestii. Mie mi se par foarte mari diferentele dintre ce au aratat aici si primul joc:
    Speed is of the essence in many ways than one. First, get a glimpse at the near-instant switching between both our playable Spider-Men. And if that wasn’t enough, traversal gets a significant speed boost in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2! Cue the Web Wings, which can be deployed by either Spider-Man to move about the city swiftly and urgently. Use wind tunnels between skylines to move with haste and behold the capabilities of the PS5 console’s SSD as you soar above the concrete jungle, zipping past all manner of cars, buildings, and people (and pigeons). If you thought traversal in our first two games was exhilarating, just wait until you experience it firsthand in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2.
    As Miles tracks Lizard through the Fish Market, our environments are sure to activate your Spidey senses: our world is richer, denser and packed with details from particles to improved textures. Lighting also gets an upgrade, casting more dramatic shadows and reflections along walls and pipes; meanwhile spatial 3D audio creates unique soundscapes all around you. Further, we’re upping the immersion in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 with our signature use of the DualSense wireless controller, including a range of haptics and spectacular use of the adaptive triggers.
    @razvanrazy - ce au aratat in 2021 nu era gameplay demo, asa cum "Wash Dogs" trebuia sa fie . Si scena respectiva nu au aratat-o inca in joc, in video-ul postat de tine comparatia e facuta cu primul joc.

  20. #20 SP
    Senior Member Srachi's Avatar
    Nu arată nici cum, old gen, nimic interesant, mai și zboară ca si Superman cu wingsuit-ul ăla!

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