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Thread: PlayStation Store

  1. #821 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Da, doar ca asta cu mai multe conturi pe mai multe tari, iese din discutie daca faci share account.

  2. #822 SP
    Member snk2's Avatar
    Argentina nu a avut niciodata preturi mai mici pe PSN. Cel putin nu in generatia PS4. Doar pe XBL au fost (si inca mai sunt) preturi mult mai mici.

  3. #823 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by PlayStation.Blog
    The Extended Play promotion launches on PlayStation Store on Wednesday, May 12. For two weeks*, you can enjoy deep discounts on a variety of deluxe editions, which include not just the base game, but extra content such as campaign expansions, season passes and more.
    Extended Play promotion comes to PlayStation Store. Expand your play for less with these discounted special editions.
    Attached Images Attached Images en_siea-fi.jpg

  4. #824 SP
    Member Papillon_'s Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by paul View Post
    A explicat deja Sony de ce faca asa. Un client, de oriunde din lume, poate cumpara online un cod dintr-o tara unde pretul e mult mai mic fata de cat e la el in tara.

    Cu game codes nu se creeaza o piata competitiva, ca nu sunt reusable si physical ca un disc, ci una dubioasa tip G2A si restul.

    Asa procedeaza si Nintendo, nu mai vinde game codes pentru continut first-party.
    De lacomi si nesimti ce sunt din cauza asta procedeaza asa.
    Sunt o gramada de tari gen Argentina, Brazilia, Rusia, India, China etc care au preturi mai mici la jocuri dar in Romania sunt cele mai mari preturi pentru ca noi suntem "bogati". Jocurile blocate pe regiuni sunt cea mai mare magarie pe care o fac cei de la Sony si dezvoltatorii de jocuri.

  5. #825 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by PlayStation.Blog
    The Days of Play promotion comes to PlayStation Store on Wednesday, May 26! For two weeks* there are discounts on a huge range of PlayStation titles, including The Last of Us Part II Standard Edition, Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War Standard Edition and NBA 2K21 Standard Edition.

    You can scroll through the entire list of games below. Then head to the dedicated promotion page on PlayStation Store here to find out your regional discount pricing.
    Days of Play comes to PlayStation Store
    Attached Images Attached Images en-scaled.jpg

  6. #826 SP
    Member morphine's Avatar
    Jale cu preturile la Days of play. Raportat la salariile din Romania tot mi se par scumpe, cu tot cu reducere. Sau oi fi eu mai sarac.

  7. #827 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Chiar sunt reduceri foarte mici in ultima vreme la ei. Desi daca o luam logic, un joc de 400 lei redus la 300 lei tot e foarte scump.
    D-aia cea mai buna solutie este sa luam jocurile fizic la reduceri mai dese/mari din magazine, sau sa facem share account si sa impartim costul la 2.

  8. #828 SP
    Member Antiohh's Avatar
    Mie mi se pare ciudat sa faci un eveniment cu reduceri in care 80% dintre jocuri au fost deja la acelasi pret sau mai ieftine recent (fara ceva eveniment dedicat) si aproape toate sunt mai scumpe decat in magazin (sau cand au avut magazinele reduceri).

    Plus ca e stupid sa imi dai un joc vechi de 4 ani cu 150 lei, care a costat 300 lei la lansare si sa zici ca e reducerea de 50% (dar asta se intampla mai peste tot).

  9. #829 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Exact. In urma cu 1 luna-ish am luat Avengers cu 126 lei, iar acum e mai scump

  10. #830 SP
    Member lucicleric's Avatar
    Pe america mereu au fost preturi mai acceptabile decat in orice alta regiune...ce-i drept sunt cam aceleasi reduceri. Eu de exemplu sunt foarte multumit ca assassin creed valhalla e la jumate de pret, il impart si cu un prieten si am iesit perfect. Candva colectionam si eu jocuri pe cd...dar sunt mult mult prea scumpe.

  11. #831 SP
    Member Cristache07's Avatar
    Capcom Arcade Stadium : Ghosts'n Goblins e gratuit pe store pana pe 1 iunie. Deja e leak cu jocurie pe luna Iunie daca Sony nu schimba nimic acestea vor fi:
    Star Wars: Squadrons (PS4)
    Virtua Fighter 5: Ultimate Showdown (PS4)
    Operation tango: (PS5)

    Apropo din PS App iti poti lua jocurile de PS5 gratuite chiar daca inca nu ai un PS5. Nu e rau sa ai ceva jocuri in library

  12. #832 SP
    Member lucicleric's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Cristache07 View Post
    Capcom Arcade Stadium : Ghosts'n Goblins e gratuit pe store pana pe 1 iunie. Deja e leak cu jocurie pe luna Iunie daca Sony nu schimba nimic acestea vor fi:
    Star Wars: Squadrons (PS4)
    Virtua Fighter 5: Ultimate Showdown (PS4)
    Operation tango: (PS5)

    Apropo din PS App iti poti lua jocurile de PS5 gratuite chiar daca inca nu ai un PS5. Nu e rau sa ai ceva jocuri in library
    Eu sper sa nu fie astea jocurile, ar insemna inca o luna slabuta. Ar merge mai degraba un far cry ca si asa e vechi de cand lumea....chiar daca nu sunt fan shooter.( spun de un shooter , pentru ca nu vad ce jocuri action/rpg ar putea sa dea free).

  13. #833 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    Mi-ar plăcea să primesc Persona 5 Royal sau Persona 5 Strikers (chiar dacă îl am pe NSW).

  14. #834 SP
    Senior Member dark18's Avatar
    @Cristache07: You need Capcom Arcade Stadium in order to play this game. Please download Capcom Arcade Stadium before downloading this pack. The games in this pack are also included in the Capcom Arcade Stadium Packs 1, 2, and 3 bundle. Please take care not to purchase content you already own.

    Deci este un pack content pentru jocul se baza.

  15. #835 SP
    Member Cristache07's Avatar
    Da, este si Capcom Arcade Stadium gratuit. Am downloadat eu si totul e ok . Ai 2 jocuri: 1943 si Ghosts' n goblins

  16. #836 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by GameRant
    For years now, PlayStation fans have been able to access My PlayStation features on the official website, tracking their console activity from the page. However, that will soon be changing, as Sony has confirmed that the PlayStation website is going to be losing these features very soon.

    Currently, My PlayStation offers gamers a look at several important pieces of information. This includes friends lists and parties, allowing PlayStation users to keep track of what their fellow gamers are up to. Players can also access their Game Library from the My PlayStation page, seeing the information on all the games that they have purchased from the PlayStation Store. Trophy information is also stored on the website, with gamers able to view their account info as well.

    Come June 28, though, this page will go away forever, leaving the PlayStation fan base with one less place to check this information. When My PlayStation goes away, only the profile information and Game Library features will be kept. As soon as that date hits, they will both be moved to the website’s profile section, integrating seamlessly into the dropdown menu. However, the other features will be gone for good, with Sony letting gamers know where they can still go if they are trying to check on their friends list and view their trophy info.

    Unsurprisingly, Sony clarifies that PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 consoles are the best place to manage friends lists and look at trophy sets. It also mentions that the official PlayStation app holds all this information as well, with gamers able to track the same info easily on their phones. For PlayStation trophy hunters, there are several unofficial websites dedicated to trophies, ranging from PSN Profiles to PSN TrophyLeaders. These sites offer more detailed information on trophy lists, with guides and leaderboards also included.

    Still, for those that liked using the official website to manage their trophies and friends, this news will surely be a bit disappointing. No information is shared on why these features are being removed, though it could simply be to a lack of use. With most players likely using their consoles as opposed to My PlayStation, or other websites for trophy statistics, the page could be a waste of time for Sony. Like the PlayStation 4's Communities feature, limited interest could very well be the cause for removal. At the same time, this is purely speculation, as Sony has provided no clarification for this sudden decision.

    Regardless, it will be interesting to see if these new PlayStation website changes prove as controversial as some others. While many players were bothered by the removal of the old PlayStation Store, it is unclear how many will care about the My PlayStation page’s June 28 shutdown.
    PlayStation Website is Dropping Major Features

  17. #837 SP
    Senior Member Xander RO's Avatar
    Urmatorul post se vrea un simplu FYI in urma unui research pe care l-am facut de dimineata.
    Eram curios cum Dumnezeu de anumite tari ca Nicaragua, Oman, etc, sunt la acelasi nivel cu Romania ca si Playstation suport si am facut putin research la ceea ce inseamna Playstation la nivel global.
    Ei bine, nu sunt la acelasi nivel cu Romania. Detalii mai jos.

    Mare mi-a fost mirarea sa aflu ca desi Playstation Network exista oficial in 74 de tari tari, Playstation Store in moneda locala exista numai pentru 29 de tari din cele suportate oficial, ceea ce inseamna ca doar 39% dintre tarile unde Playstation este oficial comercializat beneficiaza de full suport din partea SONY incluzand Playstation Store in moneda locala, printre care si Romania.

    Playstation Countries - 74

    Playstation Countries with oficial Playstation Store in local currency - 29
    Poza atasata mai jos.

    Dupa cum se poate vedea din poza atasata mai jos, doar 29 de tari beneficiaza de store oficial in moneda lor, printre care si Romania.
    Din poza atasata lipsesc Brazilia, India si Ucraina care au si ele Playstation Store in moneda lor dar nu apar in lista. Restul, chiar nu au.

    Am mers mai departe si am cautat pe google si mare mi-a fost mirarea sa aflu ca toate tarile din America Latina si Middle East, impreuna cu multe alte tari unde Playstation este oficial, au de fapt un Playstation Store generic in USD, exceptie facand doar Brazilia care are Store in moneda locala Real brazilian.

    Argentina - Store in USD -
    Chile - Store in USD -
    Emiratele Arabe Unite - Store in USD -

    Concluzii interesante:

    1. Desi lumea a luat de bun acest Playstation Store Romania in RON, facem parte dintr-o lista selecta a tarilor care au Store in moneda locala.
    2. Markets super mari si importante ca Argentina, Columbia, Chile, Emiratele Arabe Unite, Arabia Saudita, etc, au Playstation Store in USD, ele neavand full suport cu Playstation Store in monedele lor locale. Bizar este ca pentru Xbox au full suport.
    Basically ele au Playstation cam cum are Romania suport de la Nintendo. Iti poti creea cont pe tara respectiva dar ai un store generic in USD (in cazul Nintendo/Romania in EUR).
    Situatia este identica pentru tot ce inseamna Middle East (Liban, Kuwait, Qatar), America Latina (practic tot ce inseamna LATAM din America de Sud + Centrala).
    3. Sunt foarte multe tari care au doar pagina oficiala Playstation si apar in lista de country selector, dar nu au deloc Playstation Store, nici macar unul generic in USD ca cele de la punctul 2 -> Serbia, Oman, Filipine, Vietnam, Qatar, etc.

    Chiar daca multi veti considera inutil postul meu, ceea ce vroiam sa subliniez este ca it's pretty cool sa vezi ca Romania sta mai bine decat tari ca Argentina, Chile, Columbia, UAE, etc pe partea de Playstation suport si ca ar trebui cu totii sa multumim celor de la SONY pentru suportul full including Playstation Store in RON si localizare full in limba romana a sistemului de operare Playstation.
    Este un lucru pe care multi il trecem cu vederea si luam acest Playstation suport ca ceva din oficiu cuvenit ('lasa ma ca au toti'), ceea ce nu este deloc asa.

    Printr-un simplu research de jumatate de ora am realizat ca desi SONY apare oficial in 74 tari, de fapt doar 29 dintre ele au full suport cu Playsation Store in moneda locala.
    Attached Images Attached Images playstation-store.png

  18. #838 SP
    Senior Member Encman's Avatar
    O mica nota, legat de Middle East, in general business-ul la nivel international ce priveste acea zona se face in USD.
    Pentru ca.. petrodolar. Sony / PSN nu (prea) are cum sa faca exceptie. Dar, da, este bizar ca Microsoft / XBOX are in moneda locala.

    Altfel foarte bun research, multumim, chiar suntem intr-un loc bun in ceea ce priveste PSN. Trebuie incurajata "piata locala". Atat pentru oferte, lansare produse dar si pentru support.

  19. #839 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    Australia, Japonia, Korea, Rusia nu au?

    Cred că în America de Sud situația politică și economică este de vină. Este mai sigur pentru Sony să vândă direct în USD. De exemplu:

    Quote Originally Posted by
    Argentina's local currency is tied to the US dollar, and fluctuates often -- at the time of publication, the official rate conversion states that $1 USD equals $86 Argentinian Pesos (ARS), but there are several other types of USD. Banks only allow customers to purchase $200 USD a month at the official rate. People who want to purchase more have to rely on unofficial exchange houses -- the so-called underground "caves" -- where they use "Blue Dollar" instead, which sits on $163 ARS. The latter is by and large the most established, and is often considered the norm.
    Next-gen consoles have few answers to Argentina's longstanding reliance on piracy

  20. #840 SP
    Senior Member Xander RO's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by dronology View Post
    Australia, Japonia, Korea, Rusia nu au?
    Ba da, toate aceste tari au in monedele lor:
    Australia - Dolar australian -
    Japonia - Yen -
    Coreea de Sud - Won sud-coreean -
    Rusia - Rubla -

    Referitor la America de Sud, ce m-a frapat este ca stam mai bine decat tari cu gaming revenue mult mai mare ca Argentina, Columbia sau Chile, care au Xbox oficial de 10 ani.
    Probabil, ca undeva la mijloc exista niste motive, dar pentru mine este important sa stiu ca la nivel de Playstation, Romania este mai bine recunoscuta decat multe dintre aceste tari.

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