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Thread: Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered

  1. #561 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Pai da. Eu asta zic de ani buni. Cu totii vor vrea profit cat mai mare, iar daca asta inseamna sa faca jocul disponibil si pe alte platforme, atunci asta vor face, cat timp end userul este multumit.

    Sony oricum are putine exclusive comparativ cu Nintendo, in ideea in care marea majoritate a jocurilor (Horizon included, dar si Uncharted series, God of War series, samd) sunt deja disponibile pe PC prin PS Now, deci nu ai nevoie sa cumperi hardware separat pentru a te bucura de jocuri.
    Au facut miscare asta pentru ca au inteles ce succes este Game Pass + Game Pass PC, iar in viitor vor face cu totii asta prin serviciile de cloud prin care te vei putea juca orice joc de pe orice platoforma, pe PC/Tableta/Telefon.

  2. #562 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Cel mai probabil așa e, cum spui tu. Eu îmi cumpăram consola pentru jocuri exclusive. Daca toate jocurile ajung sa fie "exclusive" Playstation/PC, Xbox/PC, pentru mine e simplu. Poate ar trebui sa deschidem un topic pe aceasta temă, sunt curios ce spun și colegii.

  3. #563 SP
    Member JohnConstantine's Avatar
    Si eu am consola pentru jocurile exclusive. Daca nu mai sunt exclusive probabil nu mai am un motiv sa imi iau consola. Parerea mea e ca daca vor sa le porteze pe PC (nu cred ca porturile sunt usor de facut ptr ca jocurile sunt facute cu PS4 in minte, nu e ca si cum iei jocul, il copiezi pe PC si gata) cred ca vor face precum a facut Rockstar, intai pe consola si apoi dupa 1-2 ani pe PC. Nu cred ca vor dori sa isi canibalizeze propria consola. Portul pe PC e ptr cei ce nu vor/nu cumpara consola orice ar fi, ca sa isi extinda piata de desfacere a jocului. Si cu siguranta jocurile Sony nu vor trece pe XBox sau invers.

    De asemenea portarea costa bani deci va fi un factor in a porta un joc Sony pe PC. Nu vrei sa portezi si sa descoperi ca nu iti pot recupera banii.

  4. #564 SP
    Senior Member Espiritus's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by razvanrazy View Post
    Pai da. Eu asta zic de ani buni. Cu totii vor vrea profit cat mai mare, iar daca asta inseamna sa faca jocul disponibil si pe alte platforme, atunci asta vor face, cat timp end userul este multumit.
    Nu cred ca e asa. Toti vor profit, dar daca porteaza jocurile pe PC cel mai probabil vor ajunge sa piarda bani. Sony are comisioane bunicele pentru fiecare joc pe care alti developeri il vand pe platforma lor, motiv pentru care vor ca un numar cat mai mare de oameni sa foloseasca Playstation.

    Jocurile exclusive mereu au fost, mai mult decat un genrator direct de profit, o metoda buna de a atrage mai multi utilizatori spre o anume consola, care sa cumpere 3rd party games pe consola respectiva.

    Altfel spus, pe baietii de la Sony prea putin ii intereseaza cati bani fac din vanzarea jocurilor exclusive in comparatie cu cat de multi utilizatori fideli aduc ele.

  5. #565 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    M-ati inteles gresit. Jocurile lor nu vor ajunge neaparat pe PC asa cum va ajunge Horizon sau Death Strandin, ci prin PS Now sau un abonament asemanator care sa fie tot al lor, exact cum face Microsoft cu Game Pass.
    Si exact cum face Sony si acum cu "exclusivele" lor mai vechi de X luni.

    Ideea e ca tu o sa ai nevoie de abonamentu ala ca sa le joci jocul, deci o sa le dai bani, dar o sa le includa acolo day 1 doar ca sa ai posibilitatea sa joci si daca nu ai consola lor.

    Bine, astea sunt vorbe la care vom mai ajunge in anii urmatori

  6. #566 SP
    Senior Member Khufu's Avatar
    Horizon: Zero Dawn 2 has become a PS5 exclusive, described as "gigantic" in new report

    New report suggests Guerrilla wants to release a "a standalone co-op game" before Horizon Zero Dawn 2

    The next entry in the Horizon: Zero Dawn series from Guerrilla Games is reportedly worked on with plans for a full trilogy, states a new report suggesting that a co-op focused PS5 sequel to 2017's critically acclaimed open world game is already well underway.

    A new article from VGC citing multiple sources close to Sony states that Horizon Zero Dawn 2 (or whatever it'll end up being called) was originally targeted for a PS4 release, but development at Guerilla has now shifted entirely to focus on bringing it to PlayStation's next-gen, the PS5, which is due to release this Holiday.
    VGC describes the project as "gigantic in scope with a larger game world and more freedom to explore it than in its predecessor", while also suggesting an ambitious co-op feature is also set to be included as part of the package.

    There's even word that Guerrilla had intended to release "a standalone co-op game preview" with progress that could carry over to Horizon Zero Dawn 2, but the report says it's unclear whether that's still happening or not, especially - we might imagine - given current circumstances surrounding COVID-19.
    The report follows a recently deleted tweet from the Guerrilla Games Jobs Twitter account, which used the #PS5 hashtag to advertise a vacancy for a Senior AI Programmer "who can make a difference in the design and implementation of the systems that make our NPCs come to life."

  7. #567 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar

  8. #568 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar

    Quote Originally Posted by Guerrilla Games
    Horizon Zero Dawn Complete Edition for PC will be released on Steam and Epic Games Store on August 7, 2020.

    Pre-order now!
    Epic Games Store:

  9. #569 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar

    Quote Originally Posted by Guerrilla Games
    Published by Titan Comics, the Horizon Zero Dawn comic book spin-off by artist Ann Maulina and writer Anne Toole takes place after the events of the original game, and focuses on the skilled Carja hunter Talanah. Guerrilla Studio Director & Art Director Jan-Bart van Beek and Narrative Director Ben McCaw talk about how we’re bringing the world of Horizon to the medium of comics!

    Available to pre-order now until August 5
    Available at Comic Book Retailers Worldwide

    UK & Europe: Forbidden Planet:
    Digital device: Comixology:

    Quote Originally Posted by Guerrilla Games
    Missed the Kickstarter campaign for Horizon Zero Dawn: The Board Game? Pre-order the Limited Edition All-In Pledge now!

    Successfully funded on Kickstarter in less than two hours, the eagerly awaited Horizon Zero Dawn: The Board Game by Steamforged Games is now nearing completion. Guerrilla developers got a first chance to play the game during Steamforged Games’ visit to the Guerrilla studio.

  10. #570 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar

  11. #571 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar

  12. #572 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Guerilla Games
    Prime 1 Studio and Guerrilla have come together in this epic collaboration, bringing you 1:4 scaled statues of both Aloy and the Stalker from Horizon Zero Dawn.

    Aloy is standing upon the remains of a defeated Scrapper, mid-shot with her powerful Carja War Bow and wearing the mysterious Shield-Weaver armour. The Stalker, as one of the toughest enemies from Aloy’s world, is ready to strike! Which one will you go for?

    Pre-orders are now available here:
    Attached Images Attached Images upmhzd-01ex_a00-00.jpg upmhzd-01ex_a00-04.jpg upmhzd-02_a01-01.jpg upmhzd-02_a04.jpg

  13. #573 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    To that end, we know our community has been asking for an Enhanced Performance Patch for Horizon Zero Dawn played on PlayStation 5. That patch is NOW LIVE, letting PS5 players enjoy a targeted 60 FPS as a free update! If you already have a copy, this will be automatically updated, or for any first timers to Horizon, you can find it via the Horizon Zero Dawn product page or on our social channels.
    Horizon Forbidden West arrives on February 18, 2022 – PlayStation.Blog

  14. #574 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    PS5 60fps Patch: Nigh-On Perfect Performance:

    In conclusion, Horizon Zero Dawn is very much a game renewed by its 60fps upgrade. The 30fps cap is gone, the performance drops that the original release did have are also eliminated, while background streaming is substantially improved in the areas that caused problems back in the day. The timing of the patch is also great - with Horizon Forbidden West arriving next February, there's plenty of time for PS5 owners to play through the original game and the excellent Frozen Wilds DLC. It's a great upgrade that's well worth checking out.
    Horizon Zero Dawn's PS5 upgrade delivers a nigh-on flawless 60fps •

  15. #575 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Se mira cineva? Se astepta cineva ca un joc care mergea aproape perfect pe base PS4 in 1080p cu 30fps, sa NU mearga perfect in 1440p cu 60fps pe PS5?

    Sunt curios cum e la cutscenes in game. Au facut greseala, ca in TLOU2, sa le treaca si pe alea in 60fps? Sau au ramas in 30 si e jucabil?

  16. #576 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Cutscenes sunt in 60fps.

  17. #577 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar

    Horizon Zero Dawn

    Mda. Deci au facut si ei ca ND - the easy way out. Au schimbat din 30 in 60 intr-un .ini file si pa.
    Trist…pentru mine e nejucabil in cazu asta. Asa cum nici TLOU2 nu rejoc din cauza asta desi mi-as dori.

  18. #578 SP
    Senior Member GabiCutlac's Avatar
    Poti sa dai mai multe detalii? Ca eu unu nu înțeleg ce vrei sa zici. Ce e nejucabil? Ca doar nu "joci" cutscenes, doar te uiți... Sa nu-mi spui ca nu mai e "cinematic" din cauza ca-i framerate-ul mai mare

  19. #579 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Da. E horror sa vad cinematic in 60fps. Asa cum nici filmul Hobbit nu am putut sa urmaresc.

    Pentru mine e deal breaker si nu inteleg de ce le fac asa doar ca sa fie - in bataie de joc.

    Dar nah, ca sa limiteze cutscenes la 30 fps ar presupune mai mult de 2 minute de munca…

  20. #580 SP
    Senior Member Srachi's Avatar
    Uită-te la Hobbit remasterizat in 4K ce a aparut anul trecut in decembrie, de data asta l-au făcut in 24fps! Daca ai cum uitate in Dolby Vision, este superbă remasterizarea, l-am văzut zilele astea și am facut un binge watching la trilogie. Acum am sa bag si LOTR! Nici eu nu suport filme in high frame rate, zici că mă uit la teatru!
    Deasemenea pe televizor am toate funcțiile de motion pe off, nu suport soap opera effect, abominațiune!! Gemini Man la fel a fost filmat in 60fps, chiar nu mai e cinematic de loc!
    La jocuri nu cred că este o problema, nu cred că se sesizează așa tare ca și la un film!

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