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Thread: Totul despre Xbox Game Pass

  1. #201 SP
    Junior Member Inviciblios's Avatar
    Am inteles. Deci practic ar veni vreo 200 si ceva de lei pe an nu?

  2. #202 SP
    Junior Member Krimevil's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by paul View Post
    Citeste asta si revino cu intrebari.
    Reedem dat din windows store de pe win10 presupun. La redeem apare adresa de mail + (regiune), brasil de exemplu.
    In ce moment dupa redeem se poate schimba regiunea la loc? Nu e deloc nevoie de VPN?
    Contul de xbox pe ce regiune ramane? Poate fi US/UK dar redeemul facut pe Brasil?

  3. #203 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Inviciblios View Post
    Am inteles. Deci practic ar veni vreo 200 si ceva de lei pe an nu?
    Quote Originally Posted by Krimevil View Post
    Reedem dat din windows store de pe win10 presupun. La redeem apare adresa de mail + (regiune), brasil de exemplu.
    In ce moment dupa redeem se poate schimba regiunea la loc? Nu e deloc nevoie de VPN?
    Contul de xbox pe ce regiune ramane? Poate fi US/UK dar redeemul facut pe Brasil?
    Da, in Windows Store. Nu conteaza pe ce ai contul, important e sa modifici regiunea la Windows 10, in felul acesta nu e nevoie de VPN. Unii useri spun ca merge, altii ca nu, dar poti vorbi cu Microsoft Support Chat si te rezolva. N-am incercat niciodata treaba asta cu coduri ieftine ca sa pot spune exact ce si cum. Alea de US/EU/UK/Worldwide merg sigur.

  4. #204 SP
    Junior Member Krimevil's Avatar
    Oferta de ultimate de unde o pot activa, cont online, windows store sau consola? Pentru plata acelui dolar, cum anume o pot face, cu card RO, REVOLUT, PayPal sau credit? Menționez ca am setat regiunea contului pe US și consola am initializat-o tot pe US și intenționez sa iau 2 x 12 Brazil live.

  5. #205 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Nu conteaza de unde o activezi. Pe site o gasesti aici: Buy Xbox Game Pass Ultimate - Microsoft Store.
    In legatura cu metoda de plata, incearca intai sa o setezi pe cea care iti convine mai mult. In cazul in care nu ti-o accepta, incerci altfel. Eu am pe cont de UK atasat PayPal cu card romanesc.
    Respecti pasii si ar trebui sa ai 27 luni de Ultimate.

  6. #206 SP
    Junior Member Krimevil's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by paul View Post
    Nu conteaza de unde o activezi. Pe site o gasesti aici: Buy Xbox Game Pass Ultimate - Microsoft Store.
    In legatura cu metoda de plata, incearca intai sa o setezi pe cea care iti convine mai mult. In cazul in care nu ti-o accepta, incerci altfel. Eu am pe cont de UK atasat PayPal cu card romanesc.
    Respecti pasii si ar trebui sa ai 27 luni de Ultimate.
    Live Gold BR 12m x 2 a mers cu redeem, dar nu prin windows region ci prin vpn in browser. Legat de upgrade, pe oferta de US am incercat cu paypal si revolut, respectiv card RO in spate si nu a vrut. Am incercat si cu card direct tot pe US si o adresa legit de US, tot nu a vrut. Pe UK vad ca ma pune sa ii dau adresa pt paypal.

    ---------- Post added 12-11-2020 at 16:01 ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Krimevil View Post
    Live Gold BR 12m x 2 a mers cu redeem, dar nu prin windows region ci prin vpn in browser. Legat de upgrade, pe oferta de US am incercat cu paypal si revolut, respectiv card RO in spate si nu a vrut. Am incercat si cu card direct tot pe US si o adresa legit de US, tot nu a vrut. Pe UK vad ca ma pune sa ii dau adresa pt paypal.
    Pentru cine mai incearca treaba asta, ca sa nu pierdeti o zi intreaga cautand variante: pe live-ul activat pe US nu va accepta paypal de RO, indiferent ca are Revolut sau card RO in spate, sau daca schimbi adresa de billing in paypal sau in MS account. Nu merge redeem nici de pe consola, nici din win store cu switch de regiune.
    Daca luati un gift card de 5USD pt a plati acel dolar, tot va cere backup alt payment method (paypal, card) care din nou, crapa.

    Singura varianta, care nu mi-a fost clara de la inceput, este sa luati o luna de UGP la full price (de pe site-uri care vand keys), nu mokaciune de pe MS/xbox site.
    Am incercat sa iau de pe cdkeys 1 luna UGP tot pe BR, era out of stock, am incercat cu 3 luni UGP BR, deny payment (cu toate ca de la ei am luat 2x 12m Xbox live BR), am incercat si 1 luna UGP Global de la ei, tot deny payment...
    In final am luat 1 luna UGP Global de pe gamivo si ca sa fiu sigur am folosit TunnelBear pe US si am dat redeem pe (posibil sa nu fi fost nevoie de VPN, habar nu am) care a mers pt xbox live 2 UGP conversion si in procesul asta am mai primit o luna moka peste cea platita, expiry date-ul fiind 11.03.2023 (12+1 , 12+1, 1+1), deci 4 luni bonus, daca nu mi-a scapat ceva.

    1) Dupa toata treaba asta am inteles ca pt noi regiunea de US e cam de *****, fiind mult mai restrictiva ca proces de plata/redeem/conversion si destul de alambicat, mai ales pt first timers. As evita ca dracu' US pt activare de live/UGP daca as face-o a doua oara.
    2) Suportul MS, cel putin in perioada asta e inexistent, orice bifam ca motiv de contact, ma trimitea catre virtual agent, sau documentatie, sau xbox gamers care la randul lor aveau auto-reply-uri la problema mea.
    3) Faptul ca Sony are region support pe RO e un mare plus si unul din motivele pt care nici nu creste numarul de utilizatori Xbox intr-o maniera mai sanatoasa (fara sa facem comparatii de hardware si exclusives)
    4) Tind sa cred cred ca nici combinatiile pe ieftineala nu au ajutat la treaba asta, deci poate as evita BR si as lua direct UK pe cont de UK.

  7. #207 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Guys, putin off topic, legat de Game Pass for PC.
    Am instalat aplicatia pe Windows 10 si am link-uit contul cu cel de pe Xbox si dupa ce m-am logat, mi-a zis "Game Pass is not available in your region".

    Cum ati trecut peste asta? Ati schimbat regiunea la windows pe UK sau alta tara unde este suportat? Sau exista alta metoda? As prefera totusi sa raman cu Romania ca tara, in Windows.

  8. #208 SP
    Member snk2's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by razvanrazy View Post
    Guys, putin off topic, legat de Game Pass for PC.
    Am instalat aplicatia pe Windows 10 si am link-uit contul cu cel de pe Xbox si dupa ce m-am logat, mi-a zis "Game Pass is not available in your region".

    Cum ati trecut peste asta? Ati schimbat regiunea la windows pe UK sau alta tara unde este suportat? Sau exista alta metoda? As prefera totusi sa raman cu Romania ca tara, in Windows.
    Eu am reusit sa trec doar prin schimbarea regiunii pe US (pentru ca, contul meu Microsoft/Xbox live a fost creat pe US). Dar asta a fost anul trecut, e posibil sa fi aparut de atunci si alte metode.

  9. #209 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Si asta nu afecteaza ora din windows si alte detalii de locatie?

  10. #210 SP
    Member snk2's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by razvanrazy View Post
    Si asta nu afecteaza ora din windows si alte detalii de locatie?
    poti seta ora si data independent de regiune in win 10, tot acolo in Settings la Time & Language

  11. #211 SP
    Member eneea's Avatar
    Jocul Yakuza Like a Dragon vine si in game pass pt xbox one? am gasit pe net ceva informatie ca trebuia sa vina vina prin 13 Noiembrie (nu mai gasesc link-ul). Poate stiti si voi ceva.

  12. #212 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Nu. Yakuza 0, Yakuza Kiwami si Yakuza Kiwami 2 sunt in Game Pass.

  13. #213 SP
    Junior Member mwscoofield's Avatar
    Am primit 14 day trial cu Series X-ul meu, pe care l-am activat instant...
    Mai pot oare sa fac conversia din XBOX Live Gold in Game Pass Ultimate daca am trial la Game Pass?

  14. #214 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Da, dar asteapta sa expire intai trialul.

  15. #215 SP
    Junior Member mwscoofield's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by paul View Post
    Da, dar asteapta sa expire intai trialul.
    Ok, deci astept sa expira, apoi bag 24 luni de XBOX Live Gold si ii convertesc in Ultimate Game Pass, right?

    Mersi mult pt ajutor.

  16. #216 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Da, pui Gold cat doresti si o luna de Ultimate ca sa le converteasca.

    Am facut update la ghid.

  17. #217 SP
    Junior Member mwscoofield's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by paul View Post
    Da, pui Gold cat doresti si o luna de Ultimate ca sa le converteasca.

    Am facut update la ghid.
    Mersi frumos!
    Btw, care ar fi regiunea / tara perfecta pentru Microsoft account?

  18. #218 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    US e cel mai ieftin pentru ca e USD.
    Cu UK/EU, ai GBP si EUR la un curs mare.

  19. #219 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    You’re describing the opposite of that. You’re saying, “I’m going to spend all the money upfront to make people come onto the service. Then the game developers who are not going to build their own subscription bundles, they’re going to come on to Game Pass and make a lot of money.”

    That’s our goal. That’s absolutely our goal. We see it, and not in all cases. This is all learning every day, but we see it. Even things like EA Play coming on to Game Pass was us working with our partners at EA to say, it’s not about a per-title thing, let’s actually bring the channel that you guys want to go drive and grow value in, called EA Play. Let’s bring that to Game Pass on console and PC, so you see growth in people’s attachment to your service through the distribution power of Game Pass. That’s real strength for them.

    Actually, for a content partner like EA or someone else, it helps them create the kind of moat around their content that says, “No, this EA Play thing has value.” We love that.
    How do you pay out developers? I’m a developer, I make a game, I say I’m going to put it in Game Pass, a customer pays [you] $14.99 a month. How do you decide how much to pay me, the developer?

    Our deals are, I’ll say, all over the place. That sounds unmanaged, but it’s really based on the developer’s need. One of the things that’s been cool to see is a developer, usually a smaller to mid-sized developer, might be starting a game and say, “hey, we’re willing to put this in Game Pass on our launch day if you guys will give us X dollars now.” What we can go do is, we’ll create a floor for them in terms of the success of their game. They know they’re going to get this return.

    [In] certain cases, we’ll pay for the full production cost of the game. Then they get all the retail opportunity on top of Game Pass. They can go sell it on PlayStation, on Steam, and on Xbox, and on Switch. For them, they’ve protected themselves from any downside risk. The game is going to get made. Then they have all the retail upside, we have the opportunity for day and date. That would be a flat fee payment to a developer. Sometimes the developer’s more done with the game and it’s more just a transaction of, “Hey, we’ll put it in Game Pass if you’ll pay us this amount of money.”

    Others want [agreements] more based on usage and monetization in whether it’s a store monetization that gets created through transactions, or usage. We’re open [to] experimenting with many different partners, because we don’t think we have it figured out. When we started, we had a model that was all based on usage. Most of the partners said, “Yeah, yeah, we understand that, but we don’t believe it, so just give us the money upfront.”

    If you look at every other model [like that], Spotify is always in a fight with the [music] industry. [The usage] model makes a lot of logical sense — we’ll pay you based on if people use it — but it seems to lead to an enormous amount of conflict down the line.

    My hope is we will get there, and maybe not 100 percent, maybe some hybrid model, which I think could work. We already have a revshare relationship with most of the content creators because we have a store, a digital store on our Xbox, which is basically a usage-based thing if you think about it. I buy the game, we take a cut, they take a cut, and we build success together. I’m hoping we can get to a model, where as we see upside, they see upside. There’s some downside risks that we can help cover which gives us certain capability with the content, but also helps them go do some things that maybe they couldn’t get greenlit on a pure retail model.

    The thing that’s been heartwarming to me, as somebody who’s been building games for so long, is to see games come to the service that wouldn’t have been built if there wasn’t this engine called Game Pass that allows us to go off and help fund a certain game to go build. When the team, if they’re just out there pitching the publishers on a retail game, if it doesn’t fit into some Excel spreadsheet that tells you what the retail outcome will be, then it doesn’t get green-lit. You see this in things like Netflix. There are clearly shows on Netflix that would have never been greenlit by NBC or CBS, or ABC in the old model, and frankly, can have real success. And my hope is that Game Pass can get to that same level.
    Microsoft’s Phil Spencer on the new Xbox launch - The Verge

  20. #220 SP
    Junior Member mwscoofield's Avatar
    Buna baieti!
    Tocmai mi-a expirat trial-ul la Game Pass Ultimate, si am incercat sa dau REDEEM la un card Live de 12 luni, dar imi scrie ca in loc de Live, primesc doar 4 luni de Game Pass Ultimate.
    A expirat promotia oare?

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