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Thread: Clubul Xbox Series X

  1. #1261 SP
    Prophet of the Void IlieRazvan's Avatar
    Da. În aplicație la fiecare 2 zile ai extra reduceri la diferite produse în aceleași categorii

    Trimis de pe al meu Samsung S23 folosind Tapatalk

  2. #1262 SP
    Member Phi's Avatar
    Mersi pentru info. Ar fi super daca le-ar functiona si aplicatia. Cred ca am instalat-o pe la ora 4 cand am citit mesajul tau si de atunci tot 'Ne pare rau, intampinam probleme tehnice'

  3. #1263 SP
    Senior Member sexbobomb91's Avatar
    Din pacate oferta aceea pare ca a expirat, dar il gasesti la un pret asemanator la .

  4. #1264 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Xbox Partner Preview, azi la 20:00:
    You can expect to see the latest information on in-game activities for Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth, a launch trailer for Alan Wake 2, the first gameplay for Ark: Survival Ascended, a dive into the social world of Dungeons of Hinterberg, and more!
    - are subtitrare in romana
    - fara anunturi legate de ABK

  5. #1265 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Microsoft Game Dev
    At Xbox, we believe that with better tools, creators can make even more extraordinary games. Today, we are announcing a multi-year partnership with Inworld AI, an M12-portfolio company, to build AI game dialogue & narrative tools at scale.

    This partnership will bring together: Inworld’s expertise in working with generative AI models for character development, Microsoft’s cutting-edge cloud-based AI solutions including Azure OpenAI Service, Microsoft Research’s technical insights into the future of play, and Team Xbox’s strengths in revolutionizing accessible and responsible creator tools for all developers.

    Together, we aim to deliver an accessible, responsibly designed multi-platform AI toolset to assist and empower creators in dialogue, story & quest design. The toolset will include:

    - An AI design copilot that assists and empowers game designers to explore more creative ideas, turning prompts into detailed scripts, dialogue trees, quests and more.
    - An AI character runtime engine that can be integrated into the game client, enabling entirely new narratives with dynamically-generated stories, quests, and dialogue for players to experience.
    Xbox and Inworld AI partner to empower game creators with the potential of Generative AI
    Attached Images Attached Images xboxinworldhero.png

  6. #1266 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Eh da! Asta da implementare misto a AI-ului in jocuri. Nu doar ca va salva bugetul (si timpul) companiilor producatoare de jocuri, dar va face replayability-ul unul joc de x ori mai interesant.

  7. #1267 SP
    Senior Member Xander RO's Avatar
    Sa dea dracii in astia, investesc in orice altceva, numai in jocuri nu.
    Agreed, mi se pare foarte tare treaba asta cu AI-ul, dar un joc care sa concureze cu adevarat cu niste exclusive de la unii infinit mai saraci, pe cand Microsoft?

  8. #1268 SP
    Member chios's Avatar
    Pe Xbox series x la 2100 lei.

  9. #1269 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Developer Direct in 18 ianuarie, ora 22:00:
    Quote Originally Posted by Xbox Wire
    Fans should tune in on Xbox channels at 12pm PT / 3pm ET / 8pm UK, January 18 to see all the latest on:

    - Indiana Jones game: MachineGames, the award-winning studio behind the recent Wolfenstein series, will reveal their upcoming Indiana Jones game, an action-adventure that puts players in the leather jacket of the legendary archaeologist. Developer_Direct will showcase more than 10 minutes of game and developer insights, including details about the game’s setting and story, how fans will actually play as Indy, additional details from his next globe-trotting adventure, and the premiere of the first gameplay trailer.

    - Avowed: The team at Obsidian will share the first deep dive into the gameplay experience fans can expect in Avowed, their upcoming fantasy action RPG, set in the fantastical, vibrant Living Lands. Learn more about how Obsidian’s expertise in building worlds with deep themes, dynamic gameplay, and thoughtful reactivity come to life in Avowed where players will have agency to make choices to shape every step of their adventure.

    - Ara: History Untold: Hear from the leads at Oxide Games – a studio founded by veterans of the strategy genre and the creators behind classic strategy titles including Civilization V – as they unveil exclusive new gameplay and share more details about the inspiration, key features, and road ahead for their upcoming historical grand strategy game.

    - Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II: Ninja Theory take us behind the scenes at their studio in Cambridge to give us some insight on how they are crafting Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II. The team will speak to the ambition and meticulous care involved in creating Senua’s journey of survival.

    Shortly after Developer_Direct has concluded, ZeniMax Online Studios will host The Elder Scrolls Online 2024 Global Reveal at 1pm PT / 4pm ET / 9pm UK, a standalone presentation where the development team will unveil the game’s next major Chapter, including the new zone, storyline, and other major features coming in the game’s biggest update this year.
    Xbox to Present Developer_Direct, Returning on January 18 - Xbox Wire
    Attached Images Attached Images developer-direct-2024-5039dcadfcd5ef079bf1.jpg

  10. #1270 SP
    Senior Member Xander RO's Avatar
    Eu personal nu le-as numi inca exclusive pe toate, cred ca multe vor fi si pe PlayStation 5, dar asa era titlul articolului .

    Attached Images Attached Images xbox.jpg

  11. #1271 SP
    Senior Member sexbobomb91's Avatar
    Why Microsoft might be considering Xbox exclusives on PlayStation and Nintendo Switch - The Verge

    Interesante zvonuri, nu stiu unde ar fi mai potrivit sa fie postate.
    Dar e posibil ca Microsoft sa renunte la unele jocuri exclusive si sa le lanseze si pe PlayStation si Switch, Sea of Thieves si Hi-Fi Rush fiind primele 2 care vor fi portate.

  12. #1272 SP
    Senior Member Xander RO's Avatar
    Sa le lanseze pe ce vor numai sa le faca odata

  13. #1273 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Developer Direct 2024 la ora 22:00:

  14. #1274 SP
    Banned olteanug's Avatar
    Primele două jocuri sunt de-a dreptul boring. Doar grafica e de ele.

    Al treila - skip

    ARA pare interesant, e o combinație Age of Empires + Civilization pe care o asteptam de 15 ani. Dar zice că apare toamna asta, fără dată clară. E posibil să-l amâne.

    Indiana Jones arată epic.

    Nu înțeleg de ce trebuie să ne arate mediul de lucru din studiouri, știți și voi că e fake.

  15. #1275 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar

    Quote Originally Posted by The Verge
    While Bethesda will launch its Indiana Jones game first as an Xbox console exclusive, it’s currently set to have a rather short period of exclusivity we’re told. A release for PS5 is being considered for some months later, [...]

    Sea of Thieves and Hi-Fi Rush have both reportedly been under cross-platform consideration, and we understand Microsoft has also looked into bringing other Xbox games to rival consoles.

    We’re told that a Hi-Fi Rush announcement for non-Xbox platforms is expected in the coming weeks.
    Microsoft weighs launching Indiana Jones on the PS5 - The Verge
    Quote Originally Posted by XboxEra
    According to sources, we understand that currently Microsoft are planning a launch for Starfield on PlayStation 5 post the release of the already announced “Shattered Space” expansion for Xbox and PC, which is on target to arrive at some point later this year.

    We’ve also been informed that Microsoft have made additional investment into PlayStation 5 dev kits to support ongoing development efforts – adding further fuel to the fire.
    EXCLUSIVE | Microsoft plans Starfield launch for PlayStation 5 - XboxEra

  16. #1276 SP
    Senior Member sexbobomb91's Avatar
    Nebunie, credeam că vor să facă asta cu jocuri mai mici sau mai vechi, dar nu cu toate exclusivele. Poate scopul lor e să aducă cumva Gamepass-ul pe PlayStation dar presimt că asta va reduce competiția și vom vedea mai puține investiții din partea Sony și Microsoft.

  17. #1277 SP
    Senior Member Xander RO's Avatar
    Am iubit Microsoft candva si sincer inca am sperante, mici, dar absolut tot ce fac in ultima vreme este impotriva firii si impotriva propriilor fani, din partea mea nu au decat sa se duca la dracu cu tot cu suportul lor pentru Romania (daca va veni candva) si cu desenele lor animate digitale. Asta nu mai este compania de care m-am indragostit in 2005...astia nu mai vor sa faca jocuri pentru jucatori, ii intereseaza numai cac**ul ala de subscriptie si calca in picioare tot pentru asta, inclusiv proprii fani si propria demnitate

  18. #1278 SP
    Senior Member sexbobomb91's Avatar
    Vazand si reactiile de pe Reddit incep sa inteleg de ce stirile astea sunt lansate ca "zvonuri" si nu ca anunturi directe.
    Dar in orice caz, va fi o schimbare majora si cu siguranta va devaloriza masiv brand-ul Xbox.
    Unii zic ca e posibil sa renunte complet la consola dar nu cred ca se va intampla asta, pentru ca prea multi oameni si-ar pierde licentele cumparate de-a lungul anilor si achievement-urile.

  19. #1279 SP
    Member Bogdan47xD's Avatar
    Personal daca strategia e adevarata mi se pare destul de logica chiar daca iti superi publicul,ei trebuie sa isi reduca din cheltuielile din achizitiile ZeniMax + ABK si chiar si din GamePass unde numarul de abonati parca stagnau la un moment dat,iar cea mai buna strategie de a face asta pe termen lung e sa iti pui jocurile la competitie unde ai o baza de utilizatori mare (chiar daca si Sony castiga din asta).Lupta pentru console au pierdut-o demult si pana la urma ecosistemul XBOX nu mai este o consola,ci un abonament.De pe urma acestor schimbari pot cumpara in viitor alte studio-uri sau chiar publisheri fiind mai usor acum sa nu mai aiba aceleasi probleme cum a fost cu ABK stiind ca jocurile vor ajunge si la competitie la un moment dat si sa isi poata sustina proiectul cu GamePass.Pe PlayStation vei avea posibilitatea sa cumperi jocul,pe XBOX/PC il poti juca pe abonament si pe Nintendo daca chiar vor sa aduca si acolo la fel poti sa cumperi jocul,au la indemana mai mult public in viitor decat limitat pe XBOX si pe PC unde deja nu mai stiu cum sa faca sa mai aduca oameni noi.

  20. #1280 SP
    Senior Member Xander RO's Avatar
    Problema lor cea mai mare este ca NU FAC JOCURI! Din partea mea, sa-si schimbe si logo-ul in PlayStation_2 daca vor, dar SA FACA JOCURI!
    Pentru mine ca end user dar mai ales ca fost fan inrait Microsoft, conteaza sa faca jocuri, mari, AAA, care sa rivalizeze cu God of War, TLOU, etc. I don't give a F ca au cumparat ei 400 de studio-uri si ca isi lanseaza mizeriile pe tablete si telefoane, eu am nevoie de la ei sa FACA JOCURI!

    Dar...daca incet incet tot ce stiam despre Xbox se dizolva intr-o mizerie de Netflix wannabe, eu dpdv financiar voi castiga, pentru ca voi cumpara un singur device pe care voi astepta sa joc, la un moment dat, toate jocurile existente pe piata. Initial am zic ca P3 a salvat brandul Xbox de la o moarte sigura, dar probabil ca toate aceste decizii imputite se iau peste capul lui si atunci... omului nu-i ramane decat sa apara tot mai stanjenit pe scene cu idiotenia aia de cliseu 'play everywhere & sh**', dupa care se duce acasa si se joaca God of War, dezgustat de propriul job.

    Problema cea mai mare a noastra insa, a tuturor, este ca odata redusa competitia (fie ca va detine Microsoft monopol pe content, fie ca moare Xbox si ramane PlayStation fara concurenta), veti vedea tot mai multe mizerii de live-service si incet incet tot ce inseamna jocuri facute cu suflet, poveste si pasiune adevarata pentru gaming, va fi doar o amintire.

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