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Thread: Clubul PlayStation 3

  1. #7621 SP
    Junior Member covaci adrian's Avatar
    cablul e bun? nu jtiu ce sa zic baga mufa in consola si misco sus si jos si vezi daca se misca cu tot cu mufa sa nu fie dezlipit vreun pin de pe placa

  2. #7622 SP
    Senior Member Tudoran's Avatar
    noob question . Stiu ca XMB inseamna cross media bar dar la ce se refera ?

  3. #7623 SP
    Junior Member luccy's Avatar
    Am incercat cu 2 cabluri si nu a mers, de fapt acum cateva zile am conectat pt prima oara cablul hdmi ,fara sa bruschez deloc mufa, chiar am avut grija

  4. #7624 SP
    Junior Member covaci adrian's Avatar
    nust man ce sa zic:verifica cv setari chiar nu stiu ce sa zic

  5. #7625 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    e meniul/interfata ps3. nu ti se pare ca seamana cu o cruce?

  6. #7626 SP
    Senior Member Tudoran's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by AndRewqp View Post
    e meniul/interfata ps3. nu ti se pare ca seamana cu o cruce?
    good point . Nu m-am gandit asa pana acuma . Thx

  7. #7627 SP
    Junior Member ovikan's Avatar
    parerea mea , incearca sa impingi mufa cablului mai bine in consola si in tv , vezi sa intre bine , fiindca intra mai greu decat mufa usb , de exemplu

  8. #7628 SP
    Senior Member SirAndrew's Avatar
    orice casca bluetooth merge pe ps3?

  9. #7629 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar

    Re: PS3 FAQ - Pune o intrebare, primeste un raspuns

    @sirAndrew da, orice casca.

  10. #7630 SP
    Senior Member GeOKeR's Avatar
    luccy, ai incercat sa ti apasat pe butonu de pornire al consolei cateva secunde? Incearca si se vor reseta setarile video. Ar trebui sa mearga asa

  11. #7631 SP
    Junior Member luccy's Avatar
    am incercat de vreo 5 ori inainte sa postez aici...dupa ce il pornesc asa,imi spune ca a gasit un tv conectat prin hdmi si ma intreaba daca vreau sa-l conectez acum.Selectez DA si tot ce primesc dupa ce schimb tv-ul pe hdmi este un black screen

  12. #7632 SP
    Banned theclaw37's Avatar
    Ai grija ca tv-ul tau sa suporte rezolutia pe care o induce PS3-ul. Pentru ca dupa ce ii dai "da" la acea intrebare, el trece pe HD, apoi are un coundown care te intreaba daca "asa" e ok (1080p). Daca acea intrebare a fost afisata inseamna ca si cablul, si tv-ul, si portul HDMI sunt bune, pentru ca nu se poate strica astfel incat sa arate doar SD, si cand trece pe HD sa nu mai mearga. Incearca, in Standard definition (SD) sa-i modifici din optiuni (display settings), sa afiseze 720p, sau ma rog, cat suporta televizorul tau maxim. Probabil PS-ul vrea sa afiseze la o rezolutie mai mare decat suporta TV-ul, de aceea tv-ul e negru.

  13. #7633 SP
    Junior Member luccy's Avatar
    pai problema este ca nu mai afiseaza nimic dupa ce ma intreaba daca vreau sa trec pe portul hdmi.Iar la display settings daca setez pe hdmi, ma pune iar sa astept 30 de secunde in care nu se intampla nimic (chiar daca setez din tv sursa).Nu stiu ce are, deja mi-am readus vechiul televizor cu tub pe care se vede mai bine scart-ul.Probabil mai astept un timp sa fac rost si sa termin god of war si il duc la magazin.
    Ce am mai observat si mi se pare ciudat este ca nu imi afiseaza nici daca setez pe '576i' atunci cand sunt pe scart.Acelasi simptom...ecranul negru.Nu poate afisa la rezolutii mai mari decat pal(vga)?WTF

  14. #7634 SP
    Member Radoo's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Walkman View Post
    Media Server problem..again
    Il pornesc si nu imi gaseste PS3-ul.Ce ar putea avea?
    Mi s-a �nt�mplat şi mie de c�teva ori; e ceva de la PS3, nu am descoperit �ncă ce. Lasă Media Server-ul pornit şi dă restart la consolă.

  15. #7635 SP
    Banned theclaw37's Avatar

  16. #7636 SP
    Member MSlv's Avatar
    old news... de anul trecut. nu s-a intamplat nimic intre timp.

  17. #7637 SP
    Justice of the Peace emptysilence's Avatar

  18. #7638 SP
    Senior Member Nariggar's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by theclaw37 View Post
    De mult au facut aceasta miscare si cred ca au facuto mai mult din principiu nu pentru a realiza ceva.

    Din ce am auzit eu, cica PS3-ul ar recunoaste si partitii exFat, format ce nu mai are limitarile Fat32, nu pot confirma insa pot face un test, cind voi avea timp.

  19. #7639 SP
    Member MSlv's Avatar
    pai, daca ar recunoaste exFAT, ar trebui sa recunoasca si NTFS. conform unui anumit site, exFAT e folosit cand NTFS "nu e o solutie viabila" "due to overhead". A fost creat de MS in 2006 si deocamdata doar win 7 il suporta nativ si cu toate functiile. deci nu prea vad cum ar fi compatibil, si tot cu rabla aia de fat32 o sa ramanem...

  20. #7640 SP
    Senior Member ffocus's Avatar
    Sure, Sony and Nintendo may be competitors and probably don�t sit at the same table during lunch, but that doesn�t mean they can�t help each other out every once in a while, albeit unknowingly. That�s exactly what went down today when Nintendo was found, once again, in court defending itself against a Texas firm�s exclusive rights to a temporary monopoly of sorts on a particular invention, otherwise known as a patent.

    The patent in question, U.S. Patent No. 6,906,700 filed in 2000, was awarded to Anascape Ltd back in 2005 and claims a handheld controller with multiple inputs and tactile feedback. One day back in the summer of 2006, Anascape decided to sue both Nintendo and Microsoft claiming their controllers infringed on a whole slew of patents. While Microsoft opted to settle out of court before the situation escalated, Nintendo stood its ground, lost, was ordered to pay $21 million in damages, and appealed multiple times. Now, you would think that considering the high costs associated with patent lawsuits Nintendo would simply accept defeat and move on. Instead the big N remained defiant until the end and, to much surprise, it actually paid off � thanks to Sony.

    As it turns out, Anascapes �700 patent is actually a �continuation-in-part� application of an earlier patent filed in 1996 and awarded in 2001, U.S. Patent No. 6,222,525. This means that for the �700 patent to be given the effective filed date of patent �525 and thus the ability to invalidate any product sold between 1996 and 2000, patent �525 has to support patent �700. Still with us? Good. Since the court found patent �525 nonsupportive of patent �700, �700 was rendered invalid against products released prior to the date it was filed in the year 2000. But Nintendo�s GameCube, WaveBird and Wii Classic Controllers were released after 2000, so Anascape still won, right? Well, you�re right, kind of.

    You see, despite this little setback for Anascape, they would still have a case against Nintendo if it weren�t for Sony, who decided to start selling its original DualShock controller way back in 1998. Now, we�re not math majors, but we�re pretty sure 1998 comes before 2000 on the number line. Because of this the �700 patent is effectively invalidated by what we in the legal field like to refer to as �prior art�, causing the court to overturn the earlier rulings and ultimately enabling Nintendo to walk away victorious. Of course, the real winners here are the lawyers, amirite?
    In other news, Sony was seen today finishing up a juicy steak dinner while Nintendo picked up the tab.

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