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Thread: Gran Turismo 5

  1. #4161 SP
    Member adin33's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by el_rossy View Post
    cateva poze
    Exista thread dedicat pentru asa ceva.

  2. #4162 SP
    Junior Member el_rossy's Avatar
    stiam eu ceva da nu e suparare daca le-am postat aici nu?

  3. #4163 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Am achiziţionat recent acest joc,pt cine este interesat sa il joace in 3d un link cu optiuni recomandate

  4. #4164 SP
    Junior Member PzKpfW's Avatar
    Ma baieti, se mai aude ceva de fix-ul ala pentru DLC care i-ar permite sa fie jucat pe mai mult de un cont? Ca m-am saturat sa ma joc pe Spa doar online.

  5. #4165 SP
    Junior Member el_rossy's Avatar
    GT5 Photos Collection sa mai postam poze

  6. #4166 SP
    Senior Member RazvyLord's Avatar
    Am si eu o intrebare: Cum pot schimba din mph in km/h?

  7. #4167 SP
    Senior Member TiBiKiMiR's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by RazvyLord View Post
    Am si eu o intrebare: Cum pot schimba din mph in km/h?
    Exista posibilitatea aceasta undeva prin Option...cauta acolo ca o sa mai stiu exact sa-ti spun dar sigur o sa gasesti.Bafta

  8. #4168 SP
    Junior Member mihai1's Avatar
    Da, trebuie sa schimbi din "imperial"(sistemul englezesc) in "metric" sistemul international.
    Ceea ce pe mine ma deranjeaza mult mai tare este faptul ca puterea este masurata in BHP in loc de HP si nu exista posibilitatea de a o schimba.

  9. #4169 SP
    Member claudiutk's Avatar
    Nu era inainte de patch 2.0?

  10. #4170 SP
    Junior Member mihai1's Avatar
    Imi spui ca poti schimba din BHP in HP? Eu nu am vazut optiunea asta si am update-urile la zi.

  11. #4171 SP
    Member claudiutk's Avatar
    Asta vreau sa spun, ca o setam inainte, dar de cand cu patch 2.0 nu am mai putut...

  12. #4172 SP
    Junior Member FlaviusNistoran's Avatar
    Mercedes-Benz 190 E 2.5 � 16 Evolution II �91

    - are cineva asa ceva si daca da cat vrea pe el sau cu ce la schimb deoarece as dori ff mult masina asta !

  13. #4173 SP
    Junior Member mihai1's Avatar
    Am eu 2. Varianta standard si Touring Car-ul. Am stat cu ochii pe UCD ca pe butelie.
    Din pacate nu am acces la Ps3 momentan. De asemenea nu il pot da, insa il pot imprumuta daca doresti.

  14. #4174 SP
    Junior Member PzKpfW's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by FlaviusNistoran View Post
    Mercedes-Benz 190 E 2.5 � 16 Evolution II �91

    - are cineva asa ceva si daca da cat vrea pe el sau cu ce la schimb deoarece as dori ff mult masina asta !
    Il am eu si ti-l pot da. La schimb as vrea o vopsea cromata (simpla, nu gold) daca ai. Daca ai una singura, poti s-o "clonezi" (pui salvarea de GT5 pe un stick USB > deschizi GT5 > imi dai vopseaua > iesi din joc > pui la loc salvarea de pe stick). Asa voi face si eu ca sa iti pot da masina si s-o si pastrez Daca nu, gasim noi o masina la schimb (pe care o poti "clona" il acelasi fel).

    ...Dar din pacate voi avea acces la PS abia maine pe la pranz (PSN ID: spawn_of_loki).

  15. #4175 SP
    Junior Member FlaviusNistoran's Avatar

    ---------- Post added 09-12-2011 at 08:30 PM ----------

    nu mai e nevoie de masina respectiva am gasit de unde sa o iau , adica daca faci AMG Driving Academy, Intermediate - all silver primesti ca reward mercedesul respectiv , sper ca am ajutat si pe alti care doresc masina asta si nu au de unde sa o cumpere.

    ---------- Post added 09-12-2011 at 08:32 PM ----------

    si app pt cine doreste maine la ora 10:00 pe se da in reluare gt academy europe .

  16. #4176 SP
    Member anes's Avatar
    New Gran Turismo 5 Update & DLC Coming Next Week - News -

    Sony and developer Polyphony Digital continue to roll out the improvements and DLC for Gran Turismo 5 next week.
    The PS3 game will offer Car Pack 2 to gamers for $3.99, which includes: 2010 Volkswagen Scirocco R, 2011 Mini Cooper S, 2010 Volkswagen Golf VI R, and 2012 Nissan GT-R Black Edition R35.
    Also, anyone who has bought any of the game's previous DLC will get to unlock the Gran Turismo Racing Kart 125 SP and five New Car Refresh cards, which restore you car to its new status while still retaining any modifications or paint jobs you've purchased. This gift is available for free to eligible users via the new 2.02 Update.
    Finally, Sony is also loosening its sharing restrictions for those who purchased some parts of the previous DLC. If you bought the Course Pack, Racing Pack, or Complete Pack, you can now download free Family Upgrade unlocks from the store. This allows you to share the purchased content among multiple user accounts on a single PS3 (and not just the one that originally purchased it). This doesn't apply to the Racing Gear Pack or the Special Paint Pack, although future content will not be restricted.
    Some of the Benefits of Update 2.02 Include:
    • The 2012 Toyota FT-86 (goes into your collection for free)
    • Users can now change wheels on Standard cars
    • The settings sheets will include a new ‘copy’ feature
    • In GT Auto, players will be able to see how the oil changes, aerodynamic parts, engine overhauls, and racing modifications will affect performance points and engine power, before and after their application
    • Free coupons have been added that allow you to wash cars, change oil, overhaul your engine, or refresh the car body in GT Auto (10 coupons will be distributed for free to each of those who have downloaded the 2.02 update)
    • Pressing the Square button in the car coupon selection screen of the Car Delivery will now allow you to exchange all car coupons at once, rather than doing one at a time
    • In screens where the [Garage] and [Driver List] buttons are displayed in the A/B Spec events, Special Events, and Seasonal Events, pressing the Square button will now show the [Garage], and pressing the Triangle button will bring up the drivers list
    • In My Lounge, the room settings will feature a new ‘Max. number of participants’ setting
    • In the event selection screen of seasonal events, there are now ☆(star) marks that show the number of Gold Trophies attained in each event
    • Improved racing sound effects
    • Elements of the steering assist controls (used when using certain controllers on Racing Karts) have been tweaked
    Attached Images Attached Images gt5dlc12_14_11extra.jpg gt5dlc12_14_11610.jpg

  17. #4177 SP
    manfurismojive kobayashi's Avatar
    Sa inteleg ca s-au trezit incuiatii la cap sa deblocheze DLC-urile pt toate conturile de pe o consola? Era si timpul...acum poate ma gandesc sa le iau si eu si sa le joc de pe contul meu amarat de Ro.Oricum pe Spa am facut deja o gramada de curse online, gratis, asa ca doar masinile imi lipseau

  18. #4178 SP
    Member radu_robert98r's Avatar
    aseara am cumparat eu GT5 race pack si pot sa spun ca nu merg nici macar la share masinile
    oricum evo 10 tc , mazda rx-7tc , nissan GT-R R35 tc fac totii banii

  19. #4179 SP
    Senior Member cosminbad's Avatar
    ma mir ca au bagat europene la DLC. Ma astept sa avem si ceva BMW-uri mai incolo.

    P.S. normal ca a scapat si un GT-R acolo

  20. #4180 SP
    Senior Member Florin85's Avatar
    Am zis eu ca trebuie sa bage si niste europene de-ar baga noul Aventador si un Ferrari 599 GT...

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