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Thread: Intellivision Amico

  1. #1 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar

    Lightbulb Intellivision Amico

    O noua consola de la Intellivision. Au si jocuri exclusive.
    Quote Originally Posted by Intellivision
    Meet Amico, a family-friendly video game system that's safe for kids and brings back the fun of playing together again! We are on a mission to make video gaming accessible to everyone, regardless of age or skill level. This is more than a retro-style console – we want to use technology for good, inspiring people to connect and spend quality time together as they have fun. Hear more about our vision and how we plan to reintroduce multiplayer “couch co-op” to the world.
    Amico comes with six premium, pre-loaded games, with additional games ranging from $2.99 - $9.99

    No bad language, graphic violence/blood or sexual content - every game on Amico is rated E for Everyone or E10+

    Gameplay adapts to your skill level

    No ads, downloadable content, loot boxes, or in-game purchases

    Extensive game library ranging from sports & recreation, educational & brain games, party games & retro classics, to your favorite table games — there’s truly something for everyone
    Intellivision Entertainment
    Prezentarea proiectului:

    Jocuri exclusive:
    Earthworm Jim 4:


    Se lanseaza pe 15 aprilie 2021.
    Attached Images Attached Images intellivision_amico.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Ca sa fac o gluma proasta - a sunat anul 2000 si-si vrea consola inapoi

    Foarte interesant ca si concept si vad ca au jocuri ok si super user friendly.

    Ma astept si la un pret de maxim 100$ (in caz ca l-au anuntat deja sorry, dar l-am ratat) si deja este super win pentru cei care inca se joaca pe Nintendo Wii.
    Daca mai pui in calcul si faptul ca are jocuri exclusive, iar jocurile nu vor costa mai mult de 10$, deja este super misto.

    Also, Earthworm Jim 4 arata oribil - decorurile alea parca sunt desenate de un copil in paint.

  3. #3 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Legat de pret:
    What will be the price of Amico?
    The console, which includes two controllers and 6 games, is priced starting at $249 USD.
    Legat de user friendliness:
    When you say Amico is family-friendly, what do you mean?
    We take our family-friendly focus very seriously. All Amico games will be ESRB E10+ or below (PEGI 7 or below in Europe), and contain no graphic violence/blood, bad language, or sexual content. In addition, our games will not include loot boxes, in-app purchases, DLC, ads, or any other predatory practices often seen on other gaming platforms. Plus, all of our games will support both multiplayer and players of all skill levels, encouraging families and friends, young and old to play together. In short, we seek to bring families and friends together with gaming; this promotes family-time, togetherness, positive reinforcement, social interaction, and clean, safe fun for everyone!
    Sunt curios de controller cum e sa-l folosesti.

    Au pe site informatii interesante despre prima consola Intellivision: a fost prima consola pe 16-bit, primul controller cu D-pad, primul joc de tip RTS, prima reclama de genul "console wars" cu Atari etc.
    Legacy — Intellivision Entertainment

  4. #4 SP
    Member lukecelmare's Avatar
    $249 ? Cel mai probabil mai pui vreo $50 si cumperi Series S , the game pass machine .

  5. #5 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Da, la banii aia o sa fie mega fail si sigur fac asta doar ca cash grab, fara sa se gandeasca la ce implicatii va avea asupra muncii lor.

  6. #6 SP
    Senior Member Espiritus's Avatar
    Inca o companie care foloseste scuza ca fac jocuri "pentru copii" ca sa justifice jocuri proaste care arata ca acum 20 de ani. Nu e prima data cand vedem practica asta. 100% cash grab.

  7. #7 SP
    Senior Member Khufu's Avatar
    Nostalgia este un factor foarte important, ei probabil pe asta se bazeaza. Gamerii care au crescut cu chestiile pe care lumea azi le numeste "Retro", aia sunt targetul.

  8. #8 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Nu neaparat. Din ce zice nenea ala in vide, targetul sunt acei oameni care probabil inca se joaca pe Wii, acei oameni care vor chestii silly, kid si family friendly. Dar cred ca e greu sa vinzi acestor oameni o consola atat de scumpa.

    Gamerii care au crescut cu jocurile alea, au "crescut", majoritatea au evoluat, vor altceva mai bun si mai bine facut si aceleasi jocuri le joaca pe consolele initiale pentru acel feeling retro complet.

  9. #9 SP
    Senior Member Khufu's Avatar
    Pai da, au crescut, dar sunt multi care desi se joaca pe cele mai noi console sau PCuri, tot au acel microb cu retro games si ar vrea sa le joace, chiar si dupa atata timp. Unii poate mai au consolele vechi, dar sunt o gramada care cu siguranta nu le mai au sau poate nu le-au avut niciodata si au jucat doar pe la prieteni, si de asta este o piata de exploatat. De aceea si Sony a scos acel PS Classic sau Nintendo acel Classic Mini. Astia din ziua de azi care stiu doar CoD si Fortnite normal ca nu sunt interesati, ei joaca deja niste jocuri cu o grafica mult mai buna, nu se pot intoarce la ce era inainte pentru ca nu au de ce, nu exista interes sau legatura stransa cu copilaria (nostalgie). Dar noi astia mai caliti cu Sega, Terminatoare si alte cele, am mai putea

  10. #10 SP
    Senior Member Espiritus's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Khufu View Post
    Fortnite [...] grafica mult mai buna
    Si totusi...

  11. #11 SP
    Senior Member Khufu's Avatar

    You know what I meant. Dar ai fi surprins sa vezi ca un joc ca Fortnite nu merge pe orice tigaie la full. Chiar iti trebuie un PC decentel sa il rulezi cum trebuie la setari maxime. Am vazut asta cand i-am facut unui kinder al unei cunostinte un PC special pentru asta. (si scoala, normal )

  12. #12 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar

    Quote Originally Posted by Venture Beat
    Intellivision Entertainment CEO Tommy Tallarico made his pitch to gamers today to own the couch when it comes to retro console gaming, talking about the Intellivision Amico console in a speech at the online-only Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) today.

    Intellivision has had to postpone its launch twice now, and its latest plan is to launch the Amico on October 10, about a year after it originally planned. Tallarico said the pandemic forced the company to postpone its launch, but it also gave the company an opportunity to get more games in place for its launch.

    The focus is “that friendship, that multiplayer, that couch co-op experience,” he said.

    The Amico has a Qualcomm Snapdragon processor, and its focus will be to enable multiplayer games that you can play with your friends in the same room, on the couch, like Tallarico used to do when he was young. The curvy, wedge-like console’s design is supposed to be friendly and accessible. They intend for the console to be something you can use right off the bat, and it isn’t aimed at the more limited audience of hardcore gamers. He thinks this is complementary to other consoles, and so he doesn’t view others as competition.

    It’s not about screaming graphics, but having a good time with fun, simple, casual games that you can play with your friends.
    Intellivision Entertainment wants to own retro couch gaming
    Attached Images Attached Images intellivision-2.jpg

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