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Thread: The A500 Mini - Amiga 500 Mini

  1. #1 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar

    Lightbulb The A500 Mini - Amiga 500 Mini

    The A500 Mini comes with both a mouse and gamepad, as well as support for a plugging in a standard keyboard over USB, since we imagine the keys on the mini system itself are too dinky to use.

    25 games are included - a confirmed list of 12 is below, including yes, another way to play Zool - with the ability to side-load your own over USB with WHDLoad support.

    - Alien Breed 3D
    - Another World
    - ATR: All Terrain Racing
    - Battle Chess
    - Cadaver
    - Kick Off 2
    - Pinball Dreams
    - Simon The Sorcerer
    - Speedball 2: Brutal Deluxe
    - The Chaos Engine
    - Worms: The Director's Cut
    - Zool: Ninja Of The Nth Dimension

    It also has the usual features you'd expect from a mini console at this point - save and resume functionality, 50Hz and 60Hz screen refresh options, a CRT filter and various scaling options.

    As with the C64 Mini, Retro Games Ltd is working with Koch Media to distribute the system - which is due out in early 2022 for a price of £119.99, €129.99 or $139.99.
    An Amiga 500 Mini is on the way •

    The A500 MINI - Retro Games
    Attached Images Attached Images amiga_500_mini.jpg thea500-packaging-3d-2021-july-02-1024x768.png thea500-mini-logo-light-bg-rgb-2021-june-08-1024x439.png thea500-3d-2021-july-06.png

  2. #2 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Amiga A500 Mini Review - The DF Retro Verdict - Reasonable Hardware, Lacklustre Games:

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