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Thread: The Vanishing of Ethan Carter

  1. #1 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar

    The Vanishing of Ethan Carter

    Ex-People Can Fly Devs Unveil Weird Fiction Horror in The Vanishing of Ethan Carter

    Inspired by the weird fiction stories and other tales of macabre of the early 20th century, The Vanishing of Ethan Carter is a game to be played at night, alone, and in headphones. With The Vanishing of Ethan Carter, The Astronauts – a team comprised of People Can Fly (Bulletstorm, Painkiller) veterans – aim to evolve immersive storytelling in games. It’s set for release on PC via digital distributors in 2013.

    As a detective with the supernatural ability to visualize scenes of lethal crimes, you investigate the kidnapping of a young boy, hoping to save him before it’s too late. The investigation leads you to a beautiful mountain area, where you come across a severely mutilated body of one of the kidnappers. Using both your paranormal skill and modern detective tools you discover the mystery behind the trail of corpses in the valley, the roots of an ancient force ruling the area, and the fate of the kidnapped boy.

    “What we care about the most is that the players feel like they’re really there. Immersion is our number one priority”, said the game’s designer, Adrian Chmielarz. “It’s a game about exploration and discovery. We’re not abandoning the gameplay – on the contrary: we’re trying to strip it down to the bone and make sure it’s always meaningful and truly makes the experience better.”

    The game is being developed on the latest version of the industry-leading Unreal Engine 3 technology from Epic Games, as well as exciting new technology, the details of which we will reveal in the coming months.

    Can't wait! <3
    Attached Images Attached Images 1379606245-tvoec-screenshot-1.jpg 1379606261-tvoec-screenshot-2.jpg 1379606259-tvoec-screenshot-3.jpg 1379606261-tvoec-screenshot-4.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar


  3. #3 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Occult mystery The Vanishing of Ethan Carter is coming to PS4 - PlayStation.Blog.Europe
    You play the game as Paul Prospero, an occult-minded detective who receives a disturbing letter from Ethan Carter. Realizing the boy is in grave danger, Paul arrives at Ethan’s home of Red Creek Valley, where things turn out to be even worse than he imagined. Ethan has vanished in the wake of a brutal murder, which Paul quickly discerns might not be the only murder to investigate.

    As I hope you can see from this short description, we’re trying to mix pulp and horror into one cohesive experience. And if that makes you suspect we’re making this game inspired by the weird fiction stories and other tales of the macabre from the early 20th century, then you’re on the right track. Writers like Algernon Blackwood, Stefan Grabinski, and, of course, the CEO of Cthulhu himself, H.P. Lovecraft have heavily influenced every layer of our narrative and world design.
    The Vanishing Of Ethan Carter | #PlayStationGC:

  4. #4 SP
    Member solaru's Avatar
    Cred ca este Time-exclusive PS4, din moment ce ei zic ca pe console vor veni prima oara pe PS4 candva in 2015...PS4! Gamescom Trailer! PC Pre-Orders Soon! - The Astronauts

  5. #5 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Cel mai probabil asa e, dar pana aflam date concrete cred ca nu se supara nimeni daca rămâne aici

  6. #6 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar

  7. #7 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar

  8. #8 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    De ce alte topicuri nu sunt mutate pe aria console club? Mai sunt jocuri pe pc si console...

  9. #9 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Titlurile mari care au fost deja lansate, si care au diferente notabile intre ele (gen Watch Dogs, Diablo 3, etc.) nu vor fi unite, pentru ca iese haos (sunt diferite ca gameplay, setari, control, etc.). Titluri gen The Vanishing of Ethan Carter, care de-abia daca au 4-5 posturi per thread, chiar nu merita sa stea in 2 locuri diferite. Poate daca va fi joc de succes si vor incepe sa curga posturile... sau poate daca vor fi extrem de mari diferentele in functie de platforma, se va face separat thread pt. PC si separat pt. console. Ne adaptam si noi... nu e nimic batut in cuie. Daca mai stiti astfel de cazuri, folositi butonul de Report si le unim.

  10. #10 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    The Vanishing of Ethan Carter: The Next Great Mur…:

    Quote Originally Posted by solaru View Post
    Cred ca este Time-exclusive PS4, din moment ce ei zic ca pe console vor veni prima oara pe PS4 candva in 2015...PS4! Gamescom Trailer! PC Pre-Orders Soon! - The Astronauts
    When a fan asked that does an update on game's official website "we're coming to PS4 first" means that it will arrive on Xbox One at a later time? The Astronauts replied: "Honestly don't know. I wish it were simple, but e.g. MS' parity clause might be a problem."
    Nu inteleg la ce se refera cand spune" parity clause"...

  11. #11 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    The Vanishing of Ethan Carter - Commented Gameplay:

  12. #12 SP
    Member daviddd's Avatar
    Seamănă cu Murdered: Soul Suspect.

  13. #13 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Seamănă da' nu răsare

  14. #14 SP
    Member BlackSnake's Avatar
    E Murdered Souls Suspect on low budget.

  15. #15 SP
    Member mof990's Avatar
    Singurul lucru care aduce a murdered soul suspect e fontul. Murdered mi s-a parut oribil, level design praf, grafica praf, personaje plictisitoare, etc.

  16. #16 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Știam eu ca e bun

    Eurogamer 9/10
    GameSpot 9/10
    IGN 8.5/10
    PC Gamer US 83/100
    Hardcore Gamer 4/5

    The Vanishing of Ethan Carter - Review:

    Nu reusesc sa postez recenzia celor de la Gamespot, Doamne cum arata jocul asta!

  17. #17 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Indeed, arata superb. Pe PS4 cand vine? In 2015 avem ceva mai exact?

  18. #18 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    L-am jucat si eu putin pe calculatorul fratelui meu. Jocul arata foarte bine (pe setari maxime. se lauda el la mine ca e totu pe nush ce si nush cum, dar yo nu dau doi bani pe asta, se vede ca sunt jucator pe consola ).

    Nu-mi place ca nu-ti spune ce si unde ar trebui sa mergi si sa faci si asta pentru mine este un minus. Ar trbui sa exista optiunea, chiar daca nu by default, ca sunt oameni care nu vor sa colinde lumea aia in lung si-n lat pentru a gasi un obiect si a avansa in poveste. Macar mici hint-uri.

    Pe afara, padurea, iarba, pamantul arata foarte bine. Apa schimb prin mine, mi se pare destul de slab grafic.

    Nu stiu daca voi mai avea timp sa-l joc (la cate jocuri de XO am si vor aparea), dar ca experienta, este interesant.

  19. #19 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Stai liniștit, daca MS nu renunta la "parity clause" nu ajunge pe XOne. Păcat ca nu l-au lansat si pe PS4 tot acum, la 20 de euro e foarte ok deși are doar 5 ore.

    PS: For those not in the know, the Xbox One parity clause means developers can only release their titles on Xbox One if they haven't already been released on other consoles first.

  20. #20 SP
    Vires Intus eagle-eye's Avatar
    Eu inca nu-mi dau seama daca e misto dpdv grafic sau nu. De departe arata bine peisajele, cand te uiti de-aproape la obiecte si detalii in schimb, arata groaznic.
    Si da, iti ia nspe ani sa gasesti indicii n stuff prin lumea aia.

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