Cred ca acest joc nu mai are nevoie de nici-o descriere, fiind cea mai vanduta franchise din istorie. Sims se va lansa pe 5 iunie si cred ca multi dintre noi asteapta acest joc. Astazi a fost dezvaluit Sims 3 Collector�s Edition, acesta include: 2 GB Plumbob USB drive, an exclusive in-game sports car with European styling, a poster of the neighborhood and a guide filled with tips and hints.
Aici putem discuta despre joc si ce asteptam de la el si poate ne aratam si noi personajele create .
System Requirements
CPU Intel Pentium 4 or equivalent 2.0GHz (XP) 2.4GHz (Vista)
Memory 1 GB (XP) 1.5GB (Vista)
Hard Drive Space 6.5GB of free space and 1GB for additional content
Graphics Hardware
DirectX 9.0c compliant card with 128 MB RAM (NVIDIA FX 5900/ATI 9500 or better) and support for Pixel Shader 2.0
Sound Hardware 100% DirectX 9.0c compliant card