Cine vrea sa ma invite si pe mine? [email protected]
Merci anticipat,
Cine vrea sa ma invite si pe mine? [email protected]
Merci anticipat,
tot aud de lockerz , invitati puncte etc ; A primit cineva ceva de la ei? daca da sa puna cineva cateva poze ( sa nu postati poze de la americani >_< )
Deci nu a fost reestock ?
Ce bine ca nu am mai stat..
---------- Post added 15-02-2010 at 02:34 PM ----------
Uitati The date for the next redemption will be soon but you would want to continue
checking on lockerz for updates about when it will be happening. Prizes are
available for you to view right now.
Lockerz Support
Pittsburgh, PA
[email protected]
Deci sa nu ne mai luam dupa lockerzalerts sau alte siteuri de genu asta
O sa fie redeem in 4 wave-uri si se va anunta ora exacta!In Sfarsit!Lockerz members: thanks for your great ideas yet again. You told us you'd like us to try two big changes for our next redemption: more waves and more info on the exact time and date. We listened. So in February, we're letting you put your PTZ to work to participate in up to four waves, and find out the date and time these waves will happen. Check tomorrow's hallway for more details!
Vorbind de Xbox-uri, sper sa prind unul. Daca nu, atunci un iPod Touch de 32. Humble, I know...
Eu o sa incerc sa prind Ipod Touch-ul 64GB pt ca este 900 de ptz si nu cred ca se inghesuie lumea.Toti o sa incerce sa ia ia chestii ieftine,gen PSP,Ipod Touch 8 GB etc.