data trecuta, au bagat de 4 ori![]()
prima oara la 1:00 (ora 18:00 la americani)
a doua oara la 4:00 (ora 21:00 la americani)
a 3-a oara la 15:00 (ora 10:00 la americani)
a 4-a oara la 20:00 (ora 15:00 la americani)
Dear Lockerz Member,
Today we are announcing a special event we call "Odyss Amnesty Week." If you got your PTZ in unfair or illegitimate ways, you'll want to know that Odyss, our beloved Lockerz dog, gave us the sad puppy eyes and begged us to give any reformed member one LAST chance.
Here's how it works: you have two weeks to email and confess how you cheated (when, how, and how many PTZ). Odyss will remove those PTZ from your account. You won't be banned -- as long as you continue to follow Lockerz' terms, conditions and rules.
If you don't email us, and we discover that you have cheated, your PTZ will be set to ZERO (including your game, login, invitation and dailies PTZ) and you'll risk termination of your Lockerz membership, as well as cancellation of any pending prize redemption.
To get amnesty, email us at[email protected] by 11:59 PM EST on November 13, 2009. You will not be receiving a response to your email. Please note that all PTZ will be adjusted in the next few weeks. We strongly urge you to take Odyss up on his offer.
Thank you.
- The Lockerz Crew
asta e o metoda nu prea subtila de aflare si anihilare a posibilitatilor de marire a punctelor in mod ilegal.
care prost le trimite mail in care sa se dea de gol ?
Chestia asta chiar e reala? adica doar stai pe siteul ala si castigi ceva? a castigat cineva de aici ceva pana acum?
Felicitari pentru premiu.Am si eu cateva intrebari
Ai dat vreun ban pentru transport?
Cum l-ai ridicat?te-ai dus la posta cu mandatu ala si ti l-au dat?
Pai in Bucuresti sunt vreo 4-5 sedii, care au posta vamala,probabil se iau dupa adresa si trimit la cea mai apropiata de tine nu?
Tocmai am comandat un PSP si d'asta intreb![]()
Nu mai participati la Sweepstakes pentru ca pierdeti PTZ degeaba. Aceste tombole nu sunt valabile pentru Europa.
We're taking entries all day on 11.08.09 from U.S. and Canadian members.
Da...Xbox 10 Ptz, Psp 10 Ptz... mai ieftin decat la bisnitari... in fine... inca europenii nu sunt destul de dezvoltati pt Sweepstakes, cum romanii (unii) nu sunt destul de dezv. pt Lockerz.
am o veste buna azi mia venit depe lokerz un psp cu ratchet & clank ,stiti care e faza am participat la ala cu 10 ptz.![]()