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Thread: #metoo intra si pe piata jocurilor video

  1. #1 SP
    Banned GamblerRambler's Avatar

    #metoo intra si pe piata jocurilor video

    Gata, s-o gasit si un Harvey Weinstein al industriei jocurilor video.

    Chris Avellone - producatorul , scriitorul, designer-ul urmatoarelor jocuri:
    • Fallout 2
    • Planescape: Torment
    • Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance
    • Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
    • Fallout: New Vegas
    • Wasteland 2
    • Into the Breach
    • Pillars of Eternity
    • Torment: Tides of Numenera
    • Prey
    • Divinity: Original Sin II
    • Pathfinder: Kingmaker
    • Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
    • System Shock

    Numai jocuri bune!

    Dar in iunie 2020, a fost acuzat de diverse feministe si foste partenere pentru ca si-a folosit statutul ca sa comita "asalt sexual" si "hartuire sexuala".
    Ce facea el?
    Invita femeile la hotel, le dadea de baut si .....faceau sex. Feministele acuzatoare sunt de parere ca el de fapt le imbata ca sa le violeze in timp ce dormeau.

    Iar din cauza asta, Techland a anuntat ca l-a concediat si l-a scos din productia jocului Dying Light 2.
    Gato Studios l-au scos din productia "The Waylanders".
    Paradox Interactive sustine ca implicarea sa la Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines 2 a fost de scurta durata ca nici n-ar trebui mentionat.
    Cred ca cei de la EA deja se gandesc sa-i scoata numele din echipa de productie al jocului Jedi Fallen Order.

    Avand in vedere ca exista precedent, e posibil sa fie adus in judecata si sa primeasca condamnare cu inchisoare vreo 10-20 ani. Si e posibil sa devina neangajabil pe viata, cel putin in industria jocurilor video.

  2. #2 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Da ce-a patit? S-a intamplat ceva public? Sau are el ceva probleme personale?

    LE: am gasit
    He got exposed by cheating on his wife my multiple women
    Probabil a fost fortat de Ubisoft sa step down, ca sa nu afecteze imaginea jocului.

  3. #3 SP
    Senior Member darkpaul13's Avatar
    Da da, just another douchebag

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  4. #4 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar

  5. #5 SP
    Senior Member darkpaul13's Avatar

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    ---------- Post added 24-06-2020 at 20:38 ----------

    Good riddance

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  6. #6 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Da, sincer, detalii care chiar nu conteaza si care nu ar trebui facute publice astfel incat sa ne afecteze pe noi, end users.

  7. #7 SP
    Banned GamblerRambler's Avatar
    Sa inteleg ca trebuie sa importam corectitudinea politica din America cu sanctiuni drastice (amenzi si puscarie pentru ce scrieti pe net), cu #BLM, #pride si #metoo la pachet, ca sa ne respectam reciproc si sa conversam civilizat in tara asta?
    Vreti neaparat sa aveti asa ceva?

    Daca nu aveti capacitatea sa purtam discutii serioase si decente la subiect , fara atacuri sau referiri la persoana, atunci OK, o sa avem un internet cenzurat si reglementat in care o sa va luati amenzi pentru orice insulta, oricat de anonimi ati fi.
    Deja se pune de un CNA internaut pe you tube.Stiu un blogger celebru care a ajuns sa platasca 10000 lei daune altuia din cauza calomniei, fara sa-l injure sau asa.
    Iar destui si-au luat amenzi si s-au trezit cu procese pentru ca au jignit institutii publice pe facebook si au scris m u i e PSD. Sa va vad cum o sa injurati PNL sau USR pentru porcariile pe care le vor face fiindca fac pariu ca nu o sa aveti tupeu.

    Vreti sa avem dictatura progresista ca-n America in care nici macar sa-i mai spui unuia ca e urat sau unei femei ca e sexy pe internet de frica ca poti ajunge acuzat de sexism, continuati cu insultele si mistocareala.Vedeti ca a trecut legea anti-cyberbullying de parlament. Sa-i multumiti lui Colo.

  8. #8 SP
    Member zoli86's Avatar
    Este adevarat ca uneori sunt acuzati barbati mai mult sau mai putin celebri pentru tot felul de chestii minuscule de catre diferite femei iar asta le afecteaza cariera, viata personala, sanatatea mintala chiar, miscarile pe Twitter #metoo #timeisup au afectat multi barbati ( si femei ) de multe ori cu acuzatii nefondate ba chiar si false uneori. Cancel culture este un lucru destul de nasol in SUA in mare parte pentru ca e greu sa te aperi si trebuie sa fi bine pregatit sa faci fata acuzatiilor, si chiar si asa de multe ori lumea nu te crede ( vezi Johnny Depp ).
    DAR, treaba asta are doua taisuri, partea cealalta este ca au fost prinsi foarte multi care au facut chestii destul de nasoale, de la hartuire sexuala pana la viol iar asta nu este un lucru de maturat pe sub covor.
    Revenind la frica ta cum ca acest movement va ajunge si in Romania eu zic ca aici nu i se va da atata atentie, aici lumea uita repede, vezi persoanele din BOR care au fost acuzati de pedofilie, multi tin pana si acuma bine mersi slujbe duminica.
    Treaba cu Chris Avellone si acuzatiile aduse asupra lui, daca este adevarat atunci este un om deplorabil vis-a-vis de femei si indiferent cate jocuri bune a facut sau a scris acest lucru nu ii iarta greselile.

  9. #9 SP
    Senior Member Xander RO's Avatar
    Cand vad atata ipocrizie in mediul online imi vine sa vomit.
    Asta e primul producer care face magarii cu bibistrocelul asa cum TLOU2 este primul joc in care x y z... pagini si sute de pagini si articole peste articole si gameri cu 'oo' intre picioare deveniti peste noapte primadone sentimentale afectate de firul epic...

    Pana acum nu ii deranja sa umble cu un cap atarnat la chiloti in God of War, sau cu un bebelus in borcan in DS (infinit mai fKup decat orice altceva), dar vai ce se intampla zilele astea ne emotioneaza pana la depresie.

  10. #10 SP
    Senior Member darkpaul13's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Xander Ro View Post
    Cand vad atata ipocrizie in mediul online imi vine sa vomit.
    Asta e primul producer care face magarii cu bibistrocelul asa cum TLOU2 este primul joc in care x y z... pagini si sute de pagini si articole peste articole si gameri cu 'oo' intre picioare deveniti peste noapte primadone sentimentale afectate de firul epic...

    Pana acum nu ii deranja sa umble cu un cap atarnat la chiloti in God of War, sau cu un bebelus in borcan in DS (infinit mai fKup decat orice altceva), dar vai ce se intampla zilele astea ne emotioneaza pana la depresie.
    Nu, dar așa se întâmpla in societățile civilizate, ai greșit și tragi compania/statul/demnitatea pe care o deții in mocirla, îți dai demisia

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    ---------- Post added 25-06-2020 at 14:13 ----------

    Totuși cred ca aceasta discuție ar trebui mutată pe un threaduri separat, face parte din noua mișcare #metoo din gaming

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    ---------- Post added 25-06-2020 at 14:19 ----------


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  11. #11 SP
    Banned GamblerRambler's Avatar
    Dpmdv, e o mizerie ce a ajuns presa americana asa zis liberala- sa defileze cu scandaluri sexuale si sa-si spele rufele in public. Niste oportuniste, ca sa nu le zic c****, care profita de barbati sa acceada in ierarhie sau pozitii, iar cand ajung cu sacii-n caruta, dupa vreo 5-10 ani asa, imediat incep sa arunce cu acuzatii sa-l termine pe bietul om.
    E mai rau decat in presa cancanista care baga numai stiri despre divorturi si spalat rufele la TV, dar macar la noi inca nu au ajuns sa demita producatori, politicieni, artisti, rog, ei ar trebui sa demisioneze oricum din alte motive printre care se enumera incompetenta si coruptia.

    L-au terminat pe Harvey Weinstein care a produs cele mai bune filme din anii 1990-2000', filme de o grandoare pe care nu o sa le mai vedem in epoca filmelor CGI.
    L-au ruinat pe Kevin Spacey.
    Pe unul l-a scos din serialul Flash din cauza unui comentariu homofob de pe Twitter de acum 5 ani!
    Era sa-l termine si pe bietul Neil deGrasse Tyson pentru ca a facut o gluma uneia despre tatuajul cu sistemul solar ca a intrebat-o unde este Pluto....acum 10 ANI!
    Plus o gramada de sportivi si cantareti cica acuzati pentru viol care au cariera terminata.
    Acum ti-e sila sa mai vezi vreun film la cinema sau pe netflix la cat de feministe si LGBT-iste sunt, plus ca sunt niste uscaturi cu prea mult CGI. Nici glume porcoase ca-n anii 90' nu mai au voie sa faca.

    Acum vor sa distruga si industria gamingului.

    Nu se mai poate asa ceva, mi-a ajuns peste gat razboiul asta dintre sexe si va spun ca barbatii si femeile vor ajunge sa traiasca in societati separate, cu reproducere artificiala si roboti sexuali.
    Ori se va ajunge la primul razboi dintre femei si barbati, de pe urma caruia smecherii din spatele cortinei vor profita.

  12. #12 SP
    Senior Member darkpaul13's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by GamblerRambler View Post
    Tocmai de aceea am deschis un topic pentru tema asta....puerila as zice.

    ---------- Post added 25-06-2020 at 14:33 ----------

    Mi se pare o tampenie: nu mai are voie omul sa faca sex sau sa se duca la prostituate. Nici macar nu a violat. A fost sex cu consintamant? A fost!
    Dpmdv, e o mizerie ce a ajuns presa americana asa zis liberala- sa defileze cu scandaluri sexuale si sa-si spele rufele in public. Niste oportuniste, ca sa nu le zic c****, care profita de barbati sa acceada in ierarhie sau pozitii, iar cand ajung cu sacii-n caruta, dupa vreo 5-10 ani asa, imediat incep sa arunce cu acuzatii sa-l termine pe bietul om.

    L-au terminat pe Harvey Weinstein care a produs cele mai bune filme din anii 1990-2000', filme de o grandoare pe care nu o sa le mai vedem in epoca filmelor CGI.
    L-au ruinat pe Kevin Spacey.
    Acum ti-e sila sa mai vezi vreun film la cinema sau pe netflix la cat de feministe si LGBT-iste sunt, plus ca sunt niste uscaturi cu prea mult CGI. Nici glume porcoase ca-n anii 90' nu mai au voie sa faca.

    Acum vor sa distruga si industria gamingului.
    Barbatii aia nici macar n-au violat!

    Da, isi da demisia cel mai bun si cel mai talentat producator fiindca a facut sex cu o prostituata pe care a imbatat-o.

    Si vine in locul lui un prost care scoate un film/joc mediocru cu incasari slabe, ceea ce duce la falimentarea companiei.

    #logica de progresist!

    Nu e de mirare ca americanii au preferat sa-l voteze pe un idiot si badaran ca Trump decat o scorpie ca Hillary.
    Lol, ce mentalitate, nimeni nu e de neînlocuit in orice domeniu și nu sunt deloc , dar deloc progresist însă cu astfel de mizerii nu se poate merge mai departe.
    Dacă ar fi fi-ta tot la fel ai pune problema ?

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    ---------- Post added 25-06-2020 at 14:39 ----------

    De fapt revin, este mentalitatea care a adus țara asta in *****, pe sistemul “fura dar face și ceva, e băiat inteligent” sau cum zicea mosu ăla bou(Țiriac) “dintre un prost și un HOT aleg hoțul” total invers fata de ce zicea Iuliu Maniu acum 80 de ani.

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  13. #13 SP
    Banned GamblerRambler's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Xander Ro View Post

    Pana acum nu ii deranja sa umble cu un cap atarnat la chiloti in God of War
    Chiar asa.....

    Ai observat ca ultimul God of War n-a avut nici macar o secventa cu SEX?
    Nici macar boobs?

    Quote Originally Posted by darkpaul13 View Post
    Lol, ce mentalitate, nimeni nu e de neînlocuit in orice domeniu și nu sunt deloc , dar deloc progresist însă cu astfel de mizerii nu se poate merge mai departe.
    Dacă ar fi fi-ta tot la fel ai pune problema ?
    1. Un producator ca Harvey Weinstein n-ai sa mai vezi nici peste 50-100 ani.
    2. Daca as avea ar avea peste 18 ani, chiar nu m-ar mai interesa cu cine se culca. De la 18 ani se cheama ca esti adult cu discernamant si iti asumi responsabilitatea cu cine umbli si cu cine te cuplezi. Sunt impotriva violului , dar daca ar fi vorba de relatie intima cu consintamant, nu m-as baga. Din partea mea, daca dupa 18 ani vrea sa devina prostituata, e treaba ei.
    #Her body, her choice! dupa o zicala feminista....
    Pana la urma, ori suntem tati progresisti ori conservatori?

    Cred ca regizori ca Woody Allen, Stanley Kubrick si Alfred Hitccock , cantareti ca Michael Jackson si Elvis Preasley, si inclusiv actori ca Marlon Brando si Charley Chaplin, au comis porcarii mult mai mari.
    Dar au avut noroc ca s-au nascut in alta epoca si au reusit sa ne livreze arta cum nu o sa mai vedem niciodata.
    Daca nu mergeau la prostituate ori nu aveau amante care sa le ofere inspiratie, productiile lor ar fi fost mult mai insipide.
    Asta functioneaza natura si psihologia barbatului.
    Altfel nu se poate.
    Nu mai stim sa fim barbati si femei, nu mai putem sa facem sex hetero ca in vremurile normale, iar cei care sunt in spatele mizeriei asteia chiar vor sa ne dezumanizeze de am ajuns sa apelam la pornografie VR, jucarii sexuale , papusi si roboti.
    Ajungem sa fim amendati pentru ca agatam pe strada sau pe dracu, o sa ajungem la razboi intre sexe pana la urma! Cei care controleaza media chiar vor sa ne divizeze, ne-au impartit societatea in progresiti si conservatori, in socialisti vs liberali, in globalisti vs nationalisti, in atei vs crestini vs musulmani.... in MGTOW-isti vs Feministe mai nou, ba vor sa ne oblige sa devenim gay si lesbience.
    Oamenii chiar atat de orbi sunt incat sa nu-si dea seama ca "cineva' sau "aceia" profita de pe urma conflictelor iscate, si ca se urmareste in final o uniformizare a lumii?

    Cu asta am incheiat subiectul.
    Si asa ma scarbeste .

    ---------- Post added 25-06-2020 at 14:55 ----------

    P.S. ca tot suntem pe un topic despre Assassin's Creed, da, TEMPLIERII EXISTA!
    Dar intr-o alta forma .
    Nu Illuminati, nu masoni, nu clubul Bohemian , nu protocolul Sionului sau Skull & Bones, niste parodii scoase la inaintare ca sa ne distraga.

    Nu, exista sub forma retelelor mafiote imbinate cu serviciile secrete si elitele bancare, fara nume.
    Dintotdeauna au condus lumea, si tot ei sunt cei care au declansat razboaie, revolutii, au impus dictaturi, au manevrat toti dictatorii si presedintii alesi democratic dupa cum au vrut si au demolat regimuri dupa cum au vrut. E laudabil ca au contribuit la cresterea nivelului de trai si la industrializare, dar au facut-o in folosul lor ca sa se imbogateasca si sa devina mai puternici,iar noi sa devenim mai dependenti de ei.
    Dintotdeauna, cel putin din secolele XVI-XVIII tot incearca sa ne bage pe gat o ordine mondiala dupa cum vor ei.
    Cam din epoca iluminismului!
    Vedeti toate bacnotele de dolari, toate declaratiile lui Thomas Jefferson, tot simbolismul american.

    Iar divizarea societatii dupa "divide et impera" este unul din etapele instituirii ordinii mondiale.
    Ce vedem azi - scandalurile si conflictele dintre conservatori si progresisti, intre traditionalisti si feministe, intre globalisti si nationalisti, e doar o parte din planul final , urmat de iscarea unui razboi final , un razboi civil la nivel mondial intre toate categoriile sociale (Fortnite apropo, si toate jocurile Battle Royale in care ne luptam intre noi pana la ultimul, ne pregatesc pentru acest razboi ), urmat de instaurarea unei ordini mondiale guvernata de Inteligenta Artificiala Centrala in care oamenii vor ajunge niste sclavi.
    China e doar un experiment social, un prototip a ceea ce vom experimenta si vom trai cu totii in viitor care se va extinde la nivel planetar.

    Ubisoft ne-a dezvaluit inca din primul joc cum decurg lucrurile in spatel cortinei . Cine a urmarit dialogurile dintre Desmond, Lucy si Vidic stie despre ce vorbesc.

    Templerii vad ca noi oamenii de rand traim si acum intr-o societate MIZERABILA, infestata de cancerul coruptiei si de prostie.
    De aceea vor sa cladeasca o societate noua, mai curata, mai educata, mai buna......dar modul cum vor ei sa o cladeasca e terifiant.

  14. #14 SP
    Senior Member darkpaul13's Avatar

    Ma înscriu și eu
    Revenind la chestii serioase: Matrix

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  15. #15 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Bloomberg
    Dozens of women took to social media over the past few days to outline explosive allegations against prominent men in the world of video gaming and streaming, setting the stage for what could be the beginning of a #MeToo reckoning for the $150 billion video game industry.

    Four women leveled accusations of sexual misconduct against Chris Avellone, a critically acclaimed video game writer, leading one developer to end its cooperation with him and prompting him to part ways with another game in the works. A different woman accused Omeed Dariani, the chief executive officer of Online Performers Group, a talent agency that works with many video streamers, of making an unwelcome sexual overture. Dariani resigned from his position on Sunday. Some streamers began calling for a blackout Wednesday of Inc.’s Twitch, the biggest game streaming platform, alleging that it turns a blind eye to misbehavior.

    The gaming industry has for years been criticized as unwelcoming—if not hostile—to women, but has not yet faced the #MeToo movement on the same scale as Hollywood and other industries. This week’s flurry of postings was unique in terms of its volume and public nature, and it has sent ripples across the industry. Accusations began appearing on Twitter late Friday night and each new post emboldened other women to publicly share their stories. Many of the postings about the men accused of misconduct were subsequently compiled in a thread on Medium.

    Some of the people identified in postings have denied wrongdoing, while others have apologized for their behavior. Many were not identified by their legal names, but by the names they are known by on social media.

    Dariani’s accuser said the CEO proposed that she join him and his wife for a sexual encounter. Dariani didn’t respond to requests for comment but said on Twitter that while he didn’t recall the conversation, he believed his accuser, Molly Fender Ayala. When asked for comment by Bloomberg News, she said her public post expresses everything she “feels comfortable with sharing at this time. My intention was to bring light to a larger issue in the gaming industry and hopefully protect young women who are entering the space.” Twitch said it’s investigating reports of misconduct and that it “supports people coming forward.”

    Some of the most detailed allegations were brought against Avellone, who replied on Twitter to one of the women, Karissa, saying he “never meant any harm” to her or a friend of hers that he had dated. “If I can't do anything to apologize for it, I understand, and there's nothing more to be done.” Karissa, who spoke to Bloomberg News about her allegations, declined to give her last name for fear of harassment.

    Avellone, who has written for popular games such as Planescape: Torment and Fallout: New Vegas, was a founder and co-owner of the video game studio Obsidian Entertainment Inc. from 2003 until 2015. Since then, he has been a freelance designer and writer for games including Prey and Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. His work as a writer has been lauded by fans and critics. Industry publication Game Developer magazine listed him as one of the field’s top writers in 2009.

    In interviews with Bloomberg News, two women shared similar but separate stories of Avellone buying a continuous stream of drinks for them and others at an event and then making unwanted sexual advances on the two women. One, Karissa, said it happened when she met Avellone at a convention one weekend in 2012; the second said it happened at an event in 2013. A third woman, who now works at a large video game company, posted on Twitter a screen shot of sexually explicit messages she said she had received from Avellone in 2013, when she was seeking to break into the industry. A fourth wrote on Twitter that Avellone had “groped me repeatedly” at a nightclub in 2014.

    Avellone didn’t respond to multiple requests for comment. Feargus Urquhart, Obsidian’s chief executive officer, declined to comment on Avellone.

    On Friday evening, Karissa accused Avellone of getting her “blackout drunk” and trying to sleep with her, calling him “an abusive, abrasive, conniving sexual predator” in a thread of messages on Twitter. After being contacted by Bloomberg, Karissa, who asked that her last name not be printed for fear of harassment, elaborated in a phone interview. She said she met Avellone through friends in the gaming industry at a convention in 2012. At the hotel bar, Karissa said, Avellone put down his Obsidian credit card and bought multiple rounds of drinks for attendees.

    “They were coming so quickly,” said Karissa. “It was almost like as soon as my drink was gone, Chris already had one or two more for me. I remember refusing him, just being like, ‘I'm good, I don't need another one.’ He would literally just be like, ‘Come on, let's go to the bar, let's get you another one.’ He did that multiple times throughout the night.”

    Karissa said the alcohol “all hit me at once,” and that she remembers walking back to her hotel room with Avellone and two of her friends. She said she vaguely remembers Avellone trying to kiss her on the way up, and kissing her again when they arrived at the hallway outside her room. At one point, Avellone then put a hand down her pants, after which she told him to stop, Karissa said she remembers. “I told him this is not a good idea,” she said. “He stopped, then took his hand out of my pants. I think he kissed me one more time, and then left.”

    After that night, Karissa said she remained friendly with Avellone, and that he was “a perfect gentleman” the rest of the weekend, which “kind of pushed off what had happened in my head.” She said that their friendship ended after he had a difficult relationship with one of her other friends, and that it only occurred to her recently that something went wrong that night in 2012.

    “It actually didn't start to click with me until other women in the industry started coming forward with their stories, and seeing how similar they were to mine,” Karissa said, referring to the outpouring that began on Friday. She spoke up after seeing an interview with Avellone on the gaming website IGN for The Waylanders, a new video game he was helping write.

    One friend of Karissa, who asked not to be named because the person still works in the video game industry, confirmed to Bloomberg News that they heard the same story from Karissa about a month after it happened.

    Christy Dena, a video game designer, said she and Avellone had been friendly for years when they met up at a convention in Melbourne in 2013. She went out drinking with him and a few other friends, she said in an interview, and he was “continuously buying drinks” for the group. “At every event we went to, he’d just put the company card down and buy everybody drinks,” Dena said.

    The two of them went back to her hotel room, Dena said, and that the next thing she remembers is waking up next to him with no clothes on. “I remember going back to the room, but then I don't remember much of what happened in the room at all,” she said. “And then just waking up in the morning. He said, ‘Oh, we didn't do anything,’ but of course my clothes were off.”

    Dena said she kept in touch with Avellone but wasn’t interested in pursuing any sort of relationship with him. She chose to speak up after seeing Karissa’s accusations. “When Karissa put the post out, and I read things she said, I thought, ‘Oh, this is a pattern of behavior,’” Dena said. “It wasn't just me.”

    She has stopped drinking as a result of this and other uncomfortable incidents involving other men at video game industry events. “It's one of those things it took me a very long time to learn,” Dena said. “People are not in a consenting state when they're drunk.”

    In rare instances over the past three years, accusations have emerged against powerful men, including a depiction of a culture of sexism at Riot Games, Inc. and a sexual assault allegation against a former top developer at Take-Two Interactive Software Inc.’s Rockstar Games, the maker of Grand Theft Auto. (Three weeks after the article’s publication in online gaming magazine Kotaku in 2018, Riot Games said it had "much to improve" and that it would overhaul many of its practices. Rockstar Games declined to comment on the allegations raised in the story published last year and the executive accused denied the allegations.)

    On Saturday night, Jacqui Collins, a public relations representative for Riot Games, shared a screenshot of sexually explicit text messages from Avellone on Twitter. “This was before I was full time in the games industry, but knew I wanted a future in it and was actively working towards that,” she wrote. “Chris was one of the ‘industry greats’ I was frankly flattered to even know let alone be friendly with. So I forgave and regularly asked him career advice.”

    The women’s accusations have had real-world implications for Avellone. Techland Sp., a Polish game developer, said Monday on Twitter that it planned to stop working with Avellone, who was part of the narrative team for the company's next game, Dying Light 2. And Emily Grace Buck, the lead writer of The Waylanders, has since said Avellone is no longer on the project and that she would “take an extra look” at his work.

    Other companies have also said they plan to investigate accounts this week. Video game publisher Ubisoft Entertainment SA. said it was “deeply concerned” by sexual misconduct allegations against some of its employees, according to Gamasutra. Insomniac Games, Inc., the Sony-owned developer of the Spider-Man video games, said it was also investigating a former employee’s allegations of sexual misconduct.

    (Updates to add other companies making investigations into allegations in final paragraph.)
    Video Game Industry Rocked by Outpouring of Sexual Misconduct Allegations - Bloomberg
    Quote Originally Posted by Bloomberg
    Ubisoft Entertainment SA, one of the world’s largest video-game publishers, placed two executives and several other employees on administrative leave as part of a corporate investigation into misconduct allegations made public over the last week, according to people familiar with the situation.

    The two high-ranking employees under scrutiny are Tommy François and Maxime Béland, both vice presidents in the group overseeing development of Ubisoft’s games worldwide, said the people, who asked not to be identified discussing personnel issues. Each man faced at least three claims of misconduct among a flurry of Twitter posts from named and anonymous accusers.

    Neither François nor Béland responded to requests for comment. Stephanie Magnier, a spokeswoman for Ubisoft, wrote in an email: “These are under investigation, so we are not commenting further at this time.”

    The #MeToo movement suddenly took hold in the video game industry in the last week as women spoke out on Twitter about abuse and circulated a Medium post compiling allegations. Many of the accusations were lodged against male staff at Ubisoft, the biggest game publisher in France. Ubisoft has more than 16,000 employees in more than a dozen countries and owns blockbuster franchises including Assassin’s Creed and Far Cry.

    The recent string of allegations prompted a message from Ubisoft’s human resources chief Thursday on the internal employee network. The message, reviewed by Bloomberg, said Ubisoft is “deeply concerned by these accusations” and encouraged workers to share their accounts with the company. Ubisoft also posted a statement publicly that it would conduct an investigation.

    Hundreds of Ubisoft employees commented on the message, many expressing skepticism that the company would take appropriate action. Several wrote that Ubisoft had not said enough, that allegations had been reported in the past and that some had lost trust in HR.
    MeToo in Gaming: Two Ubisoft Executives Placed on Leave - Bloomberg
    Quote Originally Posted by Ubisoft
    Concerning recent allegations raised against certain Ubisoft team members: We want to start by apologizing to everyone affected by this – we are truly sorry. We are dedicated to creating an inclusive and safe environment for our teams, players, and communities. It is clear we have fallen short of this in the past. We must do better.

    We have started by launching investigations into the allegations with the support of specialized external consultants. Based on the outcomes, we are fully committed to taking any and all appropriate disciplinary action. As these investigations are ongoing, we can't comment further. We are also auditing our existing policies, processes, and systems to understand where these have broken down, and to ensure we can better prevent, detect, and punish inappropriate behavior.

    We will be sharing additional measures that we are putting in place with our teams in the coming days. Our goal is to foster an environment that our employees, partners, and communities can be proud of –one that reflects our values and that is safe for everyone.
    An Update from Ubisoft
    Quote Originally Posted by Jason Schreier
    NEW: Ubisoft's CEO and HR boss just emailed the company to say external law firms are investigating the allegations and Ubi is setting up an internal group "to come up with better solutions and tools to detect, report and resolve any incident or serious problem without delay"
    Jason Schreier on Twitter

  16. #16 SP
    Banned GamblerRambler's Avatar
    Daca si jocurile vor fi pe masura, cred ca ma las de gaming, ori raman doar la jocurile vechi.

    O sa devenim niste batrani nostalgici dupa jocurile aparute in ultimii 10-15 ani.
    La fel cum sunt cei din generatia MTV nostalgici dupa Mario, Sonic, Zelda, Pac-man, Tetris, asa si noi milenialii vom fi nostalgici.

    Zoomerii au niste gusturi proaste in materie de gaming cand vezi ca Fortnite si Overwatch sunt in top.

    ---------- Post added 29-06-2020 at 08:19 ----------

    Multi de pe aici nu cred ca o sa digeram jocurile aparute dupa 2020!

    Cum multi jucatori nostalgici dupa jocurile aniilor 1990-2000' nu au putut sa le digere pe alea aparute dupa 2010.

  17. #17 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Front-page "Liberation" cu 4 pagini dedicate, multe acuzatii postate in online, Ubisoft Forward pe 12 iulie:
    - Récits de harcèlement et d'agressions sexuelles à Ubisoft*: «Les jeux vidéo c’est fun, on peut tout faire, rien n’est grave» - Culture / Next
    - Violence et harcèlement: enquête sur des cadres d'Ubisoft, notamment à Montréal
    - Gamasutra - Ubisoft CEO sanctions formation of 'multidisciplinary working group' to tackle abuse
    - Gamasutra - The Ubisoft paradox: How the publisher enabled a culture of abuse and control

  18. #18 SP
    Banned GamblerRambler's Avatar
    Eu v-am spus : feministele si progresistii, dupa ce au terminat de ruinat cinematografia, se vor apuca acum sa distruga si industria gamingului.
    Astia sunt aceiasi care distrug statuile si vandalizeaza picturile din muzee pe motiv ca sunt rasiste, ba misogine sau homofobe.
    Vor sa distruga arta exact cum o fac musulmanii radicali si turbati pe motiv ca nu suporta sa vada chipuri de oameni portretizati, tot aceiasi care au interzis saluturile de Craciun si Paste pe motiv ca ofenseaza.

    Vor incepe sa concedieze in masa pe toti cei care se impotrivesc noului curent progresist.
    Iar cei care au facut o singura data o gluma nevinovata ce se considera homofoba, rasista sau misogina pe forumuri sau pe Facebook/Twitter, chiar si acum 10 ani, vor fi respinsi la interviuri. Vor fi neangajabili in IT dupa toate pregatirile pe care le-au facut, indiferent cat de priceputi ar fi, oricat de talentati ati fi, nu o sa le pese. Pur si simplu nu o sa te angajeze.

    Deja se intampla in Londra si la Paris, am auzit de IT-isti priceputi cu cativa ani vechime, cu pozitia de seniori, care pentru o singura insulta rasista sau misogina, chiar si o gluma, au ajuns sa traiasca in strada.
    Nici macar la supermarkete nu-i angajeaza.
    Fiindca apar pe toate listele negre ale serviciilor secrete care opereaza cu cei de la resurse umane in toate lanturile si unitatile corporatiste ca fiind persona non-grata.
    De ce credeti ca in America sunt atatia albi care traiesc in strada sau la rulote pe la marginea oraselor, si ajung sa voteze cu Trump din disperare sa le dea joburi in minerit si fabrici?
    Fiindca nu-i vrea NIMENI fiindca sunt prea traditionalisti si prea masculini ca sa se adapteze la politica progresista corporatista.

    Cand ne spuneau unii ca ce urmeaza o sa fie mult mai rau decat comunismul, nu i-am ascultat, am ras de ei....uite ca o sa ne iasa rasetele pe nas.
    Pentru ca comunismul macar te incuraja sa te insori cu o femei si sa faci copii, iti asigura un job decent....uite ca corporatismul progresist de acum te amendeaza si daca ii dai flori unei fete si incerci sa o agati intr-un club.Ba chiar te incurajeaza sa devii gay. Iar daca nu te adaptezi, te lasa sa mori de foame.

    ---------- Post added 02-07-2020 at 20:14 ----------

    EA a fost prima companie care a inceput trendul asta, acum l-a preluat si Ubisoft, si in curand vor fi toate acaparate de trendul asta , inclusiv producatorii INDIE.
    Nu o sa mai vedem jocuri de strategie in care sa ne jucam de-a europenii, nici RPG-uri ca Witcher, sau shootere cu americanul masculin si alb in postura de erou clasic.
    Vom juca doar cu oameni de culoare, gay, travestiti si femei.
    De la Rockstar sunt deja zvonuri cum ca urmatorul GTA va avea trei personaje feminine, posibil un gay.

  19. #19 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    ​​In ultima perioada, multe dezvaluiri si acuzatii si in comunitatea Smash: Summary of sexual and non-sexual allegations Megathread : smashbros.

  20. #20 SP
    Banned GamblerRambler's Avatar
    Eu cred ca nu o sa mai joc nimic dupa Cyberpunk - sa zicem ca ala va portretiza viitorul intunecat asa cum va fi.
    O sa ma joc si o sa cumpar jocurile doar din intervalul anilor 1980-2020, ceea ce o consider drept epoca de aur a gamingului.

    Dupa 2020 o sa inceapa decaderea, epoca intunecata a gamingului!
    Vor lansa numai porcarii progresiste, iar Mass Effect Andromeda e doar o MONSTRA din ceea ce o sa ne serveasca.
    Pe langa faptul ca de la o vreme companiile prefera sa angajeze tot felul de inapti doar pentru ca sunt de culoare, femei sau gay, fara sa le testeze capacitatile intelectuale sau aptitudinile tehnice. Pur si simplu ii angajeaza si ii platesc sa frece menta si sa se prefaca ca muncesc, ca de aia si vedem ultimele jocuri lansate pline de BUG-uri, ba incomplete , de ne pun sa platim in plus pentru DLC-uri.
    Daca esti gay sau femeie , te face imediat sef de echipa.
    Iar daca esti evreu sau transexual, imediat te promoveaza ca manager.

    Jocurile vor decadea si grafic , fiindca observand componentele lui PS5, imi dau seama ca " next gen" e o mega teapa.

    La modul serios spun ca decat sa ma joc porcarii de tip Fortnite , mai bine joc Sah!

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