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Thread: #metoo intra si pe piata jocurilor video

  1. #101 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Ubisoft Singapore is being investigated by the country's labor rights agency over reports of sexual harassment and discrimination at the studio, according to The Straits Times.

    The paper reports that the Tripartite Alliance for Fair and Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) received a tip about issues at the Skull and Bones studio last month in the days after a Kotaku report detailed toxic culture, sexual harassment and racial pay disparity at the studio.

    Depending on the outcome of the investigation, TAFEP could require Ubisoft to adopt certain preventative policies at the studio.

    If the studio is found to have discriminated against employees -- local employees were reportedly paid less than foreign hires -- then Singapore's Ministry of Manpower could prevent it from seeking new work visas or renewing existing ones for up to two years.
    Singapore labor rights agency investigating Ubisoft |

  2. #102 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Ubisoft today named long-time employee Igor Manceau as its new chief creative officer.

    Manceau has been with Ubisoft for more than two decades, joining the company in 1998 as part of the business marketing team. He has been at Ubisoft Annecy since 2014, where he was creative director first on Steep and then Riders Republic.

    Ubisoft's last chief creative officer, Serge Hascoët, left the company over a year ago in the wake of numerous reports of sexual harassment and discrimination at the publisher, one of which named Hascoët as playing a central role in Ubisoft's cultural problems.

    Ubisoft employee group A Better Ubisoft released a statement along with the appointment of Manceau, framing it as a failure on Guillemot's part to follow through on a promise to overhaul the way the company's Editorial Department works.

    "There is no clear expression of the creative process, and there is a shocking lack of diversity in the VPs," A Better Ubisoft said. "We acknowledge the hiring of Bio-Jade Adam Granger, but not much progress has been made beyond that, especially given that two additional VPs were meant to be hired.

    "Currently, as it stands, the creative team at Ubisoft is composed of white people who are of uniform cultural backgrounds. This leaves us with a lack of confidence in the future shape of the editorial team."
    Ubisoft names Igor Manceau its new chief creative officer |

  3. #103 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    BlizzConline 2022 anulat:
    We’ve decided to take a step back and pause on planning the previously announced BlizzConline event scheduled for early next year. This was a tough decision for all of us to make, but it’s the right one.
    Reimagining BlizzCon — BlizzCon — Blizzard News
    Attached Images Attached Images 40iu1fo16rko1586390047559.jpg

  4. #104 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by VentureBeat
    Activision Blizzard announced today that Jen Oneal is stepping down from her role as Blizzard co-leader, which she started in August along with Mike Ybarra.

    Ybarra will then become the sole leader of Blizzard. He and Oneal stepped in after J. Allen Brack’s departure as Blizzard president, which happened after the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing sued Activision Blizzard for sex discrimination in the workplace.

    Oneal was the head of Vicarious Visions, which Activision absorbed into Blizzard earlier this year. She has been at Activision for more than 20 years. Oneal is leaving Activision Blizzard to focus on bringing more diversity to the gaming industry. Activision is creating a $1 million grant to Women in Games International in her honor. Oneal is a board member of the organization.
    Jen Oneal leaves Blizzard co-leader role, Mike Ybarra becomes sole boss

  5. #105 SP
    Senior Member sexbobomb91's Avatar
    Activision CEO Bobby Kotick told an employee he would have her killed. He kept an exec from being fired after a sexual harassment claim. He didn't tell his board of alleged rapes and other misconduct.

  6. #106 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    Activision Blizzard Employees Stage Walkout in Light of Horrible New Kotick Allegations

  7. #107 SP
    Senior Member sexbobomb91's Avatar
    Sony Group Corp.’s PlayStation chief Jim Ryan criticized Activision Blizzard Inc. Wednesday for the game publisher’s inadequate response to an explosive news article article alleging that Chief Executive Officer Bobby Kotick was aware of sexual misconduct and harassment allegations for years and that he had also mistreated women. In an email to employees reviewed by Bloomberg, Ryan linked to the Wall Street Journal’s Tuesday report. He wrote that he and his leadership were “disheartened and frankly stunned to read” that Activision “has not done enough to address a deep-seated culture of discrimination and harassment.”
    “We outreached to Activision immediately after the article was published to express our deep concern and to ask how they plan to address the claims made in the article,” he wrote. “We do not believe their statements of response properly address the situation.”
    As one of the video game industry’s biggest console manufacturers, PlayStation has long had a close relationship with Activision, which produces hits like Call of Duty and World of Warcraft.
    Activision Blizzard employees walked out Tuesday and called for Kotick’s resignation. The board issued a statement standing by Kotick.

    Cei din functiile foarte rar comenteaza referitor la chestiile astea, mare lucru sa vezi asta din partea lui Jim Ryan.

  8. #108 SP
    Senior Member sexbobomb91's Avatar
    Xbox boss Phil Spencer has joined the chorus of industry professionals criticizing Activision Blizzard, telling staff in an email obtained by Bloomberg that Xbox is "evaluating all aspects of our relationship" with the embattled publisher.
    With Xbox and PlayStation both now sending out forceful internal statements about Activision Blizzard, pressure is growing on the board to remove embattled CEO Bobby Kotick.
    Spencer said he and his executive team are "disturbed and deeply troubled by the horrific events and actions” at Activision Blizzard following this week's revelations that Bobby Kotick knew for years about sexual harassment and was himself a perpetrator of misconduct.
    In response to this scathing criticism from Xbox and PlayStation, an Activision Blizzard spokesperson tells Bloomberg "we respect all feedback from our valued partners" and "we are committed to the work of ensuring our culture and workplace are safe, diverse, and inclusive."

    Over 1,000 employees and contractors at Activision Blizzard have now signed and published a petition to remove CEO Bobby Kotick from the company, doubling the number of signatures since the petition was made public.

  9. #109 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by The Verge
    Of the five individuals arrested, only two are named — former chief creative officer Serge Hacosët and editorial vice president Tommy François, both of whom left the company in 2020.
    Former Ubisoft executives arrested after sexual harassment investigation - The Verge

    Articolul (franceza): Affaire Ubisoft*: cinq gardes à vue dans le cadre d’une enquête pour harcèlements moral et sexuel – Libération.

  10. #110 SP
    Banned olteanug's Avatar
    Când devii o țară prea dezvoltată și 70-80% din populație o duce decent după standarde, majoritatea problemelor ți le provoci de una singură. Precum problema natalității scăzute în rândul oamenilor nativi și educați provocată în mod artificial tocmai de feministe cu studii superioare care cred că nu mai au nevoie de bărbați.

    Feminismul de azi e varianta feminină a curentului misogin Andrew Tate. O fi divertisment sau nu, dar multe fete și femei chiar pun botu.
    Și te miri de ce imigranții și săracii se înmulțesc bine mersi, pentru că vedem în Vestul Europei și în America de Nord unde indienii, arabii și africanii. majoritatea imigranți fără liceul terminat, fără serviciu, care stau pe ajutor social și încă își păstrează tradițiile, se înmulțesc ca iepurii, au câte 5-10 copii și nu duc grija dacă trebuie să-i ducă la școală.

    E trist că o să începem să vedem din astea și în România. Și ne mai mirăm apoi de ce mulți cunoscuți ajung de votează cu partide extremiste.

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