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Thread: Spambox XXL

  1. #10141 SP
    Senior Member Teo's Avatar
    Mi-am luat in Ianuarie de la eMag HDD extern 8TB la 640lei / buc. In total am cumparat 4 bucati insa mai am nevoie de vreo 2. Am vazut ca preturile au crescut foarte mult. Ati mai vazut in ultimul timp oferte similare ca pret? Eventual daca vedeti in viitor, dati-mi si mie aici un reply, va rog!

    Vreau sa am suplimentar inca 15-20 TB, nu conteaza cum sunt impartiti.
    Attached Images Attached Images hdd-extern-emag.jpg

  2. #10142 SP
    Member Phi's Avatar
    Pentru becuri Hue GU10 e nevoie de ceva configuratie speciala in sensul ca as vrea sa le inlocuiesc pe astea simple GU10 ce le am acum in camera si ca sa le utilizez doar cu telecomanda sau din aplicatie, trebuie sa las intrerupatorul pe "on"?

    Are sens ce scriu? Telecomanda respectiva doar le da on/off, atata vreme cat sunt alimentate la curent, deci intrerupatorul actual ar trebui sa stea pe on tot timpul, nu?

    Mai e nevoie de alceva anume pentru functionarea lor?

  3. #10143 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    Billionaire Star Trek - SNL

  4. #10144 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    Gamification - The future of games | DW Documentary

    Quote Originally Posted by DW Documentary
    More than just pastimes, games have long played a role in shaping the world. Today, "gamification" is more prominent than ever, as creative people develop games to help heal the sick, prevent industrial accidents and enable kids to do well in school.

    Motivation is a problem for many people. How can they overcome their inner resistance? One answer is gamification: introducing play into everyday situations.

    Take 14-year-old Paula Monfeld. She has to do strenuous muscle exercises every day, or her condition - cerebral palsy - will worsen. Game developers want to help her have more fun doing these exercises.

    "The good thing that gamification can do is tap into a person’s potential," explains game developer Thomas Immich. "But simply awarding points or rewards is not gamification, that’s not enough." Instead, tapping into intrinsic motivation is, so to speak, the name of the game.

    With games for doctors, medical technologist Stefan Vilsmeier wants to "democratize access to adequate healthcare and training." In the future, before surgeons lay hands on their patients, they ought to first practice on their cell phones, "playing" the operations through, down to the smallest detail.

    One Danish school manages without any technology at all. At the Østerskov Efterskole, teachers and students teach and learn via role playing. For example, German teacher Iris Sanders and her students spend an entire week "living" in communist East Germany. "When you learn something, you learn best when emotions are involved." That's Iris Sanders' credo.

    But does gamification help when it comes to learning new work skills? Belgian Jelmen Lombarts and his team want to test this idea using a forklift simulator. With online trade and logistics growing rapidly around the world, new forklift drivers have to be trained quickly, and accidents are becoming more frequent. Training on a simulator could help, says Jelmen Lombarts: "Industry must also accept that the future is in games and that the new generation is more than ready for it."

  5. #10145 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    29 Times Abed Nadir Went Full Meta

  6. #10146 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar

    Quote Originally Posted by The Verge
    Sam isn’t a real person — she’s a digital human created by Auckland-based tech company Soul Machines. Designed to have a short conversation with visitors about herself, she runs on a proprietary “digital brain” and studies my expressions via webcam. At one point Sam asks me to smile but can’t seem to register my biggest, brightest “cheese.” I wonder if I’m just bad at emoting. When she asks if I know what autonomous animation is, I respond “No, but you’re about to tell me.”

    “Good answer!” Sam chirps. “You should come and do my job!” She then explains that it means her speech and action aren’t pre-recorded — she can respond to every moment like a natural interaction. Digital people running on Soul Machines’ dystopian-sounding Humans OS 2.0 can use their hands and will one day be able to use full-body motions. “Does that make me more relatable to you?” she asks.
    This company is making digital humans to serve the metaverse

  7. #10147 SP
    Member codpin's Avatar
    @jocurinoi salutare, am facut si eu o comanda la voi pentru Guardians of the Galaxy PS5 care apare in stoc si cand intru la detalii comenzi imi apare ca mai am de asteptat 5 zile pana sa fie pus la curier.

    What's up with that?

    E in stoc pana la urma? Ca parca zici ca am facut precomanda... screenshot_20211124-200335.jpg

  8. #10148 SP
    Senior Member Mihail's Avatar
    Buna ziua!

    ---------- Post added 17-12-2021 at 11:15 ----------

    E VINERI!!!!

    ---------- Post added 17-12-2021 at 11:17 ----------

  9. #10149 SP
    Senior Member Mihail's Avatar
    Bună dimineața!

  10. #10150 SP
    Senior Member Madk91's Avatar
    De când nu ne-am mai văzut.

    Toți, bine, sănătoși?
    Mă apucă nostalia. Vai...

    MonkY inca e la butoane pe forum.
    Ma bucur ca nu a trecut forumul printrun "purge", sa imi șteargă contul. Si am aceeași parolă fara caps, numere, semne de punctuație.

    Sunt curios care inca sunt activi.

    Multă sănătate!

    Sent from my CPH1951 using Tapatalk

  11. #10151 SP
    Senior Member Teo's Avatar
    Văzut azi într-un magazin, credeți ca poate fi original? Ambalajul arata legit insa la butonul "pătrat" este ceva fishy, de asemenea aceasta versiune nu apare oficial nicăieri pe web.
    Attached Images Attached Images img_20220324_154022-01.jpeg img_20220324_154028-01-01.jpeg img_20220324_154025-01.jpeg

  12. #10152 SP
    Member Antiohh's Avatar - pare modelul tau.

    ---------- Post added 24-03-2022 at 22:51 ----------

    De fapt vad ca lipseste logo-ul PS de la butonul de home

  13. #10153 SP
    Senior Member Teo's Avatar

    Foarte misto editarea, merita vazut full screen.

  14. #10154 SP
    Member Phi's Avatar
    Daca e cineva care nu foloseste punctele din interiorul carcaselor de la jocurile Bandai Namco... le-as putea folosi eu Mai imi lipsesc cateva ca sa dau redeem la un item de la ei de pe site.


  15. #10155 SP
    Member SeCeX's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Phi View Post
    Daca e cineva care nu foloseste punctele din interiorul carcaselor de la jocurile Bandai Namco... le-as putea folosi eu Mai imi lipsesc cateva ca sa dau redeem la un item de la ei de pe site.

    I see you are a man of culture as well , si eu tot strang la ele, why? inca nu stiu

  16. #10156 SP
    Member Phi's Avatar

    Vezi ca is niste chestii interesante. Din pacate costa multe puncte. Mie mi-a atras atentia un Steelbook de la The Dark Pictures Anthology la 7k puncte. Ar trebui sa ai cateva jocuri de la ei ca sa poti strange cifra asta. Eu nu am Looking for help si aici

  17. #10157 SP
    Member SeCeX's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Phi View Post

    Vezi ca is niste chestii interesante. Din pacate costa multe puncte. Mie mi-a atras atentia un Steelbook de la The Dark Pictures Anthology la 7k puncte. Ar trebui sa ai cateva jocuri de la ei ca sa poti strange cifra asta. Eu nu am Looking for help si aici
    Cred ca am vreo 10.000, am tot tras speranta ca o sa iau ceva dark souls related dar nu e nimic care sa mi faca cu ochiul, ia sa vad ce e cu steel ul ala.

  18. #10158 SP
    Senior Member zinodaur's Avatar
    Incerc sa gasesc un kit de tobe Guitar Hero, nicio sansa nici pe OLX, nici pe Okazii, nici pe nimic. Sa nu fi avut nimeni sau le a aruncat toata lumea la gunoi?

  19. #10159 SP
    Vires Intus eagle-eye's Avatar
    Sau s-au stricat. La ale mele nu prea mai merg lucrurile

  20. #10160 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    How Yakuza Speak Japanese

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