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Thread: Vand sau schimb jocuri PC in Bucuresti

  1. #1 SP
    Member stormmaker's Avatar

    Vand sau schimb jocuri PC in Bucuresti

    Vand sau schimb urmatoarele jocuri de calculator:

    - Area 51,10 lei.
    - Call of Juarez,complet,15 lei
    - E racer,fara manual, 7 lei.
    - Escape from paradise city,complet,15 lei
    - Halo Combat Evolved,fara manual,10 lei.
    - Halo Combat Evolved,complet,15 lei.
    - Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix,coperta si manual romana,joc engleza,15 lei.
    - Max Payne (numai discul),10 lei.
    - Peter Jackson's King Kong,coperta e patata,complet,joc pe 3 discuri,15 lei.
    - Psi Ops,the Mindgate Conspiracy,10 lei.
    - Reservoir Dogs,complet,15 lei.
    - Second Sight,complet,15 lei.
    - Silverfall,complet,15 lei.
    - The Shield,complet,15 lei.

    Jocuri de la revista level:

    - Advent Rising,7 lei
    - Arx Fatalis,7 lei.
    - Bloodrayne 2,7 lei
    - Broken Sword the Sleeping Dragon,7 lei
    - Call of Juarez,7 lei
    - Dreamfall the Longest Journey,7 lei
    - Earth 2160,7 lei
    - Infernal,7 lei
    - Knights of the Temple Infernal Crusade,7 lei
    - Psi Ops the Mindgate Conspiracy,7 lei
    - Sherlock Holmes the Awakened,7 lei
    - Spell Force 2 Gold Edition,7 lei
    - Stubbs the Zombie Rebel Without Pulse,7 lei
    - Trine,7 lei

    Cine cumpara un joc din cele la carcasa si ia si un joc de la level il va primi in 5 lei (jocul de la level).

    Numai in Bucuresti.

    Telefon: 0721600066

  2. #2 SP
    Member stormmaker's Avatar


    Vand sau schimb urmatoarele jocuri de calculator:

    - Area 51,10 lei.
    - Call of Juarez,complet,15 lei
    - E racer,fara manual, 7 lei.
    - Escape from paradise city,15 lei
    - Halo Combat Evolved,fara manual,10 lei.
    - Halo Combat Evolved,complet,15 lei.
    - Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix,coperta si manual romana,joc engleza,15 lei.
    - Max Payne,numai discul,,10 lei.
    - Peter Jackson's King Kong,coperta e patata,complet,joc pe 3 discuri,complet,15 lei.
    - Psi Ops,the Mindgate Conspiracy,10 lei.
    - Racing Simulation 3,10 lei.
    - Reservoir Dogs,complet,15 lei.
    - Second Sight,complet,15 lei.
    - Silverfall,complet,15 lei.
    - Starsky & Hutch,complet,10 lei.
    - The Shield,complet,15 lei.

    Jocuri de la revista level,7 lei bucata:

    - Advent Rising
    - Arx Fatalis
    - Bloodrayne 2
    - Broken Sword the Sleeping Dragon
    - Call of Juarez
    - Dreamfall the Longest Journey
    - Earth 2160
    - Infernal
    - Knight Shift
    - Knights of the Temple Infernal Crusade
    - Psi Ops the Mindgate Conspiracy
    - Sherlock Holmes the Awakened
    - Spell Force 2 Gold Edition
    - Street Racing Syndicate
    - Stubbs the Zombie Rebel Without Pulse
    - Syberia 2
    - Trine
    - WildLife Park Gold Edition
    - Vessel

    Schimb si cu jocuri de PS2,PS3,Xbox 360 (in raport cu pretul) daca ma intereseaza titlul.

    Telefon: 0721600066

  3. #3 SP
    Member stormmaker's Avatar


    - Alpha Prime,15 lei
    - Area 51,10 lei.
    - Battlestrike Call to Victory,15 lei
    - Call of Juarez,complet,15 lei
    - E racer,fara manual, 7 lei.
    - Escape from paradise city,15 lei
    - Halo Combat Evolved,fara manual,10 lei.
    - Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix,coperta si manual romana,joc engleza,15 lei.
    - Peter Jackson's King Kong,coperta e patata,complet,joc pe 3 discuri,complet,15 lei.
    - Psi Ops,the Mindgate Conspiracy,10 lei.
    - Racing Simulation 3,10 lei.
    - Reservoir Dogs,complet,15 lei.
    - Second Sight,complet,15 lei.
    - Silverfall,complet,15 lei.
    - Starsky & Hutch,complet,10 lei.
    - The Shield,complet,15 lei.

    Jocuri de la revista level,7 lei bucata:

    - A Vampyre Story
    - Advent Rising
    - Bloodrayne 2
    - Broken Sword the Sleeping Dragon
    - Call of Juarez
    - City Life 2008
    - Disciples 2 Gold Edition
    - Dreamfall the Longest Journey
    - Earth 2160
    - Hard to be a God
    - Infernal
    - King's Bounty The Legend
    - Knight Shift
    - Knights of the Temple Infernal Crusade
    - Precursors
    - Psi Ops the Mindgate Conspiracy
    - Sherlock Holmes the Awakened
    - Spell Force 2 Gold Edition
    - Street Racing Syndicate
    - Stubbs the Zombie Rebel Without Pulse
    - Syberia 2
    - Trine
    - WildLife Park Gold Edition
    - Vessel

    Schimb si cu jocuri de PS2,PS3,Xbox 360 (in raport cu pretul) daca ma intereseaza titlul.

    Telefon: 0721600066

  4. #4 SP
    Member stormmaker's Avatar
    - Alpha Prime,15 lei
    - Area 51,10 lei.
    - Battlestrike Call to Victory,15 lei
    - Crash Time II,10 lei
    - Dead Island,e la coperta de carton (nu stiu exact de ce,l-am cumparat ca sa-l joc),20 lei
    - E racer,fara manual, 7 lei.
    - Escape from paradise city,15 lei
    - Halo Combat Evolved,fara manual,10 lei.
    - Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix,coperta si manual romana,joc engleza,15 lei.
    - Peter Jackson's King Kong,coperta e patata,complet,joc pe 3 discuri,complet,15 lei.
    - Racing Simulation 3,10 lei.
    - Reservoir Dogs,complet,15 lei.
    - Second Sight,complet,15 lei.
    - Silverfall,complet,15 lei.
    - Starsky & Hutch,complet,10 lei.
    - The Shield,complet,15 lei.

    Jocuri de la revista level,7 lei bucata:

    - A Vampyre Story
    - Advent Rising
    - Bloodrayne 2
    - Broken Sword the Sleeping Dragon
    - Call of Juarez
    - City Life 2008
    - Disciples 2 Gold Edition
    - Dreamfall the Longest Journey
    - Earth 2160
    - Hard to be a God
    - Infernal
    - King's Bounty The Legend
    - Knight Shift
    - Knights of the Temple Infernal Crusade
    - Precursors
    - Psi Ops the Mindgate Conspiracy
    - Sherlock Holmes the Awakened
    - Spell Force 2 Gold Edition
    - Street Racing Syndicate
    - Stubbs the Zombie Rebel Without Pulse
    - Syberia 2
    - Trine
    - WildLife Park Gold Edition
    - Vessel

    Schimb si cu jocuri de PS2,PS3,(in raport cu pretul) daca ma intereseaza titlul.

    Pana la sfarsitul lunii preturile sunt mai mici cu 30 %.
    Exemplu: Joc la 15 lei va fi 10 lei
    Joc de la level va fi 5 lei
    La pachet de 50 lei pretul va fi 35 lei,etc.

    Telefon: 0721600066

    Pana duminica (inclusiv): 120 lei toate jocurile la cutie
    80 lei toate de la level
    sau 180 toate.

  5. #5 SP
    Member stormmaker's Avatar
    - 4X4 evolution,numai discul,5 lei
    - Alpha Prime,15 lei
    - Area 51,10 lei.
    - Battle Rage,5 lei
    - Battlestrike Call to Victory,15 lei
    - Condemned Criminal Origins,10 lei.
    - Crash Time II,10 lei
    - Dead Island,e la coperta de carton (nu stiu exact de ce,l-am cumparat ca sa-l joc),20 lei
    - E racer,fara manual, 7 lei.
    - Escape from paradise city,15 lei
    - Halo Combat Evolved,fara manual,10 lei.
    - Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix,coperta si manual romana,joc engleza,15 lei.
    - Onimusha 3,numai discul,10 lei
    - Peter Jackson's King Kong,coperta e patata,complet,joc pe 3 discuri,complet,15 lei.
    - Racing Simulation 3,10 lei.
    - Reservoir Dogs,complet,15 lei.
    - Second Sight,complet,15 lei.
    - Silverfall,complet,15 lei.
    - Shadow Ops Red Mercury,15 lei.
    - Starsky & Hutch,complet,10 lei.
    - The Shield,complet,15 lei.
    - Turning Point Fall of Liberty,numai discul,7 lei

    Jocuri de la revista level,7 lei bucata:

    - A Vampyre Story
    - Advent Rising
    - Bloodrayne 2
    - Broken Sword the Sleeping Dragon
    - Call of Juarez
    - City Life 2008
    - Chronicles of Riddick Assault on Dark Athena
    - Disciples 2 Gold Edition
    - Dreamfall the Longest Journey
    - Earth 2160
    - Hard to be a God
    - Infernal
    - King's Bounty The Legend
    - Knight Shift
    - Knights of the Temple Infernal Crusade
    - Pariah
    - Precursors
    - Psi Ops the Mindgate Conspiracy
    - Sherlock Holmes the Awakened
    - Spell Force 2 Gold Edition
    - Street Racing Syndicate
    - Stubbs the Zombie Rebel Without Pulse
    - Syberia 2
    - Trine
    - WildLife Park Gold Edition
    - Vessel

    Schimb si cu jocuri de PS2,PS3,(in raport cu pretul) daca ma intereseaza titlul.

    Telefon: 0721600066

  6. #6 SP
    Member stormmaker's Avatar
    - 4X4 evolution,numai discul,5 lei
    - Alpha Prime,15 lei
    - Area 51,10 lei.
    - Battle Rage,5 lei
    - Battlestrike Call to Victory,15 lei
    - Condemned Criminal Origins,10 lei.
    - Crash Time II,10 lei
    - Dead Island,e la coperta de carton (nu stiu exact de ce,l-am cumparat ca sa-l joc),20 lei
    - E racer,fara manual, 7 lei.
    - Escape from paradise city,15 lei
    - Halo Combat Evolved,fara manual,10 lei.
    - Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix,coperta si manual romana,joc engleza,15 lei.
    - Onimusha 3,numai discul,10 lei
    - Peter Jackson's King Kong,coperta e patata,complet,joc pe 3 discuri,complet,15 lei.
    - Racing Simulation 3,10 lei.
    - Reservoir Dogs,complet,15 lei.
    - Second Sight,complet,15 lei.
    - Silverfall,complet,15 lei.
    - Shadow Ops Red Mercury,15 lei.
    - Starsky & Hutch,complet,10 lei.
    - The Shield,complet,15 lei.
    - Tomb Raider Legend,numai discul,5 lei
    - Turning Point Fall of Liberty,numai discul,7 lei

    Jocuri de la revista level,7 lei bucata:

    - A Vampyre Story
    - Advent Rising
    - Bloodrayne 2
    - Broken Sword the Sleeping Dragon
    - Call of Juarez
    - City Life 2008
    - Chronicles of Riddick Assault on Dark Athena
    - Disciples 2 Gold Edition
    - Dreamfall the Longest Journey
    - Earth 2160
    - Hard to be a God
    - Hitman Blood Money
    - Infernal
    - King's Bounty The Legend
    - Knight Shift
    - Knights of the Temple Infernal Crusade
    - Pariah
    - Precursors
    - Psi Ops the Mindgate Conspiracy
    - Shadowgrounds Survivor
    - Sherlock Holmes the Awakened
    - Spell Force 2 Gold Edition
    - Street Racing Syndicate
    - Stubbs the Zombie Rebel Without Pulse
    - Syberia 2
    - Trine
    - WildLife Park Gold Edition
    - Vessel
    - Xpand Rally

    Schimb si cu jocuri de PC,PS2,PS3,(in raport cu pretul) daca ma intereseaza titlul.

    Telefon: 0721600066

  7. #7 SP
    Member stormmaker's Avatar
    Halo si Bloodrayne s-au dat.

  8. #8 SP
    Member stormmaker's Avatar
    - 4X4 evolution,numai discul,5 lei
    - Alpha Prime,15 lei
    - Area 51,10 lei.
    - Battle Rage,5 lei
    - Battlestrike Call to Victory,15 lei
    - Condemned Criminal Origins,10 lei.
    - Crash Time II,10 lei
    - E racer,fara manual, 7 lei.
    - Escape from paradise city,15 lei
    - Onimusha 3,numai discul,10 lei
    - Peter Jackson's King Kong,coperta e patata,complet,joc pe 3 discuri,complet,15 lei.
    - Racing Simulation 3,10 lei.
    - Reservoir Dogs,complet,15 lei.
    - Second Sight,complet,15 lei.
    - Silverfall,complet,15 lei.
    - Shadow Ops Red Mercury,15 lei.
    - Starsky & Hutch,complet,10 lei.
    - The Shield,complet,15 lei.
    - Tomb Raider Legend,numai discul,5 lei
    - Turning Point Fall of Liberty,numai discul,7 lei

    Jocuri de la revista level,7 lei bucata:

    - A Vampyre Story
    - Advent Rising
    - Broken Sword the Sleeping Dragon
    - City Life 2008
    - Disciples 2 Gold Edition
    - Dreamfall the Longest Journey
    - Earth 2160
    - Hard to be a God
    - Hitman Blood Money
    - Infernal
    - King's Bounty The Legend
    - Knight Shift
    - Knights of the Temple Infernal Crusade
    - Pariah
    - Precursors
    - Psi Ops the Mindgate Conspiracy
    - Shadowgrounds Survivor
    - Sherlock Holmes the Awakened
    - Spell Force 2 Gold Edition
    - Street Racing Syndicate
    - Stubbs the Zombie Rebel Without Pulse
    - Trine
    - WildLife Park Gold Edition
    - Vessel
    - Xpand Rally

    Schimb si cu jocuri de PC,PS3,PSP(in raport cu pretul) daca ma intereseaza titlul.

    Telefon: 0721600066

  9. #9 SP
    Member stormmaker's Avatar

  10. #10 SP
    Member stormmaker's Avatar
    Jocurile de la level s-au dat.

  11. #11 SP
    Member stormmaker's Avatar
    - 4X4 evolution,numai discul,5 lei
    - Alpha Prime,15 lei
    - Battle Rage,5 lei
    - Battlestrike Call to Victory,15 lei
    - Crash Time II,10 lei
    - E racer,fara manual, 7 lei.
    - Racing Simulation 3,10 lei.
    - Shadow Ops Red Mercury,15 lei.
    - Starsky & Hutch,complet,10 lei.
    - The Shield,complet,15 lei.

    80 lei toate

  12. #12 SP
    Member stormmaker's Avatar
    - 4X4 evolution,numai discul,5 lei
    - Alpha Prime,15 lei
    - Battle Rage,5 lei
    - Battlestrike Call to Victory,15 lei
    - Commandos Strike Force,15 lei
    - Crash Time II,10 lei
    - E racer,fara manual, 7 lei.
    - Quake 4, 15 lei
    - Racing Simulation 3, 10 lei.
    - Shadow Ops Red Mercury,15 lei.
    - Starsky & Hutch,complet,10 lei.
    - The Incredibles,15 lei
    - The Shield,complet,15 lei.
    - Tom Clancy's HAWX,sigilat,15 lei

    140 lei toate

    telefon: 0721600066

  13. #13 SP
    Member stormmaker's Avatar

  14. #14 SP
    Member stormmaker's Avatar

  15. #15 SP
    Member stormmaker's Avatar
    - 4X4 evolution,numai discul,5 lei
    - Alpha Prime,15 lei
    - Battle Rage,5 lei
    - Battlestrike Call to Victory,15 lei
    - Commandos Strike Force,15 lei
    - Crash Time II,10 lei
    - E racer,fara manual, 7 lei.
    - Quake 4, 15 lei
    - Racing Simulation 3, 10 lei.
    - Shadow Ops Red Mercury,15 lei.
    - Starsky & Hutch,complet,10 lei.
    - The Incredibles,15 lei
    - The Shield,complet,15 lei.
    - Tom Clancy's HAWX,sigilat,15 lei

    140 lei toate

    Telefon: 0721600066

  16. #16 SP
    Junior Member IceFlame's Avatar
    Tom Clancy's HAWX,sigilat,15 lei

    1? il vreau eu

  17. #17 SP
    Member stormmaker's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by IceFlame View Post
    Tom Clancy's HAWX,sigilat,15 lei

    1? il vreau eu
    Ai intrebat daca e primul ?
    Din ce stiu eu da.
    Lasa un numar pe privat sa te sun maine sa stabilim.

  18. #18 SP
    Member stormmaker's Avatar
    - 4X4 evolution,numai discul,5 lei
    - Battle Rage,5 lei
    - Battlestrike Call to Victory,15 lei
    - Commandos Strike Force,15 lei
    - Crash Time II,10 lei
    - E racer,fara manual, 7 lei.
    - Quake 4, 15 lei
    - Racing Simulation 3, 10 lei.
    - Shadow Ops Red Mercury,15 lei.
    - Starsky & Hutch,complet,10 lei.
    - The Incredibles,15 lei

    110 lei toate

    Telefon: 0721600066

  19. #19 SP
    Member stormmaker's Avatar

  20. #20 SP
    Member stormmaker's Avatar
    Valabil pentru vanzare

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