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Forum: Servicii & Oferte munca

Oferte servicii si locuri de munca

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  1. Normal Threads

  2. Vand - Instalare Windows, montare pc/laptop la domiciliu Timisoara!

    Cu o calificare si o experienta de peste 4 ani in domeniu pot oferii la domiciliu: -Instalari de Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7/etc, Windows Server, distributii de Linux + diferite programe. -Montarea componentelor noi sau SH, curatarea componentelor si schimbarea pastei...

    Started by TheJok3r‎, 12-06-2022 00:14
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 6,823
    16-06-2022, 10:08 Go to last post
  3. Servicii Reconditionare Jante

    Sablare de finete (bicarbonat de sodiu) sau de profunzime (oxid de aluminiu) pentru metal, aluminiu, magneziu. PowderCoating - vopsire electrostatica orice material metal, aluminiu sau aliaje cu scule profesionale de ultima ora in culori normale sau speciale (cromare,...

    Started by elspa‎, 16-06-2021 11:45
    reconditionare jante
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 3,264
    16-06-2021, 11:45 Go to last post

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