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In exemplul de mai jos, mie mi se pare o asemanare cam mare sa fie coincidenta.
Kotaku:X-Com, clasicul joc de strategie turn-based din anii '90 care pune fata in fata omenirea cu invadatori extraterestrii va avea parte de o revenire pe actuala generatie de console. Numai ca exista o mica schimba: jocul va fi un first-person shooter la care vor lucra studioul 2K care a lansat BioShock 2. Jocul, numit oficial XCOM, este in dezvoltare pentru Xbox 360 si PC la 2K Australia si 2K Marin.
Studiourile sunt nevoite sa aduca cateva schimbari seriei din moment ce planificarea evenimentelor nu va mai fi atat de statica si vazuta prin prisma unui ochi atotvazator din cer, ci in schimb prin ochii soldatului de pe camp.
Ca o ironie, de ceva timp sunt zvonuri pe Internet ca 2K Boston si Ken Levine (studioul si directorul primului joc BioShock) vor face un nou joc din seria X-Com. Nu cred ca se astepta nimeni ca acesta sa vina de la celalalt studio BioShock.
Pozele sunt de asemenea aceleasi ca pe Kotaku.X-Com, the classic 90's turn-based strategy game pitting mankind against alien invaders, is set to make a comeback as a first-person shooter, courtesy of the 2K studios behind BioShock 2. The game, which is actually called XCOM, is in development for the Xbox 360 and PC at 2K Australia and 2K Marin, and makes substantial changes to the original series, combining research and planning elements not with overhead, turn-based strategy sections, but with first-person shooter action.
"With BioShock 2, the team at 2K Marin proved themselves as masters of first-person, suspenseful storytelling, and with XCOM they will re-imagine and expand the rich lore of this revered franchise," said Christoph Hartmann, president of 2K. "Players will explore the world of XCOM from an immersive new perspective and experience firsthand the fear and tension of this gripping narrative ride."
It's funny, for years, people kept repeating the same rumour, that 2K Boston and Ken Levine would be making a new X-Com game. Don't think anyone expected it to come from 2K's other BioShock studio. Actually, I don't know if anyone honestly expected this at all.