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Thread: Battlefield 2042

  1. #1 SP
    Banned Cggamer's Avatar

    Battlefield 2042

    Battlefield 6 va fi amplasat în prezent.
    Evident, tot cu americanii ca protagonisti.

    Dar care vor fi inamicii?

    Teroriștii musulmani?
    Nici vorbă acum ca suntem in era corecta politic, iar producătorii nu vor sa para islamofobi sau sa mai provoace si sa ofenseze radicalisti. De africani nici vorbă la contextul actual.
    Rușii? Probabil, dar e fumată ideea de la BF3 si Modern Warfare.

    Chinezii? Au mai fost în BF4 si acum nu mai risca fiindcă trebuie sa vanda, iar BF4 a fost interzis în China.

    Ceva corporație malefică? Si asta e fumată.
    Illuminati? TEMPLIERII din Asassins Creed ?

    Attached Images Attached Images e3cbyv9voas1iyb.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Member lukecelmare's Avatar
    Welcome back !

  3. #3 SP
    Senior Member Khufu's Avatar
    Cafeaua si teoriile alea conspirationale blanao de la memKhan. Morning essentials.

  4. #4 SP
    Banned Cggamer's Avatar
    Cred ca stiu:

    Război SUA vs UE
    Între Trump , conservatori, neofascistii finanțati de Putin vs Merkel si tabara progresiștilor, imigranților, feministelor, negrilor si arabilor.

    Un război America vs Europa in contextul actual tehnologiile militare din 2020 ar fi ceva autentic.

    Sa ne batem in toate capitalele europene (inclusiv Paris si harta Metro din BF3).

    Sa fie 30 de țări, cu soldați cu abilități si arme unice

    Si sa fie 96 de jucători pe o harta.

  5. #5 SP
    Senior Member Khufu's Avatar
    Battlefield 6 Maps Being Designed With 128+ Players in Mind, DICE Interested in Battle Royale – Rumour
    EA and DICE are taking their time with the next entry in the Battlefield series. Work on Battlefield 6 is confirmed to be underway, and we know that the shooter will be coming to next-gen consoles in 2021, but we don’t know much else beyond that. However, some new information may now have emerged.

    Tom Henderson – a reputed insider who’s accurately leaked Call of Duty and Battlefield information on multiple occasions in the past – recently took to Twitter and dropped some interesting pieces of info. Henderson claims that Battlefield 6 maps are being designed with 128+ players in mind, but adds that 32 vs 32 matches will still be the standard, core playlist, and that larger maps don’t necessarily have to mean that 64 vs 64 will be supported.

  6. #6 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Electronic Arts
    DICE is creating our next Battlefield game with never-before-seen scale. The technical advancements of the new consoles are allowing the team to deliver on a true next-gen vision for the franchise. We have hands-on play testing underway internally, and the team’s been getting very positive feedback on the game as we’ve begun to engage our community. The next Battlefield is set to launch in holiday 2021, and we are excited to share a lot more about the game in the spring.

  7. #7 SP
    Senior Member Khufu's Avatar
    Hai cu un BF 6 adus in prezent (merge si putin spre viitor, dar nu la modul CoD) sau mult asteptatul BC3. Sper ca au invatat ceva din tot fiascoul care a imprejmuit BF V si se vor delimita de toate mizeriile SJW.

  8. #8 SP
    Banned Alex Khan's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Khufu View Post
    Sper ca au invatat ceva din tot fiascoul care a imprejmuit BF V si se vor delimita de toate mizeriile SJW.
    Deci vrei BF6 adus in prezent, in secolul 21, in plina era a globalizarii, a informatiei, a multiculturalismului,a liberei circulatii si diversitatii, dar fara SJW-isme?

    E imposibil!

    Zii mersi daca o sa mai vezi soldati albi de sex masculin si hetero in joc.
    BF V o sa para o simpla hora de sat pe langa carnavalul din BF VI, cu o diversitate de soldati afro, asiatici , indieni, arabi, femei, transexuali, homosexuali, multi cu frizuri roz , piercinguri si tatuaje. Ba e posibil sa avem optiunea de a ne saruta camarazii de acelasi sex pe front.
    Evident, daca vor fi albi, vor fi soldatii rusi care apar intotdeauna ca baietii rai.

  9. #9 SP
    Banned Alex Khan's Avatar
    Au aparut zvonuri ca Battlefield 6 va avea ca tema Razboiul Rece dupa succesul in vanzari obtinut de Black Ops V Cold War

    Si chiar scenarii pe Reddit, cu accent pe anii 1960-1980'.

    ---------- Post added 27-11-2020 at 00:58 ----------

    [/COLOR]Daca observati uniformele din teaser, par sa fie ale soldatilor americani din Vietnam:
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  10. #10 SP
    Senior Member BizZare's Avatar
    Sa speram ca bf6 va fi mai reusit decat bf5.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  11. #11 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar

  12. #12 SP
    Senior Member Xander RO's Avatar
    Abia astept, au fost superbe atat Battlefield 1 cat si Battlefield V dar era momentul sa ne intoarcem la modern warfare, adica un Battlefield 4 dar in 60fps si functional .

  13. #13 SP
    Member morphine's Avatar
    Zvonuri: Battle Royale free to play, crossplay&battle pass

  14. #14 SP
    Banned Alex Khan's Avatar
    Alte zvonuri: 128 de jucatori !

  15. #15 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Voi ce parere aveti despre spaghetti?

  16. #16 SP
    Banned Alex Khan's Avatar

    ROBOTII ca spot-mini , dronele si mini-roverele ar putea fi introdusi in joc.

    Anul in care se petrece actiunea din joc este 2030!

    ---------- Post added 12-04-2021 at 12:34 ----------

    Recent, armata franceza a facut exercitii cu roboti si pozele ne-ar putea da indicii cam ce roboti ar putea fi implementati in joc.
    Sa creasca HYPE-ul zic.
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  17. #17 SP
    Banned Alex Khan's Avatar

    Pe langa roboti, vom avea eruptii vulcanice, cutremure, tornade, inundantii, tsunami si uragane in hartile de multiplayer.
    Attached Images Attached Images weather-battlefield-6-could-bring-modern-futuristic-gameplay-back-franchise.jpg

  18. #18 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Battlefield 6 not coming to PS4 or Xbox One, according to rumours | GamesRadar+:

  19. #19 SP
    Banned Alex Khan's Avatar
    E bine ca EA e prima care face tranzitia spre next-gen exclusiv.
    Dar cum PS5 e foarte scump , cum in majoritatea magazinelor stocul de placile video AMD/Intel este gol , iar singurele exemplare ce se pot gasi sunt scumpe rau, majoritatea il vor juca pe Xbox SX /SS.

    Nu e o coincidenta si faptul ca jocul apare in Xbox Game Pass din prima zi.
    Si cred ca versiunea de Xbox va avea mai mult suport.

    Ma intreb totusi cum vor trata versiunea de PC dat fiind criza placilor video?
    Au de gand sa lanseze un serviciu cloud similar cu GeForce Now, poate chiar in aceasta toamna?

  20. #20 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    - un joc pe console next-gen si PC - DICE, Criterion, DICE LA si EA Gothenburg - later 2021
    - un joc pe smartphones si tablets - DICE, Industrial Toys si iToys - 2022
    Quote Originally Posted by Electronic Arts
    Two new Battlefield experiences are in development – one for console and PC plus another for mobile.

    Hey Battlefield community!

    I know everyone is wanting more detail about what’s to come for Battlefield this year, and I promise we have A LOT to show you in the coming months. We’re putting some things together for when we reveal the next generation of Battlefield, and we can’t wait to show that to you all...but for now, we have a couple of things we wanted to tell you about.

    First, we’re really excited to have the biggest Battlefield development team ever working on our console and PC game for this Holiday season, and second...we have something very exciting to talk about on mobile!

    The Return of All-Out Warfare

    2021 is an exciting time for us here at DICE. Working with more world-class development studios within Electronic Arts, we have our biggest team ever on a Battlefield game for console and PC. Our friends at Criterion and DICE LA are working with us on our shared vision for the game, while the team in Gothenburg is taking technology in the game to the next level. Together, we are creating a jaw-dropping experience for you to enjoy later in 2021.

    We’re in daily playtesting mode right now: polishing, balancing, and making the best possible Battlefield game we can. I can tell you it is a bold step. It has everything we love about Battlefield – and takes all of it to the next level. Epic scale. All-out military warfare. Crazy, unexpected moments. Game-changing destruction. Massive battles, packed with more players and mayhem than ever before. All brought to life with the power of next-gen consoles and PCs.

    Get ready for our reveal “soon™”

    A new Battlefield Mobile Game Coming in 2022

    It’s always been our vision to bring Battlefield to more platforms. So, after years of prototyping, I’m super happy to be able to let you know that our friends at Industrial Toys, working closely with all of us here at DICE, are developing a completely new Battlefield game bringing all-out warfare to smartphones and tablets in 2022.

    Make no mistake, this is a standalone game. A completely different game from the one we’re making for console and PC, designed specifically for the mobile platform. It’s being built from the ground up by iToys to make Battlefield-on-the-go a reality and you can expect a fully-fledged, skill-based experience. This mobile game is now entering a testing period ahead of launching next year, so expect more details to come.

    I can’t wait to show you the two Battlefield games we have coming! In the meantime, stay safe, and play some Battlefield!

    – Oskar Gabrielson, General Manager DICE
    The Battlefield is Expanding
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