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Thread: Riders Republic

  1. #1 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar

    Riders Republic

    Quote Originally Posted by Ubisoft
    Riders Republic™
    Ski, snowboard, bike or wingsuit across a massive multiplayer playground. Available 25th February 2021 on current and next gen.
    Cinematic premiere trailer:

    Game preview trailer:

    Quote Originally Posted by Ubisoft

    Live out the rider's fantasy as you roam free in a huge, vibrant open world, always buzzing with other players around you. Immerse yourself in iconic American national parks including Bryce Canyon, Yosemite Valley, Mammoth Mountain... all mashed up for you to shred! Squad up with your friends and compete in a wide range of multiplayer modes: feel the rush of downhill races, dominate maps in team vs team competitions, or give it your best shot in epic mass PvP races with more than 50 other players.

    Key Features:


    From snowy mountains to arid canyons, ride through some of the most magnificent destinations on earth: the American National Parks. Bryce Canyon, Yosemite Valley, Sequoia Park, Zion, Canyonlands, Mammoth Mountain and Grand Teton have all been faithfully transposed and mashed up together to create the most unique and lively playground. Gather in a vibrant social hub and meet a wild community of fellow riders.


    Enjoy a full-fledge multiplayer experience with a wide variety of modes:

    Competitive races and trick challenges: playable in PvP / Co-op / Solo
    Mass Starts: frantic 50+ player races where nothing is off limits(1)
    Community Jams: Wild 50+ player events which randomly pop up on the map(1)
    Multiplayer arenas: 6x6 team PvP matchups
    Online Cups: for the very best only, make your way up the leaderboard


    Create and shape your own rider through evolutive, progression-based gear and define every aspect of your avatar. Whether you want to be the best snowboarder alive or the fastest thing on two wheels, everything is possible. Make a name for yourself in a variety of sports, rise to the top of the leaderboard in career mode and sign with legendary sponsors from a wide range of outdoor action sports.


    Riders Republic will run at 60 FPS on next gen consoles and display more than 50 players simultaneously live on screen. With the game’s very intuitive character and camera control combined with an innovative trick system, all players, casual and hardcore, will have the chance to experience untapped joy from the very beginning.
    PS4, PS5, XONE, XSX, PC (Uplay, Uplay+, Epic Games Store), Stadia.
    25 february 2021.
    Attached Images Attached Images riders_republic_logo.jpg riders_republic_massrace_masssocial.jpg riders_republic_biketricks_hoodoos.jpg riders_republic_vista_yosemite.jpg riders_republic_masssocial_hoodoos.jpg riders_republic_exploration_yosemitevalley.jpg riders_republic_urban_mammoth.jpg riders_republic_competition_massrace.jpg riders_republic_freefall.jpg riders_republic_artwork.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Absolut impressive

    La cat mai multe jocuri diferite si IP-uri noi

    Incearca foarte multe cu jocul asta - este o combinatie de Steep, Trials, Fall Guys

    Daca le iese si controlul pentru toate disciplinele, o sa fie mega fun.

    Sper sa-l scoata la maxim 20$ si o sa fie un succes garantat

  3. #3 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Genial jocul. Adica nah, e o nebunie un pic altfel. Me likey!

  4. #4 SP
    Senior Member PoisonRemedy's Avatar
    Chiar pare fun

  5. #5 SP
    Senior Member Khufu's Avatar
    Are potential bunicel. Apreciez intiativa Ubisoft pentru acest nou IP

  6. #6 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Amanat pentru "later this year":
    Quote Originally Posted by Ubisoft

    Hey Riders,

    In September, we gave you a first look at our massive multiplayer playground in Riders Republic. We promised an action-packed outdoor sports park, filled with all-out mass races with more than 50 fellow riders on next-gen consoles, a variety of diverse activities and insane stunts. We can’t wait to have you traverse our vibrant world and live out your own rider’s fantasy.

    Today, we want to let you know that we have made the decision to move our release to later this year. This additional time will allow our passionate team to deliver the best fun fuelled experience to our players.

    Thank you so much for your support and understanding. Stay safe and get ready to join the madness of Riders Republic soon!

    The Riders Republic Dev Team
    A message to our players

  7. #7 SP
    Member morphine's Avatar
    Efectul Cyberpunk

  8. #8 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    E doar un pas firesc pentru ei, care de vreo 2 ani si ceva, amana cam tot ce anunta. Probabil si pandemia, probabil au marit importanta QA-ului si multe altele.

    Jocurile lor din 2020 arata foarte clar ce inseamna sa-ti iei timpul necesar si sa scoti ceva bun spre foarte bun si mult peste media altor jocuri, nu doar ale tale/din serie.

  9. #9 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Our source stated that Riders Republic, the upcoming biking and skiing battle royale game, is nearly completed and will likely be announced with a very close release date at Ubisoft's E3 conference. They described it as being buried under "loads of microtransactions" with several currencies and a battle pass. It's unclear if the battle pass uses only real money or can be paid for with in-game money like Fortnite. Expect to see a yearly pass, a daily shop, and a wide variety of cosmetics in seasonal shops. Surprisingly, even with Ubisoft's recent declaration of moving nearly all games to a free-to-play system, Riders Republic will launch at full retail price, although our source stated that everything about it "screams F2P." Riders Republic will require PS Plus and Xbox Live Gold to play on consoles.

  10. #10 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Deep dive trailer:

  11. #11 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Lansare pe 02 Sept 2021.

    Personal il astept cu interes, pentru ca pare incredibil de fun. Sper doar sa fie si oameni pe servere si sa se controleze bine toate disciplinele.
    Stiu ca pe partea de snowboard/ski si ce alte discipline erau in Steep stau foarte bine, dar sper sa fie ok si pe partea de biking and co.

  12. #12 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Amanat pentru 28 octombrie.

  13. #13 SP
    Banned galaxic's Avatar
    Poate are succes si il transforma intr-un FIFA de-al lor!

  14. #14 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Riders Republic closed Beta va fi disponibil in perioada 23 - 25 august pe PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X | S, Xbox One si PC prin Ubisoft Connect si launcher-ul Epic Games.
    Va puteti inscrie accesand acest link -

    Intregul comunicat de presa aici:

  15. #15 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Am intrat aseara vreo ora sau ceva de genu pe PS5, in varianta de PS5 (puteam downloada si varianta de PS4 dar nu m-a interesat).

    Jocul nu prea arata cum l-au aratat anul trecut dpdv grafic. Zici ca te uiti la ceva video comprimat cand joci (desi au si multe videos de tutorials la fiecare proba, iar alea sunt oribil de comprimate, desi trecerea dintre gameplay si video este flawless), draw distance e cam slabut, cel putin la umbre si obiecte si are screen tearing la greu, inclusiv cand esti cu cineva in ceva cinematic in game sau prin camp.
    Cu siguranta nu merge in 4k, deci nu inteleg de ce sunt problemele astea, dar nah, fiind beta, se accepta.

    Ca gameplay...e asa si asa.
    Cu bicicleta mi s-a parut interesant, senzatia de viteza este acolo si e misto realizata. Felul in care franezi mi se pare cam prea arcade, dar in rest se simte bine pe drum. Fizica cand te lovesti de pietre...e alta poveste. Cam ca in jocurile Wildlands sau Breakpoint, este absolut horror sa te lovesti de ceva.
    Am dat si de ceva bug-uri aiurea cu teleportare sau sarit aiurea si peirdut cursa din cauza asta si nici nu exista optiune de restart.

    O chestie care-mi semi place este faptul ca au bagat, ca in jocurile cu masini, un rewind - problema este ca dai rewind doar la tine, in caz ca ai gresit ceva sau ai ratat un checkpoint, in timp ce toti ceilalti continua cursa. E interesant implementat, mai ales ca este un joc always online si joci mereu cu oameni reali, dar este frustrant sa vezi ca ai ratat ceva din cauza jocului si ca pierzi cursa din cauza asta, cu tot cu rewind-ul lor.

    Hitbox-ul in timpul curselor mi se pare ca inca nu este in forma finala, pentru ca de cele mai multe ori, treci prin oponenti, desi sunt cate unii care te si lovesc.

    Dupa bicicleta, am trecut la snowboard/ski. Aici, spre deosebire de Steep, este putin mai complex, sau poate asa mi s-a parut pentru ca aveam o schema de control pe butoane si nu pe sticks, ca in Steep.
    Poti face skill destul de usor si poti opta pentru auto landing, astfel ca nu mai trebuie sa-ti bati capu cu orientarea corecta la aterizare, desi asta inseamna ca nu mai esti punctat pentru landings.

    Zapada se deformeaza putin mai slab ca in Steep sau in jocurile recente.
    In primul rand, nu toata zapada se deformeaza, doar aia mai mare. Dar cel mai important, probabil ca sa nu consume prea multe resurse, urmele in zapada dispar destul de repede, undeva la 10s poate. Dar toata lumea face urme, deci daca sunt 30 de jucatori pe ecran in zapada, atunci toti deformeaza.

    Harta este ffff mare si sunt zone cunoscute din US, dar personal dupa ce am deblocat controlul asupra hartii, nu am reusit sa identific hub-ul principal unde pot merge ca sa-mi cumpar diverse.

    Alte discipline nu am apucat sa testez, inafara de ce era la inceput unde am si zburat putin (pretty fun, un fel de Iron Man simulator), dar ce am putut sa testez mi-a lasat impresia de joc free to play, super arcade si axat doar pe partea fun.

    Sper sa fie putin mai mult de atat, pentru ca Steep, desi era fun, nu am reusit sa adun mai mult de 5h in el.

    Ah si avem iar dialoguri super cringe, in care tu esti The One si trebuie sa-i convingi pe toti ca meriti suportul lor iar pentru asta trebuie sa participi in x discipline si bla bla bla. Prost scrise, prost interpretate iar personajul tau nu are voce

    Muzica e interesanta, se potriveste bine jocului si stilului ales.

    Loading times, inclusiv la fast travel sunt aproape inexistente (efectiv alegi unde vrei sa mergi pe harta, dai click, face zoom in si esti acolo), iar pe harta poti vedea mereu, cu niste sageti albe, players reali din joc (cred ca erau peste 100 pe harta aseara, dar as zice undeva la 500, poate mai mult).

  16. #16 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Open beta for everyone pana pe 28 august:

  17. #17 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Nu vad unde zice Open Beta si nici nu gasesc jocul in store pe Xbox, deci cred ca e tot ala closed, doar ca l-au mai prelungit.

    Oricum jocul e din ce in ce mai fun si addictive, pentru ca harta e mare si poti explora o gramada, dar si gasi o gramada de chestii pe acolo.

    Si-mi place ca au facut cateva curse mai speciale, in genul celor din The Crew 2, unde incepi cu bicicleta, schimbi la un salt in schiuri, apoi iar bicicleta, apoi zbori, samd. Foarte fun si intense.

    LE: ai dreptate. In comunicare oficiala zice asa:
    You had a good time in the Republic so far? But you didn't have enough time to try all the activities?

    We are happy to announce that the Riders Republic Beta is now Open and will run until 28th August!

    Open phase means that everyone can play and no NDA is needed! You can capture the game and share your screenshots!

    ---------- Post added 26-08-2021 at 11:43 ----------

    Am bagat aseara pe XSX Beta-ul si am ramas surprins de 2 lucruri:
    1. A sincronizat automat save-ul din PS5, in conditia in care PS5-ul era in rest mode iar jocul era pornit acolo.
    In meniu am avut direct Continue si m-a bagat exact unde eram cu tot ce cumparasem si toate Credits pe care le aveam

    2. Mi se pare ca merge putin mai fluid pe XSX vs PS5 si ca are mai putin tearing in game.

    Revenind efectiv la joc, nu m-am putut dezlipi de el inca vreo 3h aseara, desi astept cu interes sa incep 12 Minutes si Psychonauts 2.
    Este incredibil de fun, nu neaparat in curse, cat in free roam.

    Are acelasi engine din The Crew, inclusiv cand zbori cu viteza fff mare si este impresionant sa vezi cat de usor poti ajunge super sus si inapoi jos, unde poti schimba in bicicleta sau snowboard, sau chiar snowmobile.

    Am jucat in Beta asta mai mult decat am jucat in Steep, iar pe ala-l cumparasem.

    Cu siguranta il voi lua day 1 si-l voi juca cu placere pt mai mult timp

  18. #18 SP
    Junior Member Floris3480's Avatar
    Minunat jocul.. Cu siguranță îl voi lua day one ������

  19. #19 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    Riders Republic - 15 Things You Need To Know Before You Buy

  20. #20 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Riders Republic: Year 1 Content Trailer

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