VG247 Blog Archive Konami E3: Kojima announces four titles – three Metal Gears and Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
VG247 Blog Archive “Nerves” kept Castlevania brand from GC Lords of Shadow reveal
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow is an upcoming video game in the Castlevania series. It is being described as a reboot of the franchise.It will be an action adventure game in a fantasy setting in Southern Europe during the Middle Ages. The game is being developed by MercurySteam and Kojima Productions to be published by Konami in 2010.Hideo Kojima will be involved with the title, albeit in a small role.Actor Patrick Stewart narrates the game's official trailer, and Jason Isaacs will also star.
The game was originally announced as Lords of Shadow with no connection to the Castlevania series mentioned.According to Konami this was to keep their plans to radically change the direction of the Castlevania myth a secret and to keep the announcement of the game from upstaging their other major series release at the time, Castlevania Judgment.