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Thread: Assassin's Creed Infinity

  1. #21 SP
    Senior Member dark18's Avatar

    Assassin's Creed Infinity (hub)

    Assassin’s Creed Infinity will be a home for a variety of games of different genres and lengths. It will mix premium boxed games with paid-for and free content. There will be a multiplayer mode that will unite the franchise’s eras. And it will be the place where Assassin’s Creed’s modern-day story will now live.
    So Infinity is somewhat of a launcher. But rather than displaying games as a library-like collection, like in Steam or Ubisoft Connect, Infinity will wear the guise of an in-universe Animus interface. New entries in the series will be displayed as DNA memories rather than games. Côté notes, however, that we should expect Infinity to be more than just an Assassin’s Creed-themed launcher, and for it to evolve over time.

    Ce a zis Côté, m-a dus cu gandul la Unity, chiar la inceput de joc cand te pune sa joci memoria "The Tragedy of Jacques de Molay" dar altele erau blocate.
    Probabil ceva de genul va fi si in Infinity. Poti alege ce vrei sa joci, fie gratuit, fie cu bani.
    Ce este interesant este faptul ca vor renunta la povestea din prezent si se vor concentra doar pe trecut. Un fel de Helix 2.0.

    ---------- Post added 11-09-2022 at 12:31 ----------

  2. #22 SP
    Senior Member dark18's Avatar

    Step out of the shadows and into a vast world of ancient China.

    Learn more about Assassin's Creed Codename Jade at #UbiForward, on June 12. #AssassinsCreed

  3. #23 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Asta e joc de mobile.

  4. #24 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Ceva insider details:
    Quote Originally Posted by Insider Gaming
    Essentially, Assassin’s Creed Infinity will be the core hub of the franchise, from which games including Red, Hexe, and Invictus will be launched. Demo footage provided to Insider Gaming (under the condition that the footage doesn’t go public) shows the user going from the Infinity hub to Assassin’s Creed Red within just a few seconds, picking up where they left off, rather than having to boot the games up individually after ‘falling back’ to the hub.

    The main focus of Infinity is a live service offering, which is all told via the modern-day story. To start, Infinity will launch on the same day as Red and will contain several features that you would expect from a live service.

    ‘The Exchange’ will be the item shop, offering players the opportunity to purchase daily and weekly in-game cosmetics for Red’s two protagonists, Naoe and Yasuke. In addition to The Exchange, Infinity also has a ‘Synchronisation’ feature that allows the player to access ‘Projects’ for each protagonist. To explain them in their simplest form, Projects are mini ‘battle passes’ with a narrative behind them offering players the ability to earn cosmetic rewards. Projects will be added throughout Infinity constantly, focusing mainly on DLC and new game releases, or even as a means of sustaining player interest during a lack of any new content.

    It’s understood that the current strategy for Ubisoft with Infinity is to release a mainline game every two years, with smaller experiences in between. Red is scheduled for later this year, with Invictus – a multiplayer offering – being planned for 2025, and Hexe for 2026. The latter title, penned as being ‘the darkest Assassin’s Creed game ever’, will have a lead female protagonist (currently named Elsa) for the first time since Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: China in 2015.

    Other projects include Obsidian (Black Flag Remake), Nebula (settings based in India, Aztec Empire, and Mediterranean), Raid (a free-to-play 4-player co-op that’s PvE), Echoes (another multiplayer title), and another Assassin’s Creed Remake which are all scheduled to release by the end of the decade.
    EXCLUSIVE - Details on Assassin's Creed Infinity's Live Service Hub - Insider Gaming

  5. #25 SP
    Vires Intus eagle-eye's Avatar
    Projects are mini ‘battle passes’ with a narrative behind them
    Semi-periculoasa asta, e un motiv pentru care niciun joc cu battle pass nu l-a integrat in narativa si lore si l-a lasat ca ceva world-agnostic - nu ai vrea sa legi niciodata metoda de livrat content paid de poveste si lore pentru ca cei care nu interactioneaza cu mecanica aia o sa se simta lasati pe langa/fortati sa o faca pentru a nu rata content narativ si tu ca dev o sa mergi pe gheata incredibil de subtire

    De-aia in toate jocurile care au battle pass si store sunt fix asa expuse catre player - un buton de "Store" si un buton de "Battle Pass" in meniuri, narrative-agnostic si pur artificial ca sa creeze separarea asta clara intre "ba, asta e jocu si aici te joci" si "ba, asta e magazinu si aici cumperi lucruri". Acum nu stiu ce intelege Ubi prin "battle pases with a narrative behind them" dar oricat de tempting ar parea sa faci asta (I tried once), nu cred ca-i o idee buna.

  6. #26 SP
    Member olteanug's Avatar
    Essentially, Assassin’s Creed Infinity will be the core hub of the franchise, from which games including Red, Hexe, and Invictus will be launched.
    Eu cred că o să fie doar estetică treaba cu hub-ul, cum am văzut la Modern Warfare 2019-Black Ops Cold War- Vanguard. Estetică de meniu, de altfel, iritantă, greoaie și cu mult store de micro****s. Apoi, poate pe mine nu mă interesează apoi să joc Hexe cu vrăjitoare, vreau doar Red cu Samurai.

    Cât despre Invictus, s-a văzut ce succes „uriaș” a avut fiecare mod multiplayer la jocurile din serie. Serverele din AC Brotherhood, AC Revelations, AC 3 și Black Flag sunt toate shutdown. Pe Unity abia dacă găsesc din ani în paște pe cineva dornic să joace în Co-Op. Franciza asta nu prea e făcută pentru matching multiplayer.

    Ah, dacă bagi ceva open world în stil GTA V Online, poate merge, dar trebuie să fie un oraș interesant unde să faci de toate. Nu știu câți vor fi încântați să fure cai, să farmeze pentru comori și să cumpere săbii, scuturi și armuri dacă e să fie axat pe antichitate sau evul mediu. Dacă e prea realistic și nu are orci, elfi, demoni și dragoni ca în World of Warcraft și Elder Scrolls Online, s-ar putea să nu aibă succes pe termen lung.

    Iar dacă ar fi să fie pe epoca modernă, well..........Read Dead Online e cam mort.

    Other projects include Obsidian (Black Flag Remake), Nebula (settings based in India, Aztec Empire, and Mediterranean), Raid (a free-to-play 4-player co-op that’s PvE), Echoes (another multiplayer title), and another Assassin’s Creed Remake which are all scheduled to release by the end of the decade.
    1. LOL- la ce au mai făcut Skull and Bones dacă puteau scoate un Black Flag Remade, adică să nu fi îmbunătățit doar grafica, ci și mecanicile?
    2. Nebula - India, azteci, Mediterană? Cred că sună a AC despre marile descoperiri geografice de la 1492-1521, cu Vasco da Gama și Hernando Cortez în prim plan.
    3. Meh...another multiplayer
    4. Remaka la AC 1 bănuiesc, că toți fanii seriei îl doresc.

  7. #27 SP
    Member olteanug's Avatar
    AC Jade se va lansa abia în 2025.
    Era frumos dacă l-ar fi lansat pe PC și console. Îmi stârnea mai mult interes decât Mirajul vieții.

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