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Thread: Call of Duty: Black Ops 6

  1. #21 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar

    Approximate size
    309.85 GB
    Buy Call of Duty®: Black Ops 6 - Standard Edition | Xbox
    Is an internet connection required to play Call of Duty: Black Ops 6?

    To deliver the highest-quality visuals while also reducing the game’s overall storage space on your hard drive, Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 will use texture streaming across all game modes. This means you’ll need a continuous internet connection to play any game mode, including Campaign. If you’re on a console, Campaign can be played without a premium subscription service such as Game Pass Core or PlayStation Plus.
    Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Editions - Activision Support

  2. #22 SP
    Senior Member Xander RO's Avatar
    Stiu ca discutia in ultimii ani a fost despre cum it's all about MP, dar jocul asta are atata nevoie ca de data asta sa iasa cu o campanie solida, cred ca nici ei nu-si dau seama cat de important este sa fie chiar buna campania la BO6, ii poate da alta perspectiva ca si pachet overall.

    Sper sa nu ignore aspectul asta si sa primim ceva macar la nivelul Advanced Warfare, unde Kevin Spacey a fost fabulos! Setting-ul ar cam fi acolo, pentru mine cel putin este interesant si abia astept sa vad ce fac din campanie.

  3. #23 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Vault Edition:

  4. #24 SP
    Senior Member Teo's Avatar
    Un articol foarte interesant despre nasterea modului Zombie, este scris de un developer care a lucrat la CoD: WaW.

    Mi s-a parut interesant ca toata ideea de zombie a pornit de la cativa NPC japonezi care mergeau clatinandu-se dupa o explozie din campanie.

    BO6 se va intoarce la formula clasica, round-based .

  5. #25 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Se pare ca jocul nu va ocupa atat de mult:
    Correction: The estimated file size currently displayed on the Black Ops 6 pre-order pages does not represent the download size or disk footprint for Black Ops 6.

    The sizes as shown include the full installations of Modern Warfare II, Modern Warfare III, Warzone and all relevant content packs, including all localized languages combined which is not representative of a typical player install experience.

    Players will be able to download Black Ops 6 at launch without downloading any other Call of Duty titles or all of the language packs .

    The actual estimation of the Black Ops 6 file size will be available closer to launch.

  6. #26 SP
    Member rzv31's Avatar
    420 lei la bune? 84 euro o versiune standard, astia au luat-o razna de tot

  7. #27 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Varianta de PS4 e cross-gen, deci include PS5, si e la 390.

    La Xbox n-ai optiune, doar varianta la 420 e.

  8. #28 SP
    Junior Member staedler's Avatar
    La este 331.
    Variantele de XSX, PS5 si PS4. Cica si DLC cadou la precomanda. In ce o consta acel DLC, nu stiu.

  9. #29 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Pre-order si Game Pass Early Access: 30 august - 4 septembrie.
    Open Beta: 6 - 9 septembrie.
    Attached Images Attached Images gsi7vetwsaa2qm6.jpg

  10. #30 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Zombies Terminus cinematic trailer:

  11. #31 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Zombies reveal trailer:

    Zombies hands-on:

  12. #32 SP
    Senior Member Xander RO's Avatar
    Sunt curios sa incerc acest Guided mode, ma bucur ca au dat 2 centi si pe faptul ca un numar extrem de mare de jucatori never saw the end of it... poate de data asta va fi mai placut si mai usor sa termini campania de Zombies, pentru este extrem de frustrat atunci cand joci cu randoms...

  13. #33 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Zombies: Characters and story:
    See how the talented ‪@Treyarch‬ team developed the story for #BlackOps6 Zombies

    Zombies: Terminus:
    Check out the @Treyarch team as they break down what to expect on one of the biggest RBZ maps ever made coming to #BlackOps6 Zombies

  14. #34 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Most Wanted campaign level:

  15. #35 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Liberty Falls cinematic trailer:

  16. #36 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Multiplayer reveal trailer:

  17. #37 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Early Access Open Beta: 30 august - 4 septembrie.
    Open Beta: 6 septembrie - 9 septembrie.

    Liberty Falls trailer:

    Area 99:

  18. #38 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar

  19. #39 SP
    Member morphine's Avatar
    Gaselnita de anul asta e omnimovement. Gasesc si astia ceva sa treaca testul timpului? Tac stance ul de anul trecut din MW3 vad ca l-au eliminat complet. Macar au avut bunul simt sa vina cu harti noi.

    E doar impresia mea sau e un texture pop-in foarte pronuntat?!

  20. #40 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Open beta in acest weekend:

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