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Thread: Super Street Fighter 4

  1. #2821 SP
    Member SwingShot's Avatar
    Chestia asta cu intepatul e neaparat specific romaneasca? Parca vazusem filme cu gathering la fighting games prin nu stiu ce tara de se bateau aia se injurau etc.

    Cat despre battlekon daca e sa imi aduc aminte mereu a fost un haos complet de fiecare data din cauza lipsei de spatiu / timp si a fost loc numai de 2 jocuri pe zi. Astfel banuiesc ca mai vor oamenii sa isi clateasca ochii si cu prospaturi, 3 dintre acele jocuri fiind noi de la fostul battlekon.

    Pacat, daca ar fi mai mult interes de sponsorizat si o comunitate macar cat aia de CSS ( ) s-ar organiza evenimente mult mai complexe, in care sa aiba loc toate jocurile de fighting. De exemplu in franta au weekly soul calibur 5 tournament

  2. #2822 SP
    Senior Member Mr.KaKa's Avatar
    Cam haip!

    Pai faci pentru jocurile noi dar nu poti ignora prezenta la SF4 de datile trecute...
    So remove SC5 ca sa nu il vad pe N00bShot spamand cu Nightmare IMBA IMBA.

  3. #2823 SP
    Member SwingShot's Avatar
    Pai vroiam si eu sa spamez macar undeva si sa castig ...
    Cam cum va face FILIPINO CHAMP LA SF4!!!!!! de-abia astept sa il vad cum e zvantat in bataie.

  4. #2824 SP
    Member monstrul's Avatar
    Nu inteleg de e insisti pe subiectul spam ..etc.Toti avem acces la tactici, setups, matchups ...etc Scopul unui joc de fighting e sa invingi adversarul si atat...restul se cheama PJSalt indiferent despre ce joc vorbim.

  5. #2825 SP
    Member snk2's Avatar
    What's a "PJSalt"?

  6. #2826 SP
    Senior Member Mr.KaKa's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by snk2 View Post
    What's a "PJSalt"?
    Twitch TV Faces - A Full List of Twitch TV Faces / Emoticons and Codes to Create Them
    ...sau incercarea unui spammer/troll de a crea senzatia ca face parte din FGC! pogchamp.png

    Analiza a finalei dintr-e Sanford si Wolfkrone (i don't split the pot after I win) by Art.

  7. #2827 SP
    Member Aquashark's Avatar

    un bax de PJSalt! #Kappa

  8. #2828 SP
    Senior Member Minimize's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.KaKa View Post
    Analiza a finalei dintr-e Sanford si Wolfkrone (i don't split the pot after I win) by Art.
    Dat Sagat , nu stiu daca imi place Sanford sau e doar faptul ca a batut un Viper nesimtit.

  9. #2829 SP
    Senior Member Florin85's Avatar
    Hai sa fac si eu cateva meciuri cu voi , ca de straini mam urit. Floris85R uk

  10. #2830 SP
    Member monstrul's Avatar
    Weekend ul asta poate jucam.Mi e dor de spam burn kick la Viper si de Rufus with them dive kicks - no Kappa

  11. #2831 SP
    Member Bozyblue's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by twintrigger View Post
    Inca ne decidem. Dar in principiu vor fi SFxT, Socal5, UMVC3, KOF13, pentru ca ar fi prima oara la o conventie.
    Really now, no SF4: AE ?

  12. #2832 SP
    Member Aquashark's Avatar
    "True strength is achieved when you can read your opponent, but defeat them without exploiting their weaknesses." - Daigo in his book

    o explicatie mai pe larg a conceptului care mi-a placut mult:

    "Alot of tournament matches, maybe the majority anywhere below the very top levels, are decided by one player figuring out an exploitable flaw in the opponent's play style and riding that to victory. All he's saying is don't rely on that strategy because sooner or later you'll come up against a player who doesn't give anything away. You have to know how to force your opponent into - and capitalise on - situations where you come out the winner even if they play well. Take the win, don't rely on the other guy to hand it to you."

  13. #2833 SP
    Senior Member Mr.KaKa's Avatar
    Din ciclul - Gamers UNITE!

    Daigo Umehara recently released a book called "勝ち続ける意志力" (The Will to Keep Winning), in which he gives sage advice from his experiences as the world's most successful player in major Street Fighter tournaments. He also gives some personal stories from his upbringing as a gamer and a loner. One such story involves the meaning of friendship.
    According to his story, when Daigo was in his first year of junior high school, he was already an avid gamer and a regular at a video arcade. Having no local arcades around his home, this particular arcade required that Daigo take a train to get to it. In elementary school Daigo had been the boss of his class, but in junior high school, with classmates joining athletic clubs to play soccer or baseball, he became more of a loner, and by the end of junior high school, there was hardly anyone he could call a friend at all.
    At the arcade, though, Daigo found he could be himself. Few people who regularly went to video arcades were "well-rounded" individuals and most had problems of their own. Arcades were places where people went to escape the harshness of reality. Daigo, who felt he had no place in school, found himself at home there. Back at school, social norms dictated what sports to be interested in, what TV shows to watch, what music to listen to, and what was popular was more important than personal tastes. But in the arcade, Daigo found himself among like-minded people he got along with because of a common interest they already shared.
    One such regular at the arcade was a man about 5 years older than Daigo. The man had long hair, brown teeth and a strange face that made him an outcast among outcasts. His strange appearance made even the other gamers avoid him, but when Daigo tried talking to the man, he found the man to be very interesting and the two got along almost instantly.
    One night, when Daigo had been playing at the arcade later than usual, he accidentally missed the last train home. Daigo called his father and was immediately yelled at and told to take a taxi home at once. With not enough money for the taxi fare and no idea what to do, Daigo found himself at a loss. The man he had befriended in the arcade came up to Daigo and pointed at a bicycle and said, "Need a lift?"
    The trip home took over 3 hours. All during that time, Daigo was lost in thought wondering why the man was doing this for him. It was a summer night, so by the time they reached Daigo's home, the man was drenched in sweat. Dropping Daigo off, the man simply said, "See you." and pedaled away.
    Writes Daigo, "I stood there staring at him getting smaller and smaller in the distance, and for the first time I realized, 'Oh, this is what friendship is.'"
    Fifteen years later, Daigo is still friends with the man. Daigo writes in his book, "My life is the video arcade. I can say this proudly, largely in part due to the friendships I found there."
    #****ing BUM

  14. #2834 SP
    Member Aquashark's Avatar
    am urcat cateva replay-uri pe canal vs iceman, un jucator foarte bun de Gouken din Ploiesti

  15. #2835 SP
    Senior Member Florin85's Avatar
    Ma baieti , voi pe ce cont jucati , pe ala de uk sau pe ala de ro... ca sunt satul de straini Floris85R id uk Hrotghar id RO

  16. #2836 SP
    Senior Member Mr.KaKa's Avatar
    Suntem multi romani care jucam pe PC SSF4 AE2012.

    ---------- Post added 28-04-2012 at 05:09 PM ----------

    TriForce cu povesti din fostul arcade ChinaTown Fair!

  17. #2837 SP
    Senior Member Florin85's Avatar
    ee eu nu am un pc actualizat sa pot duce astfel de jocuri .. ma refeream la varianta PS3 daca mai jucati , stiu ca joaca bozy ,oee si kausemoredamage juca intrun timp , ee oricum luam bataie si acuma manc bataie la greu

  18. #2838 SP
    Member monstrul's Avatar

  19. #2839 SP
    Member SwingShot's Avatar
    Pff...cata rabdare..

  20. #2840 SP
    Member monstrul's Avatar

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