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Thread: Doom The Dark Ages

  1. #1 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar

    Doom The Dark Ages

    Coform unui document ZeniMax, de dinainte sa fie cumparati de Microsoft, rezulta ca lucreaza la un nou Doom, caruia ii este planuit si un DLC.

    Doom Year Zero avea data de lansare pentru 2023, dar pandemia nu a fost luata in calcul, asadar ne putem astepta la 2024-2025, chiar mai mult.
    Attached Images Attached Images image.png

  2. #2 SP
    Banned olteanug's Avatar
    Ce zice mă ăsta?

  3. #3 SP
    Senior Member sexbobomb91's Avatar
    Clickbait stupid care se pare ca functioneaza pentru tine.

  4. #4 SP
    Banned olteanug's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by sexbobomb91 View Post
    Clickbait stupid care se pare ca functioneaza pentru tine.
    Tu ai vizionat clipul înainte să etichetezi?

  5. #5 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Zvonurile spun ca e Doom: The Dark Ages:
    Quote Originally Posted by Insider Gaming
    Insider Gaming understands that the next game in the DOOM franchise is set to be revealed during this year’s Xbox Games Showcase on June 9. The game, which has been under the codename/placeholder title ‘Year Zero’ is understood to have the final name ‘DOOM: The Dark Ages’ and has been in development for at least four years.

    Last year, I heard of early details of the next entry into the DOOM franchise, which was described to me as a ‘medieval inspired doom world’. While that doesn’t necessarily give much information to go on, ‘year zero’, ‘the dark ages’, and ‘medieval inspired’ starts to paint a vivid picture of where the series could be going next. Perhaps we’ll be taking more of an early look at the Doomslayer’s life during the medieval times? A prequel of sorts?
    DOOM: The Dark Ages to be Revealed at Xbox Games Showcase - Insider Gaming

  6. #6 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Trailer 1:

    XS, PS5, PC (Windows, Steam).
    Game Pass Day One.

  7. #7 SP
    Senior Member Xander RO's Avatar
    Cred ca a fost singurul moment din conferinta pentru care am pus pauza ca sa-mi conectez castile... asa ceva, asa arme, asa feeling...

  8. #8 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Trailer breakdown:
    It's been four years since Doom Eternal was released to widespread acclaim - and id Software is finally ready to reveal its latest game, powered by the current-gen version of its legendarily performant id Tech engine. Alex Battaglia shares his thoughts on what we saw from the Xbox Showcase teaser.

  9. #9 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Lansare in 15 mai:

    DOOM: The Dark Ages - Collector's Bundle – Official Bethesda Gear Store:
    Pre-order now to receive the Void DOOM Slayer Skin at launch. 

    The Collector’s Bundle of DOOM: The Dark Ages features a 12” DOOM Slayer statue with Shield Saw and detachable Super Shotgun, flail and faux fur cape, and a replica Red Key Card placed inside the SteelBook® Case. 

    Also included is the Premium Edition with up to 2-Days Early Access*, the campaign DLC**, the Digital Artbook and Soundtrack, and the Divinity Skin Pack, which includes matching skins for the DOOM Slayer, dragon, and Atlan. 
    Attached Images Attached Images doom-thedarkages-collectorsbundle-doom_ce-gridimage-600x900-1-xbox.jpg doom-thedarkages-collectorsbundle-steam_doom_ce-gridimage-600x900-2.jpg

  10. #10 SP
    Senior Member Xander RO's Avatar
    Vai de capul meu cum arata jocul dar mai ales figurina din editia de colectie!
    @Paul, mi-ai creeat scandal in familie, preorder completed!

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