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Thread: Summer Game Fest 2024

  1. #1 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar

    Cool Summer Game Fest 2024

    Showcase in 8 iunie, 00:00, dureaza 2 ore:
    It's officially official: On Friday, June 7 @SummerGameFest streams live from @youtubetheater in LA at 2p PT / 5p ET / 9p GMT.

    A two hour showcase of what's next in gaming.

    Sign up now at for event alerts.
    Attached Images Attached Images gijmpgwxwaaotjp.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Ubisoft Forward pe 10 iunie:

  3. #3 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Xbox Games Showcase, urmat de [REDACTED] Direct in 9 iunie, 20:00:
    Quote Originally Posted by Xbox Wire
    Mark your calendars! The Xbox Games Showcase will be livestreamed on June 9, 2024, starting at 10am PT / 1pm ET / 6pm BST (additional time zones below).

    Like our double-feature last year with Starfield Direct, immediately following the Showcase we’ll be airing a special deep-dive into the next installment of a beloved franchise. We can’t say much, so for now we’ll call it the Xbox Games Showcase followed by [REDACTED] Direct.

    This will also be our first Showcase featuring games from our portfolio of studios across Activision, Blizzard, Bethesda and Xbox Game Studios, in addition to titles from our third-party partners.
    Xbox Games Showcase Followed by [REDACTED] Direct Airs June 9 - Xbox Wire

    Zvonurile spun ca va fi anuntat un nou Gears, iar al doilea showcase e despre Call of Duty.
    Attached Images Attached Images xbox-games-showcase-2024-hero-a6dc9c9fda53f2ec5484-1536x864.jpg

  4. #4 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    THQ Nordic Showcase 2024 in 2 august, 22:00:
    Another year, another line-up!

    THQ Nordic is at it again: our Digital Showcase 2024 will air on Friday, August 2nd, 2024 at 12 PM PDT / 3 PM EDT / 8 PM BST / 9 PM CEST / 10 PM EEST.

    HandyGames will once again start off with a pre-show to give you a taste of their titles, this will take us right to the THQ Nordic showcase which will serve up a whole host of game announcements and project updates.

    More information to be published soon.
    Printre jocurile prezentate vor fi Gothic 1 Remake si Titan Quest 2.
    Attached Images Attached Images showcase_1920_1080-20-281-29.jpg

  5. #5 SP
    Member lucicleric's Avatar
    Amazing fingers crossed pentru un release date TQ 2 :X

  6. #6 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Devolver Direct in 8 iunie, 03:00:

  7. #7 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Al doilea Silent Hill Transmission (prima editie a fost in 2022) in 31 mai, 02:00, cu updates despre proiectele Silent Hill:

  8. #8 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Geoff Keighley Wants You To Lower Your Expectations For Summer Game Fest
    This year’s showcase will be focused on updates to already announced games

    Parca nu mai sunt asa excited si cu siguranta nu voi mai sta sa-l vad live, mai ales cand incepe la 12 noaptea pentru noi

  9. #9 SP
    Senior Member sexbobomb91's Avatar
    La cat hype faceau anii trecuti pentru nimica toata, inseamna ca anul asta va fi chiar jalnic .

  10. #10 SP
    Vires Intus eagle-eye's Avatar
    Banuiesc ca fiecare studio mare si-a strans si mai multe din jucariile de anul asta si le pastreaza pentru showcase-urile proprii, gen Ubi Forward sau Xbox Showcase. Poate doar vreun teaser sa vedem sau ceva care sa hypeze un pic mai mult cele doua event-uri mentionate (gen un teaser la next gears of war), dar maxim atat.

  11. #11 SP
    Senior Member sexbobomb91's Avatar

  12. #12 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar

  13. #13 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    S-ar lucra la Halo: Combat Evolved remaster multiplatform.

    Foarte bine, sper sa faca asta si cu restul jocurilor, pentru ca au multiplayer si au nevoie de jucatori. Sa faca asa cu toate Halo/Gears, cu exceptia ultimelor (Infinite/5), care sa ramana exclusive. Cand apar Infinite 2/6, sa devina Infinite/5 multiplatform si tot asa.
    Quote Originally Posted by Eurogamer
    Microsoft is reportedly working on a remaster of Bungie's classic first-person shooter Halo: Combat Evolved and is eyeing up a PlayStation release - alongside multi-console releases for the likes of Hellbalde 2 and the next Doom - potentially marking a landmark moment for one of Xbox's most recognisable exclusives.

    Other Xbox games currently being considered for a multi-console release are said to include Doom: The Dark Ages (seemingly set for a reveal during this weekend's Xbox Games Showcase), Hellblade 2, Starfield, Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition, and Age of Mythology.

    Gears 6, Playground Games' Fable reboot, and We Happy Few developer Compulsion's South of Midnight - all set to feature in this weekend's showcase according to Warren, with the latter two likely getting 2025 release dates - are reportedly not currently being considered for a multi-console release.
    Halo: Combat Evolved remaster reportedly in the works, being considered for PlayStation release |

  14. #14 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Livestream: SGF 2024 Showcase:

    Haideti pe ChatBox!

  15. #15 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Guerrilla Collective 2024:

    Day of the Devs: Summer Game Fest 2024 Edition:

    Devolver Direct 2024:

    Future of Play Direct Season 5:

    Wholesome Direct 2024:

    Future Games Show: Summer Showcase 2024:

    Xbox Games Showcase 2024 + Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Direct:

    PC Gaming Show 2024:

  16. #16 SP
    Senior Member Xander RO's Avatar
    Astia de la Microsoft zici ca sunt din scenariul ala in care te duci nervos acasa chitit sa troznesti nevasta si cand intri pe usa te asteapta cu o masa din aia de 4* si imbracata cum iti place tie... n-ai cum asa ceva, dupa ce scoti ficatii din mine cu N+1 decizii proaste, sa vii cu cea mai tare conferinta din ultimii 5-6 ani (sau 8-9? Exagerez?).

    Joc dupa joc, hit dupa hit, boom dupa boom hai cu Stalker 2, stai ca avem si DOOM, avem si Gears of War nou si Fable, intra si-un Call of Duty promitator, dar stai asa ca avem si Perfect Dark, debutam si-un Wuchang care arata cool, nu mai zic de Clair Obscur: Expedition 33... WOW!
    La un moment dat, simteam nevoia sa clipesc mai rar, mi-am amintit de E3-ul acela din 2015 cand au rupt kilometrajul astia de la SONY!!!

    In caz ca avem vreo doamna sau domnisoara printre noi, inainte sa ma judece as dori sa mentionez ca paralela facuta in prima fraza a fost un simplu pamflet, nu incurajez astfel de practici de neanderthal, ba chiar as putea afirma ca e mincinos ala caruia nu-i e frica de nevasta!

  17. #17 SP
    Vires Intus eagle-eye's Avatar
    Ce mi se pare un pic trist e cum majoritatea jocurilor alora vor fi day one la game pass. Si zic trist pt developeri, chiar nu vad cum e sustainable asemenea practica pentru ei, decat in cazul in care Microsoft le da o gramada de bani, ceea ce inseamna ca Microsoft o sa sparga pusculita si cel mai probabil o sa vina cu mariri de preturi la game pass. Also sunt multe strings attached la treaba asta, de exemplu sistemul de bonusare existent in majoritatea studiourilor e bazat pe vanzari, iar daca tu ca studio lansezi jocul pe game pass implicit nu o sa ai vanzari multe, deci nici angajatii nu prind bonus, desi probabil jocul rupe si e jucat in prostie. E foarte greu sa contorizezi asa ceva, mai ales daca nu esti sub caciula Microsoft.

    Cu toate ca am game pass, voi cumpara jocurile alea care merita la pretul lor full.

  18. #18 SP
    Senior Member Xander RO's Avatar
    Exact, iar personal ma derenjeaza cum vad, fara sa-mi doresc asta ci facand un simplu scroll, cum un numar foarte mare de persoane se scandalizeaza absolut cand mai maresc astia preturile la Gamepass cu cate 2-3$/luna, de parca ii fura cineva.

    Nu vreau sa par batran, dar in my good times, mergeam 7 statii de metrou pana la Victoriei si ma intalneam cu webpredator ca sa joc Call of Duty sau Fable, month one! Spun 'month one' pentru ca le aducea de la dracu cu carti de unde le aducea (oficiale, region free) si dura tot procesul, nu mai spun de pretul full care, desi era mai mic in 2005-2010 decat acum (parca ma costa '3 milioane' un joc full), comparat cu veniturile generale ale populatiei de acum, erau extrem de scumpe.

    Acum dai frate 15$ pe luna si joci day one jocuri ca Fable, Call of Duty, Stalker, Hellblade 2, DOOM, Gears of War, oh my fgod, iar daca-l maresc astia la 17$ in loc de 15 ii vezi cum ii injura pe facebook de parca ii fura cineva.

  19. #19 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Xander RO View Post vii cu cea mai tare conferinta din ultimii 5-6 ani (sau 8-9? Exagerez?).
    Fix asta ma gandeam si eu aseara - oare cand am mai vazut o conferinta atat de buna? Nu mai tin minte, poate niciodata, sau poate prin anii de glorie ai X360 - cert este ca in majoritatea conferintelor, fie ca sunt Sony (unde la ultimul state of play poate mi-au placut 2 din 15 jocuri sau cate au aratat), sau altii cunoscuti sau nu, au jocuri peste care mi-as dori sa dau cu skip, dar fiind live, nu am cum.
    Dar aseara efectiv ma uitam, trecea copilu prin fata TV-ului si urlam sa se dea mai repede ca pierde tati ce se intampla pe ecran

    Asa da!

    Pacat totusi ca nu exista hardware nou si nici nu au facut vreun update pe noi regiuni - dar poate in august...

  20. #20 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Ubisoft Forward, ora 22:00:

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