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Thread: Tekken 7

  1. #1 SP
    Senior Member Nash's Avatar

    Tekken 7

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    Katsuhiro Harada revealed that Tekken 7 is already in production, but that its development is still in early stages of production.

  2. #2 SP
    Senior Member Diesel's Avatar
    Daca si asta o sa fie un simplu port de la versiunea Arcade, mai degraba dau banii pe altceva.

  3. #3 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    Good news!

    ...din păcate, Alisa va avea aceeasi soarta, �n Tekken 7, ca și combot din Tekken 4

    ---------- Post added 28-05-2010 at 06:05 PM ---------- pare că lumea vrea TTT2

    ---------- Post added 28-05-2010 at 06:06 PM ----------

    Tekken Zaibatsu Forums - Tekken 7 Announced!

  4. #4 SP
    Senior Member Nash's Avatar
    Tekken 7: Bringing Tag Back?

    For some hardcore fans, Tekken 6 was a disappointment on many levels. One of the many reason were mainly because Tekken 6: Bloodline Rebellion was a two year old Arcade port by the time of it’s console release. Many were turned off by the fact that Namco offer nothing new in the PS360 versions of the game which was quite the opposite of what Namco has done with past games.

    Despite it’s flaws Tekken 6 managed to sell over 1m copies worldwide and is still considered to be one of the best 3D fighter available. With the inevitable announcement that Tekken 7 is currently in development fans of the series may be hoping Namco Bandai’s Katsuhiro Harada will implement a feature not seen in Tekken since it’s PlayStation 2 days: a Tag Mode.

    Tekken Tag Tournament for the PS2 is considered to be one of the best, if not the best, game of the series by Tekken afficianodoes. In a year old interview with “Mr Tekken” himself, Katsuhiro Harada was a asked by Kotaku what his future plans were( for Tekken?)

    Mister Harada’s answer: “There are two products we’re working on at the moment that haven’t been announced yet, so we can’t say much. But one thing I will say is [we’re focusing on] the versus aspect, and it’s not necessarily one player versus one.”

    Unless Harada’s response was referring to the upcoming Dragon Ball Z: Tenkaichi Tag Team for the PSP, Tekken 7 just may answer gamers’ prayers for another Tekken Tag installment

  5. #5 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Daca nu se apuca sa-l refaca de la zero pt. next-gen, nici nu mai vreau sa aud de tekken... Pur si simplu au luat un port si au inceput sa adauge tone de accesorii si luptatori, de parca in asta consta farmecul sau...

  6. #6 SP
    Senior Member Diesel's Avatar
    Tonele alea de accesorii nici macar nuerau asa de multe. Din 10 accesorii diferite faceau 100, doar pentru ca sapca gri si sapca verde erau considerate accesorii total diferite, de exemplu. Bineinteles, in loc sa te coste 10.000 de puncte in plus o culoare noua, costa inca 600.000. Ma omoara fazele astea.

    Din partea mea, mai degraba scoteau 90% din accesorii pentru ca majoritatea erau mult prea ridicole. Adica nu e totusi un joc casual, nu e Brawl pe Nintendo unde se bate Link cu Donkey Kong. In acelasi timp, cum pot sa iau un serios un joc in care oponentul meu e Jin cu funda mare roz in cap si ochelari disco? Phuck itttt.

    Am fost mult mai multumit de Tekken 5 luat de pe PSN decat de Tekken 6.

    Pe langa renuntarea la majoritatea ciudateniilor ridicole prezente in Tekken 6, de la Tekken 7 mi-as dori taaare mult inca trei lucruri: 1: posibilitatea sa schimbi schemele in Practice Mode fara sa trebuiasca sa dai start, command list, select si hold (La tekken 5 schimbai schema din R2 sau L2).

    2. Sistem de reluari cam ca in Dirt 2, mai ales ca Tekken e un joc specatculos, nu vad sa fie atat de greu sa poti da un slow motion si sa poti roti camera in jurul personajelor la reluari.

    3. Nici sa nu se mai chinuie cu un Scenario Campaign Mode daca o sa iasa la fel de penal si aiurea facut ca cel din Tekken 6. Am impresia ca erau toti developerii drogati cand au hotarat ca ar fi interesant un nivel intreg numai cu ursuleti.

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