Borderlands 2 a primit 9.75 de la GameInformer in ultimul numar al revistei acestora. Puteam fi siguri ca continuarea unui joc bun trebuie sa fie tot un joc bun, mai ales cand vine si din partea unor dezvoltatori seriosi, dar a oferit mai mult si a intrecut predecesorul.
Pe, Borderlands 2 primește 20% reducere, și există un cupon care mai adaugă reducerii �ncă 25%. Deci ieșiți la $36, cu cheie activabilă pe Steam. Good deal!
Puteti vedea si aloca puncte in fiecare SKILL TREE. Deci treceti la treaba si construiti "The Ultimate Badass Build".
Borderlands 2
Nu ma plictisesc sa ma uit ore intregi la oameni cum se joaca Borderlands 2 .
Care e prima clasa care o s-o folositi si de ce?
Eu nu m-am decis 100% dar cred ca o sa merg cu Axton (Commando) deoarece imi place sa fiu engineer in TF2.
Grea alegere, momentan inca sunt indecis intre Zero si Maya.
In Borderlands 1 am dus Siren la level max si cu tot content-ul finalizat, asa ca am multe amintiri placute cu aceasta clasa.
Dar pe alta parte stilul lui Zero imi pare foarte interesant.
Clar o sa bag si mechromancer in momentul incare se lanseaza DLC-ul.[COLOR="Silver"]
In Borderlands 1 am fost Mordecai lvl 70 max (cu toate dlc-urile) dar acum nu stiu dar zero e super interesant..
Borderlands 2 Developer Walkthrough: Gunzerker Skill Tree
Borderlands 2 Developer Walkthrough: Commando Skill Tree
Borderlands 2 Developer Walkthrough: Siren Skill Tree
Borderlands 2 Developer Walkthrough: Assassin Skill Tree
Extended Borderlands 2 Interview With Randy Pitchford - Up At Noon
A new Borderlands 2 character, Gaige the Mechromancer, arrives October 16 for FREE to Premiere Club members
De-Pixelated - Borderlands
---------- Post added 15-09-2012 at 12:16 AM ----------
@IlieRazvan - no clue, nu m-am uitat inca la el.
---------- Post added 15-09-2012 at 08:52 AM ----------
Borderlands 2 - Mount Jackmore Trailer
'Borderlands' executive producer hints at upcoming DLC | The Verge
Future downloadable content for Borderlands 2 could send players sand sailing, according to a hint dropped at the 2K Borderlands 2 panel during Gearbox Software Community Day.
Randy Pitchford, the executive producer for both Borderlands games and the CEO and president of Gearbox, told fans to think Star Wars: Return of the Jedi.
"I've always wanted to ride a sail barge and drive a sand skiff," said Pitchford. "I've always wanted to do that, and we've got some cool stuff that's along those lines."