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Thread: Articole interesante legate de gaming

  1. #61 SP
    Senior Member Tudoran's Avatar

  2. #62 SP
    Senior Member Enthroll's Avatar
    War never changes • Opinions • Xbox One •

    Vorbeste despre conferintele de la E3 Sony si Ms. Merge bine acum cand s-au mai calmat spiritele.

  3. #63 SP
    Senior Member sexbobomb91's Avatar

  4. #64 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    Assassin's Creed: Nazi Hunter
    Attached Images Attached Images 1371498205-assassins-creed-nazi-hunter.jpg

  5. #65 SP
    Member cristian77's Avatar

  6. #66 SP
    Senior Member Tudoran's Avatar
    IGN Presents the History of Final Fantasy - IGN

    Un articol excelent scris si cu foarte mult detalii. Am citit toate cele 12 pagini inainte sa postez aici. Explica extrem de multe lucruri despre serie (schimbari facute, development process, poveste etc) fara sa ofere spoilere care ar putea strica experienta unui gamer care vrea sa se apuce de aceasta serie incredibila.

    Au uitat sa mentioneze de Final Fantasy: Crisis Core ca mi se pare cel mai bun joc pt PSP si unul dintre cele mai bune din serie, dar nu poti sa le ai pe toate I guess . Merita citit, in caz ca aveti chef de o mica "lectie de istorie" in gaming.

    Abia astept sa vad ce au de gand sa faca cei de la Square Enix cu urmatoarele titluri care mi-au trezit din nou interesul fata de acesta serie (ma refer la FF XIV: A realm reborn si FF XV... Lightning Returns nu ma prea intereseaza). Aceasta e una dintre cele mai vechi serii care si-au lasat serios amprenta in gaming si care au influentat foarte mult producatorii de console (Nintendo si Sony in special). Nu ma indoiesc ca seria Final Fantasy va rezista usor cel putin inca 10-15 ani. Daca vor livra titluri cel putin la fel de bune ca inainte (in special cele de pe PS1 si PS2) atunci eu ii voi sustine si cand vor lansa Final Fantasy 30.

    P.s. mi-a placut si incheierea:

    While we can only guess where the Final Fantasy series will be 5, 10, or 20 years from now, there are three things we can all-but promise to gaming's longest swan song: crystals, chocobos, and a guy named Cid.

  7. #67 SP
    Senior Member Tudoran's Avatar

  8. #68 SP
    Member blackjack2150's Avatar

    Foarte interesant.

  9. #69 SP

  10. #70 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar

  11. #71 SP

  12. #72 SP
    Senior Member Tudoran's Avatar
    video-ul e crema, nu articolul. Nu stiu daca se mai joaca lumea FF VII (sau daca vor avea de gand), dar are cateva spoilere pe `ici, pe `colo. 100 Things You Might Not Know About Final Fantasy VII

  13. #73 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar

    Doamne da sa vedem ZombiU pe PS3/X360!

  14. #74 SP

  15. #75 SP

  16. #76 SP
    Senior Member Clopotarul's Avatar
    Rumor: 'Left 4 Dead 3' countdown appears - -

    Are you sitting down? Good, now take several thousand grains of salt and take two relaxing breaths.

    A suspicious looking URL has just been uncovered that appears to be a countdown clock for Left 4 Dead 3, complete with a Source 2 logo. When it comes to Valve rumors, I’m as skeptical as it gets. With something like this, I’m almost positive this is a fake. However, the lovely Doug Veney looked at the source code of the site, and found some similarities in terms of structure and file paths when compared to Valve’s official Left 4 Dead site. This doesn’t confirm that this L4D3 site was made by Valve, but it gives a tiny bit of credence to that theory. However, this seems far too obvious to be the work of those geniuses from Bellevue.
    Left 4 Dead 3

  17. #77 SP
    Senior Member Tudoran's Avatar

  18. #78 SP
    Senior Member Tudoran's Avatar
    The Rise of eSports in America - IGN
    League of Legends professional players can now get US athlete visas | VG247

    Pe scurt? Evo, MLG, Twitch.TV, Team Houses , gaming community in colegiu (this IS the next american football ), descrieri despre fel de fel de jocuri si evolutia generala a eSport-urilor in Statele Unite (si inca cateva tari). Power to the gamers!

  19. #79 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar

  20. #80 SP

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