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Thread: Articole interesante legate de gaming

  1. #81 SP

  2. #82 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Un articol super interesant legat de cat ar costa consolele incepand din 1977 si pana astazi, daca s-ar lua in calcul inflatia: Are the PS4 and Xbox One really that expensive, historically? | Ars Technica.
    Attached Images Attached Images consolechart.png

  3. #83 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Am descoperit o pagina interesanta unde Emmortal982 a re-desenat monstrii din Doom. Atasez imaginile dar mai multe sunt sigur ca veti gasi aici: Emortal982's deviantART Gallery.
    Attached Images Attached Images arch_vile_by_emortal982-d66m6g8.jpg baron_of_hell_hell_knight_by_emortal982-d6cx0cx.jpg cacodemon_by_emortal982-d6610go.jpg cyberdemon_by_emortal982-d65eldb.jpg doom__zombie_soldiers_by_emortal982-d67pgun.jpg mancubus_by_emortal982-d655dia.jpg pinky_demon_by_emortal982-d6cmyjg.jpg revenant_by_emortal982-d65kwck.jpg spider_mastermind_by_emortal982-d65fxlz.jpg

  4. #84 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    GameStop has announced that it has shuttered 52 stores over the last quarter leaving the chain with 6,505 outlets worldwide.
    "We ended the quarter with 6,505 stores," Rob Lloyd, GameStop's chief financial officer, commented. "We opened seven and closed 46 in the U.S., and opened six and closed six internationally. We still expect to reduce our store base by about two percent this year."
    The world's largest game retailer announced that it would be closing 250 stores this year in February; representing two per cent of the company.
    Despite the closures GameStop expects to see "the largest console launch in history" this November with the release of the Xbox One and the PS4.
    The chain is said to have increased its launch capacity by as much as 60 per cent over the PS3 and Xbox 360 and will have a "significant increase" in launch quantities over current generation consoles.

  5. #85 SP
    Senior Member solecon's Avatar

  6. #86 SP

  7. #87 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar

  8. #88 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    Heavy Rain, one of the most memorable, unique experiences to hit the PlayStation 3, could have been an Xbox 360 title. At least, that’s according to Quantic Dream head of development David Cage, who recently spoke on the topic during a BAFTA presentation. Even though Microsoft enjoyed Cage’s past work, the premise of Heavy Rain gave the company too many concerns.

  9. #89 SP
    Senior Member darkpaul13's Avatar
    Nu e un articol dar e interesant..mai luati apa in gura ca faceti la atatea discutii despre gta..

  10. #90 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar

  11. #91 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar

  12. #92 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    Sega Sammy Buys Atlus' Parent Company, Index Corporation
    Attached Images Attached Images 1379489791-sega-sammy-group-2.jpg 1379489793-sega-sammy-group-1.jpg

  13. #93 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    AMD must be doing something right in the wonderful world of business, as both the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 will be powered by the company’s chips. It’s a unique situation for the manufacturer to be in, but because of this next-gen hardware monopoly, VP Matt Skynner is confident that AMD will have an edge in PC gaming going forward.

  14. #94 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar

  15. #95 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    According to a statement from the State Council, foreign companies operating within the trade zone will be able to offer so-far unspecified information technology services, including Internet, software, data processing and storage services. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology is expected to release more specific guidelines in the coming months, according to lawyers.

  16. #96 SP
    Senior Member Tudoran's Avatar
    Un interviu oferit de David Cage (omul care nu se poate abtina sa nu faca orice joc video sa fie la fel de cinematic asemeni unui film)

    Beyond: Two Souls – David Cage talks movies, audience, accessibility | VG247

  17. #97 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Cei de la au realizat ceva vizual legat de razboiul consolelor next-gen. Enjoy!
    Next gen infographic | GamesRadar
    Attached Images Attached Images next_gen_console_war_1.jpg next_gen_console_war_2.jpg next_gen_console_war_3.jpg next_gen_console_war_4.jpg next_gen_console_war_5.jpg next_gen_console_war_6.jpg next_gen_console_war_7.jpg next_gen_console_war_8.jpg

  18. #98 SP
    Senior Member Tudoran's Avatar
    ^ scurt si la subiect. Facts vs facts. Asta vreau sa vad cand e vorba de comparatii intre console. Good stuff. Thanks for sharing, MonkY!

    Here's my stuff for today:

    Part I (in case you missed it): Rising to Greatness: The History of Naughty Dog - IGN

    Part 2 (abia lansat): Rising to Greatness: The History of Naughty Dog - IGN

  19. #99 SP
    Senior Member Teo's Avatar
    Nu cred ca s-au strofocat prea mult la obtinerea detaliilor corecte. PS4 avea GDDr5 iar legat de mandatory install mi-o fi scapat mie dar s-a anuntat clar ca nu va avea?

  20. #100 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    The game is called Alien: Isolation, and we hear it will be on both current- and next-gen consoles next year. Isolation is developed by the British studio Creative Assembly (Total War); it's a first-person shooter that uses both stealth and horror elements; and it's inspired by games like Dishonored and Bioshock, according to our source, a person familiar with goings-on at Sega, who spoke under condition of anonymity in the interest of protecting their job.

    ---------- Post added 24-10-2013 at 17:31 ----------

    Millions of buyers are excited to finally sink their teeth into November’s feast of next-generation technology, but not everyone connected to the industry sees the appeal of the highly anticipated launches. Adrian Chmielarz, former creative director at Gears of War: Judgment and Bulletstorm studio People Can Fly, argues that the software lineups being provided by the two boxes are generic.

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