Se stie de mai bine de 1 an de colaborarea celor de la UFC cu EA pentru un nou joc din aceasta serie si cu aceasta ocazie primim si un teaser care ne anunta ca jocul va fi prezent la E3 unde vom avea mai multe detalii.
Se stie de mai bine de 1 an de colaborarea celor de la UFC cu EA pentru un nou joc din aceasta serie si cu aceasta ocazie primim si un teaser care ne anunta ca jocul va fi prezent la E3 unde vom avea mai multe detalii.
Prezentarea gameplay-ul incepe din minutul 5:30. BEAST
Feel the Fight
Gamers can Feel the Fight in EA SPORTS UFC, which means bringing characters to life using the most realistic Fighter Likeness ever delivered, combined with a new facial animation system that communicates aggression, pain, fatigue, excitement and awareness.
Fighters will also move around the OctagonTM with a real sense of weight and momentum while utilizing an enormous variety of strikes. Precision Movement, an all-new locomotion system, prevents the fighters from sliding or floating across the surface of the OctagonTM and makes Dynamic Striking more impactful by allowing the fighters to firmly plant their feet and deliver authentic power transfer in every strike.
Full-Body Deformation, an all-new, full-character, collision deformation system ensures that the fighter’s flesh moves and displaces in real time. Finally, Real-Time Exertion allows for real-time vein-popping, skin discoloration, muscle flex, as well as signs of fatigue setting in through the course of each round. You will witness the effort it takes to be one of the best fighters in the world. Both of these features are showcased in the gameplay reveal above.
UFC on PS4, Xbox One will run at 1080p, 30fps -- PlayStation Universe
The upcoming next-generation installment in the UFC franchise will run at a resolution of 1080p at 30fps.
Speaking with GamingBolt, the game’s Creative Director, Brian Hayes, said: “UFC is running at 1080p. The game sim is running at 60 FPS, but rendering at 30 FPS with motion blur.”
“In fact, when we focus tested the two, the majority of people preferred the 30FPS experience with motion blur. So, as opposed to arbitrarily jumping back to 60 FPS for little discernible benefit, we decided to put those resources towards improving the visual presentation of the game in other ways.”
Developed by EA Sports, the new UFC title will take full advantage of the power of PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, thanks to its use of the Ignite Engine. Due in May 2014, UFC will feature the most realistic depiction of the sport on consoles to date, featuring a full range of moves and body movement.
Eu unul am sperante mari (avand in vedere ca toate echipele de la Fight Night au lucrat la el). Ma enerveaza insa lipsa informatiilor si aproape zero gameplay aratat... Dar, pana in Mai 2014... mai e cale lunga. Pun si doua mici trailere, care vad ca nu exista pe thread.
Arata al naibii de bine! Mai vem si un mic interviu dat de EA Sports UFC Executive Producer, Brian Hayes: EA Sports UFC - Quick Fire Questions - Doctor Stoppages, Leg breaks and more.
Hai ca arata bine. Eu sunt al naibii de curios de control... in special la modul in care schimbi pozitiile, tipurile de lovituri, etc... Sper sa nu fie doar un "button masher" si sa faca engine-ul toate cele, in functie de situatie.
The UFC Mystery Fighter :
Mi se pare extrem de tare ideea de a baga un luptator celebru (care n-a fost in UFC/MMA niciodata) ; Ce-ar fi daca l-ar introduce pe Bruce Lee ,Ali sau Tyson ? Oricum felicitari EA pentru idee.
Se pare ca Bruce Lee este luptatorul surpriza: EA Sports UFC June Release and Bruce Lee Pre-Order Bonus Leaked - Playstation 4, PlayStation 3 News At
In sfarsit un meci complet. Dupa ce l-am vazut pot spune ca, chiar mai bine decat ma asteptam.
EA Sports UFC looks ultra-freakin' real
Jocul asta o sa fie motivul pentru care am de gand sa-mi cumpar PS4.Asta chiar e joc next-gen.
Imi vine sa plang uitandu-ma la gameplay
OFF : Cei care deja aveti Ps4 ,fiti pe faza ca va urma si un DEMO cat de curand .