L-am luat de pe celalat CG cu $15 Imi place de nu mai pot Imi place ca devine tot mai complicat pe masura ce joc si pe masura ce gasesc carti mai bune. Inca n-am incercat arena, ca vreau sa deblochez toate cartile la toti eroii
L-am luat de pe celalat CG cu $15 Imi place de nu mai pot Imi place ca devine tot mai complicat pe masura ce joc si pe masura ce gasesc carti mai bune. Inca n-am incercat arena, ca vreau sa deblochez toate cartile la toti eroii
s-au trimis toate zic ei. 75,000 de participanti au fost si doar 2600 de invitatii, deci ....
Am primit si eu 2 keyuri azi, nu stiu daca toti au primit doua sau din cauza ca am fost client fidel blizzard pana acum
Din pacate nu prea pot sa ma joc pentru ca pica serverul din 5 in 5 minute si e si mai enervat ca dupa ce pica nu se salveaza nimic, chiar
aveam chef sa joc... Sa speram ca maine va fi mai ok
Eu n-am avut probleme cu serverul. Doar ieri a fost picat, dar nu mergea nici sa intru in joc, si cred ca era ceva programat.
Eu pot intra acum dar se blocheaza la loading in practice/Imi spune ca nu imi poate gasii oponent de acelasi nivel la play.
iPhone and Android versions of Hearthstone are in development and slated for release during the second half of 2014.
Daca te mai intereseaza scrie-mi PM, ti-l tin rezervat
---------- Post added 09-12-2013 at 18:18 ----------
Din pacate am pierdut key-ul venit pe mail, nu stiu cum sa il recuperez. Imi cer scuze baieti.
Hearthstone Enters Open Beta - IGNBlizzard's first-ever card game, Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft, has finally entered open beta in North America, Latin America, South East Asia, Australia and New Zealand, making it playable for anyone who wishes to download it.
The upcoming free-to-play game has been in a closed, invitation-only beta since last year. The open beta was scheduled to begin in December, but ended up being delayed. That decision came as a result of Blizzard's desire to continue soliciting feedback from participants of the closed beta, particularly in light of a major patch that was launched last month.
Subsequently, the start of the second Test Season was delayed in early January following the discovery of new bugs. Test Season 2 did finally get underway on January 9, at which point players' ranks were reset.
For those in the regions with access, the Hearthstone open beta -- available on PC and Mac -- can be downloaded from the official website and only requires a free Battle.net account to play. According to Blizzard, there are no future wipes planned for the game, meaning players can collect cards without fear of losing them due to the release of a new update. It did, however, warn that it might be forced to disable account activations for a period of time if its servers are overwhelmed with demand.
While this open beta launch is limited to those in the 'North America region' (which includes North America, Latin America, South East Asia, Australia and New Zealand), Blizzard says it will be allowing other regions into the beta in the "next few days." Android and iOS support, which was announced last year, is not yet available.
L-am jucat si eu azi cateva ore. La inceput a fost ok, dar din ultimele 10 meciuri nu stiu daca am castigat unul. Mathmaking-ul e cam praf