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Thread: Lords of the Fallen

  1. #1 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar

    Lords of the Fallen

    Work on Lords of the Fallen 2 has begun •
    Work on Lords of the Fallen 2 has begun.

    Executive producer Tomasz Gop confirmed it in an email to me this morning. "We're now working on vision and concepts for Lords 2," he wrote, but wasn't ready to talk further details
    Attached Images Attached Images ss_d550de3de019863288e9845488dbff7c4c033250.1920x1080.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Member tzuik's Avatar
    Chiar o veste bună. Lords of the Fallen a fost una dintre surprizele plăcute ale anului, iar pe alocuri mi s-a părut chiar mai bun decât Dark Souls 2. Dacă introduc o lume ceva mai mare și diversă și posibilitatea să-ți faci tu personajul, are toate șansele să fie un sequel foarte bun.

  3. #3 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Lords of the Fallen 2 won't be released until 2017, and German developer Deck 13 - co-developer of the original - will not be involved.

    CI Games boss Marek Tyminski also told me at Digital Dragons in Poland that sales of Lords of the Fallen 1 had passed 900,000.

    "It's doing fine," he said of the original game, which launched in October 2014. "We are over 900,000 units. Not yet 1m but we are approaching that. And definitely it's a good start for the new IP. Definitely we can say that Lords of the Fallen 1 proved the IP made sense.

  4. #4 SP
    VIP Member OEE's Avatar
    Foarte bine, sper ca partea a doua să fie mai finalizată.

  5. #5 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by CI Games
    CI Games Announces New Studio Hexworks, Which Will Focus on Fantasy Action-RPGs
    Led by Executive Producer Saul Gascon and Creative Director Cezar Virtosu, this team features staff with significant AAA game development experience.

    (September 8th, 2020) — CI Games is proud to announce the opening of Hexworks, a brand new game development studio that is to be based in Barcelona and Bucharest. The Barcelona crew opened doors at the beginning of March, with the team in Bucharest following a few weeks later. Collectively, the team of veterans has been hard at work on their debut title: Lords of the Fallen 2. The fantasy action-RPG is targeted for next gen consoles and PC.

    “It’s been a long time since we started talking about Lords of the Fallen 2 and trying different ideas. I am very excited for us to be able to announce the new studio that has been already at work for the last half of the year and made significant progress,” says CI Games CEO Marek Tyminski. “Initially we decided to keep that quiet as we didn’t want to bring that to public eyes before we would build the core team and before we would all agree on the details of the first project and move forward with our vision. So, this is the time to officially say we are here and we’re here to stay.”

    Creative Director Cezar Virtosu and Executive Producer Saul Gascon lead a Hexworks team of around 25 people including veteran staff with AAA game development experience, but the studio is embracing a bit more of an indie approach to development as opposed to larger studios. Hexworks projects will focus on the high-quality craftsmanship of role-playing games.

    “As a dedicated gamer myself, I can feel when developers are passionate about the games they make,” says Executive Producer Saul Gascon. “And this is what our studio is all about: Creating games we love to play ourselves. We’ve gathered a kickass team of senior developers with a deep fascination for mature fantasy games. The path has been intense, especially with the global lockdown situation, but working shoulder-to-shoulder with Marek and Cezar, we’ve gathered a great team mostly from our networks. I can’t wait to share more information on the studio, and show what we are working on!”

    The studio’s debut will be Lords of the Fallen 2 and the Hexworks team hopes it serves as a prime example of the studio’s pillars. Inspired by community feedback for the first game, Lords of the Fallen 2 is a shift from the original’s power fantasy to a dark fantasy. The sequel will also be much more loyal to the challenging combat experience that the Soulsborne and Souls-like communities enjoy.

    “For many months now, the three of us worked defining and scoping the project, to find the right DNA that would grant us a competitive edge and still remain in the realm of feasibility,” says Hexworks Creative Director Cezar Virtosu. “It is challenging to develop combat focused games remotely, but this is offset by the ease of contacting and working with massive soulsborne fans scattered around the world. It is an intoxicating mix of indie production and fanwork, since we are not a big production block and we all come from the genre’s trenches, thus, regardless of nationality, we are speaking the same game language. We are enthusiastic about our mission and we are aiming to deliver a creatively charged gameplay experience within the genre’s framework.”

    The establishment of Hexworks sends ripples across CI Games proper, as well, as the group is focusing more on the development of CI’s own IPs. The new initiative is spurred by 5.7 million Euro that CI Games has just raised from investors in the last week.

    “I am very pleased with the strong interest from the investors,” Tyminski says. “This is a very good news for CI Games as a developer with studios in several locations in Europe.”

    Visit to learn more and stay tuned for more on The Lords of the Fallen 2.
    CI Games Announces New Studio Hexworks, Which Will Focus on Fantasy Action-RPGs - CI Games
    PS5, XSX, PC.
    Attached Images Attached Images hexworks_studio_ci_games.png

  6. #6 SP
    Senior Member dark18's Avatar

    The Lords of the Fallen introduces an all-new, epic RPG adventure in a vast, interconnected world more than five times larger than the original game.

    After an age of the cruellest tyranny, the demon God, Adyr, was finally defeated. But Gods… do not fall forever. Now, aeons later, Adyr’s resurrection draws nigh. As one of the fabled Dark Crusaders, journey through both the realms of the living and the dead in this expansive RPG experience, featuring colossal boss battles, fast challenging combat, thrilling character encounters, and deep, immersive storytelling. Will your legend be one of light… or one of darkness?

    The Lords of the Fallen, formerly Lords of the Fallen 2, will launch for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, and PC via Steam in 2023, publisher CI Games and developer Hexworks announced.

  7. #7 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Gameplay trailer:

  8. #8 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Renunta la "The".

    Technical showcase:

  9. #9 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Arata foarte bine joculetul asta. Extrem de detaliat iar iluminarea este fenomenala
    Vad ca zice ca are si global illumination, care se reflecta natural in incapere (probabil 1 bounce), dar si fixed lights invizibile, pt ca nu au suficienta putere de procesare sa stea doar in lumina aia reala.

  10. #10 SP
    Senior Member sexbobomb91's Avatar
    Thumbnail-ul ăla îmi dă vibe-uri de "We have Bloodborne at home" .

  11. #11 SP
    Member lucicleric's Avatar
    Ma duce cu gandul la demon's souls remake la cat de fluida e miscarea si grafica totodata. E o surpriza placuta

  12. #12 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Totusi e cam ciudat ca teoretic este Lords of the Fallen 2, dar se numeste tot Lords of the Fallen, desi nu este remake ci o continuare

  13. #13 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Gameplay trailer:

    13 octombrie.

  14. #14 SP
    Senior Member Srachi's Avatar
    Arata bine dar ce fel de joc va fi asta, ceva gen Demonbornsouls obositor de greu?

  15. #15 SP
    Junior Member Cutlac Gabi's Avatar

    PS: doar primu joc pe care-l termini din genu ala e greu. Dupa ce-l termini pe ăla restu-s floare la ureche...

  16. #16 SP
    Senior Member Srachi's Avatar
    Mi se par imposibile si pur si simplu am o vârsta la care nu mai am rabdarea ce am avut-o candva, plus impulsivitate si ma enervez ușor așa ca nu cred ca as putea termina cu va un joc de genul. Am incercat demon sould cand a apărut si dupa 2-3 ore eram tot la inceput, mi-a plăcut atmosfera din Bloodborne dar nici acolo nu am putut avansa prea mult, m-am lăsat pagubas si nu am mai incercat jocuri de sstea.
    Imi place ce vad si aici in trailer dar nu vreau sa sparg pe aici casa : ))

  17. #17 SP
    Senior Member Tudoran's Avatar
    Incearca Elden Ring daca mai vrei sa dai o sansa genre-ului, Soulsborne. Cred ca e cel mai accesibil din multe puncte de vedere (poate dupa aceea, toate celelalte o sa "click-uiasca" (asa a facut cu un prieten care s-a lasat rapid de DSIII)).

    On-topic: Sper ca jocul sa fie bun. Primul din serie l-am lasat dupa doua ore (imi dadea vibe de poor man's Dark Souls understandable, era primul lor joc de genul asta). Arata bine...dar momentan tot sunt tentat mai mult de Lies of P (seeting-ul mi se pare mai interesant) imi place si vibe-ul din LoTF (destul de Demons' Souls din unele puncte de vedere).

  18. #18 SP
    Member Mishy's Avatar
    Ce bine arata. Pare o combinatie dintre Dark Souls si Bloodborne, iar mecanica cu schimbatul lumilor e tare interesanta.

  19. #19 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Extended gameplay:

  20. #20 SP
    Member aleksandrel's Avatar
    Salut. Inca nu a aparut pentru precomanda?

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